Acorn 8
December 16th, 2024.
Acorn 8 requires MacOS 14 or later.
# Big New Things in Acorn 8
- New Select ▸ "Select Subject" and "Mask Subject" menu commands. This uses Machine Learning to find the main subject in your image and either selecting it automatically or masking it out.
- New Layer ▸ Remove Background menu command which works just like the Mask Subject, but does it without adding a layer mask.
- New "New Live Text" tool. When used, Acorn will highlight the text on your canvas and you can click it to copy to the clipboard, or drag out a selection and copy multiple pieces of text to the clipboard at once. In addition a New "Copy Bitmap Text to Clipboard" Command Bar action which will copy all found text for the current bitmap layer.
- New "Quick Processor". It's a quick version of the Shape Processor, where you can duplicate shapes, rotate, transform, and apply other operations to them. You can even use snippets of JavaScript to perform your own magic to shapes, including modifying anchors in bezier shapes.
- You can now set your measurement units to in inches, centimeter, or pixels. Various palettes have been updated to use and take measurements in inches or centimeters (or pixels) for input. Crop, selections, shape sizes - you can now view them in your favorite measurement type. The setting you've chosen is now not just a global preference, but is saved in .acorn files as well. So you can have one window using Inches and another using Centimeters. (This feature has been one of our top requests for years, so we're happy to finally deliver it to you).
- Data Driven Graphics via Image ▸ Data Merge menu item, where you can point Acorn to a CSV file and it'll dynamically swap in the row values and replace text or bitmap graphics depending on what's in the data file. Do you need to make a bunch of employee badges, invitations, or even supermarket labels? Data Merge pretty neat and you should check out the documentation for how to use it effectively.
- A new canvas ruler tool! You can use it measure out lengths and angles, and even use it to help straighten your image. It shows either inches, cm, or px — depending on what your preferred measurement unit is. You can even set the DPI of an image based on a ruler's length. Click on the "Assign Drawing Scale (DPI)" button in the Ruler info view (or use the contextual menu or a ruler), and you get a dialog asking you what length exactly should this ruler be. If you're measuring something out in real life, that's say 15 inches, you enter 15 and press enter. Now the DPI is set up exactly as you'd expect it to be in real life.
Bonus tip: when modifying a ruler's angle and length on the canvas, holding down the shift key will snap it to 45° increments.
- Look up Table (LUT) support. This is pretty huge for making your phone pictures look a bit more unique. You can download and install new LUTs from various places across the internet, which you can add and use along existing filters in Acorn.
To install a LUT you only need to put it into Acorn's LUTs folder. You can find it by choosing the Help ▸ Open Acorn's App Support folder menu item.
Acorn will accept 3D LUT files in .png or .cube format.
And speaking of making LUT files, if you have a series of filters that you'd like to turn into a LUT you can place those in a HALD image and then export that as a LUT file. Use the Command Bar command "HALD 16 | 25 | 64 | 144 LUT" to make new 3D LUT files, and the Command Bar "Export LUT…" command to export.
- New Shortcuts action to call any Command Bar actions. So you can script something to say "Insert Random Hexes" if you have that plugin installed, or maybe "Flip Canvas Vertical" which is a standard menu item. This could be pretty powerful and allows you to make Acorn do things we haven't even dreamed of yet.
- Presets for (Web) Export. You can now save your meticulously crafted settings in the export window. Do you have favorite settings for exporting to the web? And then a different setting for making PDF? This feature is for you.
- A new Polygon Shape tool! This great new tool lets you create multisided shapes to your heart's content. It also comes with on canvas controls to change the radius, side count, and angle. Make hexagons, pentagons, and even heptacontatetragons.
- Export as JPEG XL via the Export window. JPEG XL is the next generation JPEG format, with support for better compression, higher bit depth, support of transparency, and lossless encoding.
- Export as an Animated PNG via the Export window. This joins the already popular Animated GIF option, but now with a full 24bit color and transparency support.
- "Extract Each Selected Shape to a New Layer" Command Bar action. Make animated images by using the Shape Processor to take a single shape and have it copied across the canvas. Then use the extract command to place each copy on a new layer, use the File ▸ Export ▸ Export menu item and select Animated PNG or GIF.
- New "Reverse Order of Shapes" Processor, which flips the z-order of shapes being processed.
- New "Combine Shapes" Processor, which uses a union boolean operation against all the shapes (which should be overlapping each other).
- New "Add Anchors" Processor, which will convert any shapes to bézier paths if they aren't already, and then double the number of anchors on the shape by placing a new anchor between two existing anchors.
- New Command Bar action named "Trim To Inner Opaque Edges". This is kind of like the "Trim to Edges" command, but instead of searching out the farthest edges of the image to trim to, it searches for the innermost edges to trim to. This is handy if you rotate an image and want to get rid of any transparent areas caused by the rotation of a rectangle.
# Minor New Things and Quality of Life Improvements
- QOL: When using the View ▸ Zoom To ▸ Fit in Window menu item (⌘0), Acorn will always scale your image when you resize your window to keep it perfectly fitting the window size.
- Autosave and Versions is now enabled by default (though you can change this in Acorn's preferences). This means that non-native images (of which .acorn files are currently the only kind of) will open up in a window without reference to the original file. This is so lossy image formats (JPEG/HEIC/etc.) will not autosave back to the original file, and thus increasing compression artifacts.
