On Windows, I use the amazingly functional file manager XYplorer, and I have various scripts that allow me to work with files in a variety of ways that just make it one of my most productive tools on the PC. I would love to have something as functional on macOS, but instead I end up using tools outside of my file management apps (I actually use Finder, Path Finder, and Forklift in different circumstances as each has their particular strengths) to enhance them. One of the things I created some XYplorer scripting for over on Windows was converting to and from spaces in file names. I like spaces in file names, but sometimes downloads come with spaces replaced by other characters, and sometimes uploads or system configurations don’t like spaces. While it is less frequent outside of the day job, I do still get these challenges in my personal computing, and so I came up with a semi-smart Apple Shortcuts-based automation to do some file renaming for me.