- We've updated our online documentation to be easier to search and navigate.
- The color picker will now let you copy the color as a little snippet of code, in CSS, Swift, Objective-C, or Hexadecimal.
- New preference to show grids by default.
- New Fussy Pref to open images at 100% scale (aka, 'zoom').
- The Linear and Radial color gradient filters now contain little color swap widgets, which can be super helpful when you accidentally started with your colors backwards.
- QOL: Improved snapping heuristics, and we've also turned on snapping to shapes and layers by default now.
- QOL: Animated PNGs and GIFs now animate in the export preview.
- QOL: Snapping has been given a bit of an upgrade and should feel generally smoother now. In addition, Acorn now has snapping to layers and shapes turned on by default with version 8. And finally a tip: you can temporarily turn off snapping when moving objects by holding down the control key.
- QOL: If you have a crop frame on the canvas, Edit ▸ Copy and Edit ▸ Copy Merged will only copy the pixels that are currently inside the crop. This is a handy way to make multiple copies of a fixed selection size in your canvas.
- Bézier shapes have been reworked quite a bit internally, providing a more robust and sensible on-canvas interaction. If it's been a while since you've used them, it's worth your time to check them out again.
- The Photos Editing extension has been retired (did you know it downgrades the quality of your image? Nonsense!). Instead, you should use the Image ▸ Edit With ▸ Acorn menu item in the Photos app. This sends a full quality image to Acorn which you can edit and then have saved back to Photos.
# Scripting and Plug-Ins
- The Plug-In API now has access to the underlying structure for bezier paths. ACBezierPath, ACBezierAnchor are two new objects you can play with from ACBezierGraphic. Check out ACPlugin.h for the methods available.
Shortcuts have been completely rewritten to use the new Siri App Intents framework. This in theory will allow you to have Siri drive Acorn in a future version of macOS.
# Command Bar Additions
- We've added various crop commands to the Command Bar — you can now add crops for 4x6, 2x3, square, etc just by typing a few keystrokes.
- Pressing the key
will bring up the Command Bar.
- You can find the full list of Command Bar commands in our online documentation.
# Miscellaneous
OpenGL has been selectively stripped from Acorn, in the hopes that every machine running Acorn 8 will execute Metal correctly. If you're on an Apple Silicon Mac, you don't need to worry about anything. If you're on an Intel Mac, let me know if things seem a little wonky with rendering and filters and such:
- Bitmap layers are now saved as PNG data in .acorn files (previously it was TIFF). Decoding of PNG files on MacOS is way faster than TIFF, so opening large .acorn images should be much faster than earlier versions once they have been re-saved. If your image is above 64BPP however, it will still be saved as a TIFF data since PNG will not encode at that rate.
- Holding down the option key when opening Acorn will now make it forget any previously open documents.
- Improvements when calling JavaScript from the command line. See the docs for more info.
- The "Randomize Anchor Locations" processor, and "Random Bezier" option in the Generate Shapes processor were tweaked a little bit and might look a little different from previous versions of Acorn.
- Various SVG import improvements.
- Renamed the Shape ▸ Bézier Stuff ▸ Add Points menu item to Add Anchors.
- The Document & Layer info view (brought up by pressing the 'v' button twice) now has a button to copy the contents to the clipboard.
- The text tool is a bit nicer when creating a new text box with a single click on the canvas.
- Setting the width/height on star shapes will now do the right thing (sets its diameter)
- Rewrote the New Image from camera code to use Apple's latest APIs.
- JSTalk support via Distributed Objects has been removed.
Acorn 7.4.6
November 11th, 2024 🎂
# Bug Fixes.
- Fixed an issue with thumbnails and Quick Look previews not showing up on MacOS 15 Sequoia.
- Fixed a drawing issue in the Brush Designer.
Acorn 7.4.5
September 18th, 2024.
# Support for MacOS 15 Sequoia.
- Acorn 7.4.5 is officially supported for MacOS 15 Sequoia.
# Bug Fixes.
- Tweaks to SVG importing.
- Fixed a problem where the compression slider in the Export window would sometimes be disabled for JPEG images.
- Fixed a problem where duplicating a shape layer would lose the vertical alignment for text boxes in the copied layer.
- Fixed a problem where the Brush Designer wouldn't let you try out your carefully crafted brush.
- Fixed a problem where the Animated GIF export setting for "Use original FPS" wouldn't always work as expected.
Acorn 7.4.4
February 22nd, 2024.
# New Stuff.
- Super Resolution ML resizing. This new option in the Image ▸ Resize Image… menu item lets you increase the size of your image up to 4x using Machine Learning. Or is it AI now? I don't know and don't care, but it's pretty awesome! It packs a ton of crazy statistics and math into a simple little dropdown menu. Give it a shot for your photos, you won't be disappointed. (Super Resolution is for MacOS 12 or later only).
- Stroke Selections! Finally. You can now perform this long requested feature via the Select menu, and even works with Magic Wand selections (MacOS 11 or later only). Change your stroke size, blending, anti-alias or not, and even add a fill.
- You can now convert Magic Wand selections to shape layers. This is also super awesome! If you've got a fun outline of something that you want to convert into a shape, this is the way. (MacOS 11 or later only).
- New "Simple Film Grain" filter, which will add a grainy overlay to your image. Just like Grandpa's photos used to have.
- The Text Palette now shows what the font looks like in the font pop-up menus.
- Holding down the backslash key ('\') will temporarily switch off any layer filters you have on selected layers.
- Neat new trick with the Shortcuts Crop action: If you choose "Custom" as the position and put in negative values, the canvas will expand instead of shrink. A negative X value will increase the size on the left, Y on the bottom, Width on the right, and Height for the top.
- Various little improvements to the File Info window, including shortcuts (Command 1-4) to switch between the sections.
# Other.
- Double clicking on a non-bézier shape with the anchor select tool will now convert it to a bézier shape (previously this only worked with the move tool (shortcut key 'v').
- The tool palette will now dim tools that you can't use in modal operations (such as when cropping, scaling and rotating, and similar operations).
- A new Shortcuts action to open images in Acorn.
- Various improvements to Acorn's SVG importer.
- Tweaks to the Image Resize window.
- Tweaks to the Image Meta Data window (which you can get to from the File ▸ File Info… menu).
- The AppleScript command
do filter name "Your Filter Preset Name Here"
will now work with filter presets as well. This is in addition to the call filter preset with name
command. There is a story behind this. It isn't very good.
- Various little fixes in the French localization, with a big thanks to Corentin Cras-Méneur for finding those.
- Acorn is now putting PNG data on the clipboard when using ⌘C in addition to TIFF data (it was previously only doing this for Copy Merged - ⌘⌃C).
- Acorn is no longer declaring itself as the default editor for a couple of file types, including HEIC (sorry about that!).
- Acorn now shows a warning when trying to open up a EPS file on MacOS 13 or later (Apple has unfortunately removed support from MacOS).
# Fixes.
- Fixed a regression from Acorn 6, where you could drag and drop layers to the + button in the palette to duplicate it, as well as dragging it to the trash button to delete it. So those work again, which is awesome and feels nice.
- Fixed a bug where blendable layer filters wouldn't always blend correctly when you viewed your image zoomed out.
- Minor Export window improvements and localization fixes.
- Minor text tool and color picker interaction fixes.
- Fixed a drawing issue where the canvas was at wackadoodle zoomed out sizes (thanks magic mouse), and trimmed up bitmap layers were leaving little pixel remains behind when you moved the layer with the arrow keys.
- Fixed a problem where adding a Hue Shift shape processor without changing its default values would cause problems when trying to save your image in the Acorn file format.
- Fix for a crasher on some Macs when attempting to create Metal Contexts.
Acorn 7.4.3
September 25th, 2023.
# Little New Features.
- The selection palette now lists the number of pixels you have selected!
- The trick for croping a layer without resizing a canvas will now work when you have multiple layers selected. (The trick is to hold down the option key when finishing up your crop. It's neat, try it! You can quickly cut cruft out of your layer(s) without having to change the size of your image). Cropping a shape layer will also remove graphics outside the crop bounds now.
- New Auto Level / Straighten action in the Command Bar, and when holding down the option key when choosing the Layer menu (as an alternate to "Auto Enhance"). This will tell Acorn to take a good guess at leveling out your picture.
# Super Minor Stuff.
- When importing SVG files, polygon tags are read into bezier shapes.
- Layered screenshots now include the cursor.
- When taking a layered screenshot with a specific application defined, the menu bar is now included.
- The crash report checker would always check if a new version was available, even if you had the option to check for updates turned off. This oversight has been corrected and the programmer responsible given twenty lashings.
# Bug Fixes.
- Fixed some drawing issue which appeared on MacOS 14 (Sonoma).
- Fixed a problem where the system color picker would try and match color profiles between two different images which didn't match, and go a little nuts.
- Fixed a problem where sometimes setting the box fill color of a text shape would also change the text fill color as well. Whoops, sorry about that. It's fixed now though!
- Fixed a bug where you'd get a warning when trying to save a file in .acorn format which was previously in .webp.
# JavaScript Stuff.
- Acorn now comes with a little console window you can open up via the Command Bar (it's named "Console"). Any output from JavaScript plugins will go here (via `console.log()`).
# Weird Hidden Experimental Stuff.
- I'm playing around with the idea of automatically removing the file type and last saved location to flat files (such as PNG or JPEG) when adding layers to them. This is for cases where you open up a PNG, add text, and then want to save it as a .acorn file (mostly automatically) because you'd love to preserve the layer data and saving it right back to a PNG will ruin that idea. And Acorn throwing up a dialog box telling you this kind of gets in the way. So here's a hidden pref (copy + paste into the Terminal app and press return) to enable it:
defaults write com.flyingmeat.Acorn7 updateFlatToAcornFormatWhenAddingLayers 1
If you try it out, I'd love to hear how it's going for you.
Acorn 7.4.2
May 8th, 2023.
# New Screenshot Stuff.
- Delayed layered screenshot: Hold down the option key when choosing the Image ▸ New Image from Layered Screenshot menu item and Acorn will wait an extra 10 seconds before taking the screenshot. This is awesome if you want to quickly switch to another app and open up a menu item.
- New Shortcuts action to take screenshots. Layered or not, with or without shadows, only for a certain app, and even with a little delay. MacOS 11+ only.
- New AppleScript command "screenshot" which you can use to take a layered screenshot, with various options including an option to only capture a specific app. Here's an example:
tell application "Acorn" to screenshot app "Mail" delay 4 with layers and hiding shadows
. You can also use "bundle identifier" instead of "app" to target a specific app name.
# Fixes and Other Stuff Pertaining to the Clone Tool.
- New option "Hide clone source widget" in the palette, which does exactly what it says on the tin.
- Pressing the shift key now shows the correct stamp preview.
- Other little tweaks, such as updating the hint text correctly.
# More Fixes
- Fixed a problem where the quick mask tool wouldn't work correctly on M1 & M2 Macs with a 64 bit image.
- Fixed a redraw problem when entering full screen when the grid was showing (and you had "Super scrollable canvas" turned off).
- Fixed a problem where the perspective transform tool wouldn't give a correct preview.
Acorn 7.4.1
May 1st, 2023.
# Fixes
- Fixed a problem where the clone tool could hang on certain Macs.
Acorn 7.4
April 27th, 2023.
# New Stuff
- Big Clone Tool Improvements. The clone tool has been updated to give you a preview of what your brush stroke will look like before drawing. In addition, a new on canvas widget is available which lets you know exactly where the source is coming from, which you can move around to pick a new clone source. Pressing the option key to reassign a clone location still works as usual. And just like the previous iteration of the clone tool, you can clone from other images or layers into any bitmap layer.
- Corner Radius for Bézier Curves and Stars: Bézier curves where two straight lines join can now have a corner radius! This is pretty cool, and a great way to round out a shape for a logo or for a sign. The star shape also gets to join in on the fun.
- Super accurate colors via floats in the color palette: What's the point of having access to over 281 trillion colors (79 octillion for 128 bit images!) if you can't actually set them with super decimal precision? Now you can with Acorn's custom color picker. Switch between 8-bit, Percentage, and now 32-bit Float for displaying and setting your RGBA values.
- New Command Bar actions: "Hide All Layers" and "Show All Layers"
- New AppleScript command "do command bar action" which will do a fuzzy string search of the given command, and then invoke it. For example:
tell application "Acorn" to tell document 1 to do command bar action named "Fill Layer With Stroke Color"
Will call the "Fill Layer With Stroke Color" action. The following example will also call it, since fuzzy string matching is used:
tell application "Acorn" to tell document 1 to do command bar action named "Fill Layr str"
- New AppleScript command "append filter", which can be used to add a non-destructive Core Image filter (with optional parameters) to the currently selected layer. For example:
tell document 1 to append filter name "CICheckerboardGenerator"
Will add a checkerboard filter to the current layer.
tell document 1 to append filter name "CICheckerboardGenerator" with parameters {inputWidth:10}
Will add a checkerboard filter to the current layer, with the width of the boxes to 10 pixels.
tell document 1 to append filter name "CIMotionBlur" with parameters {inputRadius:32}
Will append a motion blur filter.
set color0 to {0.25, 0.32, 0.40} -- RGB values between 0.0 and 1.0
set color1 to {1.0, 0, 0, 0.5} -- pure red, with 50% alpha.
append filter name "CICheckerboardGenerator" with parameters {inputColor0:color0, inputColor1:color1}
Will append a checkerboard filter to the current layer, with two different colors.
set color0 to "#4a525a" -- HTML hex colors
set color1 to {1.0, 0, 0, 0.5} -- pure red, with 50% alpha.
set point0 to {0, 0} -- lower left of canvas
set point1 to {500, 500} -- top right of this particular canvas
append filter name "CILinearGradient" with parameters {inputColor0:color0, inputColor1:color1, inputPoint0:point0, inputPoint1:point1}
Will append a gradient filter, with the given colors and locations.
Visit for a list of all built in Core Image filters.
# Fixes
- Fixed an SVG import problem where shapes enclosed in an "defs" group were being rendered incorrectly.
- Fixed a problem where the default selected tool might not be highlighted correctly when opening a new window when you have the preference "Float inspector palettes in windows" enabled.
- Fixed an issue with the Photos Editing extension where it might not work correctly on MacOS Ventura.
- Fixed an issue where the setting a non-auto line height could cause clipping of text.
- Fixed some cases where tooltips were showing up over the cursor when the pref "Hide cursor tooltips" was enabled.
- Fixed a problem where you changing gradient in a text wasn't working correctly.
# Other
- Updated the WebP libraries so they work better on Apple Silicon Macs.
- EPS files are now opened up like PDF files, where you can set the background color, DPI, and pixel dimensions of the image before rasterizing it. If you prefer the previous behavior, you can hold the option key down while opening an EPS file and Acorn will use the old workflow.
- The Shift-G shortcut will now select the fill tool (for Photoshop compatibility). Shift-S will select the clone tool.
- Updated Polish localization courtesy of Leszek Klich.
- Holding down both the Option and Command keys at startup of Acorn will give you the option to reset your preferences (your registration information will be retained).
Acorn 7.3.3
Feb 13th, 2023.
# Fixes
- Fixed an problem where the Save As… sheet might not show all available options when saving an image on MacOS 13.
- The extension for WebP files are now stripped from the filename when opening them, so when you do a Save As…, you won't get a filename like "My Image.webp.jpeg". You can of course still export as a WebP file using the File ▸ Export ▸ Export (Web & Other)… menu item.
- Fixed an occasional crasher when using a 3rd party iPad mirroring app and the color palette.
# Other
- Added TGA as a savable file format via AppleScript, and to the "Change Type" Automator action.
Acorn 7.3.2
Jan 26th, 2023.
# Fixes
- Fixed an occasional crasher with the zoom palette.
- Fixed a problem where the color picker might not work in multi-window mode.
# Other
- Updated iPhone specs in the New Image window.
Acorn 7.3.1
Dec 5th, 2022.
# Fixes
- Fixed a problem where erasing with a selection on the canvas wouldn't work correctly.
- Fixed a problem where calling a filter preset from the menu bar wouldn't work the first time.
- Fixed a problem where the Save window would show multiple File Format: options on MacOS 13.1.
# Other Technical Stuff
- On filters where there was a max value for a slider (such as Line Screen's width attribute), but not an explicit max value for the attribute (this is a Core Image thing), Acorn is no longer clipping the text field to whatever the max value is for the slider. So this means you can now type in a number larger than 50 for the width field. Or in other filters like Highlight and Shadow, you can now set a value higher than 10 for the radius.
Acorn 7.3
October 24th, 2022.
# New
- New "Snapshot" and "Snapshot Reblend" filters, which will take a copy of your image and then re-blend it back in your filter chain. This is awesome if you want to make some custom shadows or have other crazy ideas.
- New "Custom" filter, which gives you a 5 by 5 matrix to apply a custom convolution to the pixels in your image which you can use to make custom blurs, sharpens, embosses, and more. Presets are also provided for you to play around with.
- Added a bunch more blend modes to the generator filters, so now you can have all kinds of fun making your gradients and checkerboards super funky.
- Updated Spotlight layer filter, which allows you to control the shadow/darkness color.
- New "Paste Text Without Formatting" Command Bar action which will be enabled when editing a text area.
- New "Select All Layers" Command Bar action.
- The new image window will now show a preset for all attached displays instead of only the main display.
- New French localization compliments of David Lacan.
# Other
- Minor tweaks to the Web Export window (copy to clipboard icon and Save… button).
- QOL improvement for folks who have floating tool windows: the tool palette now has a tittle so you've got a bit more room to grab a hold of the top of the window to drag it around.
- QOL improvements for MacOS 13 Ventura.
- Acorn's SVG importer now correctly handles line elements.
- When pressing the delete key in text boxes, Acorn will no longer try and size your box to fit (we heard from folks that you don't like this, so we'll try something new).
- Quality of Life fixes for the Scale and Rotate palette.
- Acorn will now warn you when you're attempting to scale a layer to something that's unreasonably large.
- There's a new hidden pref to not hide the filter HUD when you're manipulating it on canvas. You can enable it by pasting the following into the Terminal app and pressing enter:
defaults write com.flyingmeat.Acorn7 hideHudOnMouseDown 0
To undo the setting, paste the following into the Terminal app and press enter:
defaults delete com.flyingmeat.Acorn7 hideHudOnMouseDown
- The "Alignment & Boolean" palette has been renamed to "Align & Combine". Hopefully this will help people understand what's going on under there a bit better.
- The scale and rotate tool is better at detecting if the edges of your selection are opaque or not, and then doing some fancy moves to make sure the edges stay sharp and crisp when resizing.
- Acorn can no longer read or write LIFT images, something which has been disabled for a while now.
# Fixed
- Fixed an issue where it was very, very hard to get rid of a gradient on a text box.
- Fixed a problem where you couldn't delete a filter preset from the Menu Bar.
- Fixed some instances where the system color picker would not come up when you had the "Use system color panel" Fussy Stuff preference set.
- Fixed a problem where masks were not being applied correctly when exporting as PDF.
- Layout fixes for the blur and sharpen brush palettes.
- Fixed a problem where moving anchors in multi-run bezier paths might move the wrong endpoint.
- Fixed a problem where doing a Simple Affine scale without keeping the aspect ratio wouldn't do the right thing.
- Fixed some UI problems with the generator filters' blend mode popup.
- Fixed a problem where Acorn might mess up a merge layer down if the top layer had a Mask blend mode and the frame of the layer was smaller than the bottom layer.
- Fixed a problem where Acorn might crash when opening up certain PSD files.
- Fixed a problem where the color sampler loupe would not update correctly when zooming the canvas in and out.
Acorn 7.2
June 18th, 2022.
# New
- Shortcuts support: Apply filters and filter presets, crop, flip, resize, rotate, auto enhance, change color profiles, new image from clipboard, and trim images. We're also taking requests as well so if there's something you'd like to see, let us know!
- New text box vertical alignment options: top, middle, and bottom.
- New "Auto Enhance" item under the Layer menu for bitmap layers. This action will improve skin tones, saturation, contrast, shadows and repair red-eyes or LED-eyes.
- The Histogram filter (which shows a histogram for the current layer) now has a "High fidelity" checkbox. This uses all the pixels in the layer to calculate a histogram, at the cost of being a little slower.
- New option in Layer Export where you can crop a layer's bounds to the canvas size.
- New "Lossless" option when exporting images as WebP.
- New "Matte" filter which will add a colored background to a layer with any transparent areas.
- You can now choose "Bicubic" as a scaling algorithm when resizing an image.
- New "make new document from Clipboard" AppleScript command.
- New Command Bar actions: "New Image From Selected Layers" and "Delete Hidden Layers".
- New layers list contextual menu: "New Image From Selected Layers".
# Fussy Stuff
- Double clicking a label in the RAW Import window will reset its corresponding slider / value. This is similar behavior to what happens for the text palette labels (if you were unaware of that, now you know!).
- New Fussy Stuff preference to always open up windows to their maximum size.
- Auto-scroll is re-enabled when moving bitmap layers around on the canvas.
# Other
- The "1Bit" filter now has an option to remove transparency from pixels that aren't 100% opaque.
- Text palette settings will sync between windows when each image has it's own palette connected.
- Added a "Tablet pressure changes opacity" option in the brush palette.
- Acorn will no longer warn you about the size of your image (if it's really big) when resizing it to be something smaller than it currently is (really really big).
- The Generate Shapes processor now has options to enable/disable stroke and fill when making new shapes.
- When merging a layer down, the top layer's name is now used for the combined layer's name.
- Various tweaking of the Automator actions so they work better with MacOS 12 Monterey. If you're using any in a production environment, make sure to test them in case any changes had an impact on your workflows.
# Bug Fixes
- Fixed a problem where you couldn't drag a layer to the Trash in the Dock to delete it.
- Fixed a problem where angle fields for negative numbers in the filter palette were not formatted correctly.
- Fixed a problem where the color loupe might not work from the Fill… window.
- Fixed a problem where certain felt and watercolor brushes couldn't be used as an eraser.
- Fixed an problem where the "Cumulative" option of the Rotate shape processor wasn't saved with .acorn files.
- Fixed an issue where the Image menu might take a second to come up on some ARM Macs with weird video cameras attached.
- Fixed a possible crasher with when picking a color from the Fill… dialog.
Acorn 7.1.3
February 8th, 2022.
# New Stuff
- There's a new "Flatten Shape Processors" menu item under the Shape ▸ Processor menu, which will be enabled when you have a shape layer active with shape processors on it. It's a quick way to flatten the processors (instead of doing so under the ((P)) palette).
- When changing the canvas backdrop color (via the contextual menu on the canvas) the new color picked will be remembered and used on all open images. In addition there is a new submenu in the contextual menu to pick from a couple of gray colors, or a custom color.
- When exporting an image as an Animated GIF, you now have the option to name a layer "@compositetop" which will then be drawn on top of every exported frame. This is handy if you want to take an existing Animated GIF and add a bit of text to every frame.
# Bug Fixes
- Fixed a problem where Acorn was crashing with certain images on MacOS 12.1.
- Fixed a problem where Acorn could fail to open certain images with a gray color profile.
- Fixed a problem where a bézier path wouldn't draw the first anchor if a path had multiple segments.
- Fixed a problem where you couldn't flatten shape layer processor filters.
# Other
- Reworked the "Edit in Acorn" Photos extension so that it worked nicer with the App Store version of Acorn (and also better imports RAW photos).
Acorn 7.1.2
Dec 16, 2021.
# Other
- Export will remember the last location you saved your image to for subsequent exports (it'll first default to where the image was opened from though).
Related to this - if you would rather Acorn not default to the opening location of the image, you can use the following hidden pref to disable that:
defaults write com.flyingmeat.Acorn7 ignoreDocumentLocationOnExport
# Bug Fixes
- Fixed a problem where Acorn might crash when Exporting images with CMYK profiles on MacOS 11.6.2.
- Fixed a problem where Acorn might not be able to use the "Export to Folder" Automator action on MacOS Monterey.
- Fixed a problem where exporting as WebP wouldn't work correctly on M1 Macs.
- Fixed a problem when using the system color picker and trying to change the fill or stroke for text boxes.
- Fixed a problem where Acorn couldn't directly save a TGA file it had opened and edited.
- Fixed a problem where the line height and kerning of a text box could be reset when editing it.
Acorn 7.1.1
October 27th, 2021.
# New Stuff
- Pro Motion support, which means 120fps updates for those of you lucky enough to have one of Apple's new M1 MacBook Pros. Sweet, sweet, buttery smooth graphics.
- Support for MacOS 12 Monterey.
- New "RGBA Multiplier" filter, which lets you multiply the various components of a pixel by a specified amount.
- The export window now has an option for a layered TIFF file (also known as a multipage TIFF).
- The "MozJPEG" option in the export window has been renamed to "JPEG (MozJPEG)" so that it's more obvious it's a regular JPEG, but using a different encoder.
- Improved support for navigating the filter popup when using the keyboard.
# New Scripting Things
- You can now use AppleScript to make a magic wand selection with the command "wand select location {2, 5} tolerance 5", where the location is the x,y coordinate of the start of the selection (with the origin to the bottom left of the image).
- You can now specify the selection mode (new/add/subtract/intersect) when scripting an oval, rect, or magic wand selection. The default is "new" if none is specified.
# Changes
- When you're editing a layer mask and press the delete key the mask (or selected area) will now fill with white, effectively removing the mask. Previously Acorn would fill with black which added to the mask. This change brings Acorn in line with the behavior of other major image editors (and obviously makes more sense to remove the mask when delete is pressed).
- Acorn will remember and use the last image size created via the File ▸ New menu item when making a new image. However, if you have an image on the clipboard Acorn will still use those dimensions for the New Image window.
# Bug Fixes
- Fixed a problem where the color profile information was not included when exporting an image as WebP.
- Fixed a problem where images would open up scaled at 50% when on a 1x display if there was a second 2x display also attached.
Acorn 7.1
August 31st, 2021.
# New Stuff and Changes
- The Export window now has a share toolbar item, so you can send your exported image direct to Mail or other apps (10.15+).
- The Export window has a new "Copy to Clipboard" button in the lower left corner.
- Added support for Mozilla's MozJPEG encoder in the Export window (and also available via AppleScript via the "web export" command).
- Acorn is a lot faster at opening up animated GIF and PNG files with lots of frames. It also uses way less memory when doing so now on your M1 Macs.
- The sheet for adding filters is now a popover. This is awesome if you're on MacOS 11 or later and you're tired of seeing your image being dimmed out when you bring it up.
- When using the rotation dial in the shape inspector, it will always round to nice whole values. But if you want super precise values when using the dial, hold down the option key.
- New fussy pref: "Use PDF import window with New from Clipboard". This is awesome if you have PDF data on the clipboard and you want to get a preview of the image or change the DPI of the rasterized PDF or even give it a background color.
- The action menu in the filters and shape processors inspector will now let you enable and disable all filters. In addition, the controls for the filters will become disabled if you turn off their visibility.
- Updated the fuzzy matching algorithm for the Command Bar so it gets slightly better results.
- If you have Acorn's color picker up, Command-Shift-C will close it (or bring it back up if it's already gone. It acts as a toggle now!)
- Double clicking on a color in Acorn's color picker will now dismiss the color picker.
- Updated the iOS presets in the new image window.
- The AppleScript
command now returns a layer object when the clipboard contains something that'll make a new layer.
# Bug Fixes
- Made some tweaks to how Acorn's color sampler works when picking images out from the screen, where previously things might get wonky with certain display setups.
- Fixed a problem where Export option for a background matte wouldn't work for Animated GIFs.
- Fixed a problem where a font name in the font popup for background windows might change on you when it didn't make sense to.
- Fixed a problem where the "Lock dimensions" setting wasn't saved along with a crop preset.
- Fixed a problem where selecting a gray color profile on export would remove the alpha channel from your image.
- Fixed a problem where the "Fill expansion with color" option when resizing a canvas could add just a bit _too_ much color to your image.
- Fixed a problem where painting might not show up correctly on certain layers after moving them around a bit.
- Fixed a problem where copying a layer to a mask could remove the original layer if the original layer and mask were on the same row, resulting in a sad outcome.
- Fixed some problems where changing the text color might not work.
- Fixed some problems where the Touch Bar wouldn't show the right controls for the Pencil tool.
- Cleaned up some shape layer handle drawing when resizing multiple selected shapes.
- Fixed problem where duplicated layers would get a blank name.
- Fixed problem where histograms weren't showing up on 10.15.7 after Apple's Security Update 2021-002 Catalina was installed.
# Other
- Shape shadow offsets no longer clamp to 200/-200 pixels.
- Cleanup of some tool icons.
- The zoom to fit shortcut is now 8% more accurate.
- Tweaked the way histograms are drawn a little for the Levels filter.
- Previewing some RAW files should be faster now.
- The slider for the Exposure setting in the Dodge and Burn brushes now looks and acts like the other sliders in that inspector.
Acorn 7.0.3
April 28, 2021.
# New Stuff and Changes
- New option in export for PNG files: Crush / übercompress. This toggle, which has always been on by default, will allow you to turn off the advanced compression routines for PNG files. This is awesome if you just want a quick and dirty PNG and don't care about file size.
- Updated shape handle cursors for @2x displays.
- In the shape inspector, clicking on the stroke checkbox no longer sets a default stroke value to all the selected shapes. Now it just keeps whatever value was already there.
- Updated Polish localization.
- New hidden pref for controlling the resolution of PDF data on the clipboard: defaults write com.flyingmeat.Acorn7 newDocPDFClipboardResolution 600 - where 600 is the DPI you would like the PDF to be rasterized at.
# Bug Fixes
- Fixed problem where dragging and dropping an Illustrator .ai file into Acorn's canvas would cause it to lock up.
- Fixed an issue when toggling between floating inspectors where the current tool wouldn't always load.
- Fixed a little UI glitch when using the keyboard while changing the quality of a JPEG in the export window.
- Fixed a problem where the tool icons in the bezier menu in the tools inspector wouldn't match the current dark/normal appearance settings.
- Fixed a problem where option-dragging a text shape to duplicate it wouldn't copy over the stroke settings.
- Fixed a crasher when using the Smudge tool on M1 Macs.
- Fixed a problem where the values from quality slider for HEIC files in the Save As… sheet wasn't being passed along to the encoder.
- Fixed a problem where the Reset All Image Metadata button in the File Info window might not work.
- Fixed a crasher under certain conditions when switching the appearance of Acorn.
Acorn 7.0.2
April 1st, 2021.
# Changes
- Pinch to zoom with your trackpad now works in Export, RAW Import, and New View windows.
- Double clicking on the image name in the toolbar will now zoom the window on MacOS 10.14 and 10.15.
- When making new shapes, pressing the ESC while you've still got the mouse down will cancel the creation of that shape.
- Acorn is better at importing SVG files that were created from Apple's SF Symbols app.
- Exported animated GIFs will now loop forever.
# Bug Fixes
- Fixed a problem where changes in the color picker for the value field wasn't updating the color.
- Acorn does a better job at fitting the content size to the window when the Window ▸ Zoom Window menu item is used.
- Fixed a problem where the wrong cursor could come up when modifying an anchor in a bezier path when it's first being created.
- Fixed a problem where the cursor for the Bezier Freehand tool might not show up.
- Fixed a problem where the y value of a drop shadow might be displaying incorrectly if you had the canvas origin set to top left.
- Fixed a problem where you couldn't disable a matte background in the new export window.
- Fixed a regression from Acorn 6 where you couldn't drag an existing bitmap layer into another layer's mask.
- Fixed a problem where you couldn't save a crop preset.
- Fixed a problem where exporting as WebP wouldn't keep the alpha channel.
- German localization fixes.
- Fixed an issue where the FPS for animated GIFs wouldn't be set correctly on some images.
Acorn 7.0.1
March 22, 2021.
# Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where drawing with the pixel tool might cause the last pixel placement to disappear.
- Fixed a problem where the Show Registration Certificate menu item wasn't showing up.
- Fixed a crasher when using the Hue Shift shape processor under certain conditions.
- Acorn will now throw up a warning if it can't make a layered screenshot because of system security preferences.
- German localization fixes.
Acorn 7 is a universal binary for Apple Silicon Macs and requires MacOS 10.14 Mojave, 10.15 Catalina, or MacOS 11 Big Sur.
# New Stuff
- An all new interface
Acorn now sports a unified window with a matching toolbar. Gone are the floating palettes everywhere and getting in your way. Palettes are now inspectors and can be brushed away by pressing the TAB key, and brought back the same way. Acorn also adopts many new MacOS Big Sur conventions to make it look and feel like it belongs on a Mac. If you prefer the previous behavior where inspectors are in their own windows, there is a preference to enable that.
Speaking of tabs, Acorn has a new preference for opening up images in tabs. So now you can gather all of your open images under a single window.
- Über Export
A new export workflow gives you options for specifying a color profile (like CMYK or Gray), more formats to save as (now including WebP!), precise file size of your export, and a live preview even for PDFs. This new workflow builds on and merges the previous Web Export window, but now with tons more options.
The File ▸ Share menu items also work when the Export window is up. So if you're just interested in mailing an image off to a friend after resizing it a little in the export window, this is a great way to go.
- Animated GIF export
This is a new option is part of the new export workflow, and allows you to export all the layers in an image as an animated GIF. You can open up existing animated GIFs, change a single frame or apply filters to a range of frames. You can then export your GIF with the original frames per second or speed or slow it down.
- New color picker
We built a brand new color picker from the ground up which is super accurate, supports wide gamuts like Display P3, uses 64 bits for super accurate color values (and representing over 281 trillion colors), lets you adjust RGB and HSV values without switching modes, and handles your various color profiles perfectly.
- Speed
We've always got your eyes on ways to make Acorn even faster. This time around we managed to make Flood Fill, Instant Alpha, and Magic Wand multithreaded and up to 3x faster. Filters have also been fully optimized for Metal on Apple Silicon and Intel Macs. We've also made tweaks to the Metal pipeline which should make Acorn even more responsive than ever.
- Universal Build
We'll say it again in case you missed it, but Acorn is now full optimized for Apple Silicon Macs. It's fast.
- New Command Bar
Using the File ▸ Command Bar menu item (shortcut key ⌘⇧O) will bring up a little text window you can type in to find menu commands or other hidden commands. You can also search Acorn's help documentation with this.
- Type "h" followed by a space and then a help topic to only search documentation. For instance, if you typed "h crop" it will return all documentation related to the crop tool.
- There are some entries which do not show up in the menu bar, but which can be useful: Toggle Dark Aqua, Fill Layer, Fill Layer With Stroke Color, Feather (10px radius), Use Pixels for Ruler, Toggle Stroke/Fill, Change Canvas Background, Capitalize/Lowercase/Uppercase Text.
- RAW import improvements
You can now Save presets for your RAW images. We've also rebuilt the import preview allowing you to zoom in and out of your image, all powered by Metal of course.
- New Navigation & Zoom Inspector
Get an overview of your whole image, at any zoom level. Move the viewfinder in the inspector to change what you're looking at on your canvas. Use the histogram as an overview for the color balances in your image.
- Perspective Fix & Crop tool
This cool little tool will help you draw a grid on the canvas which you can use to help fix images where there are problematic perspective distortions.
- New Fussy Preference: "Use short file extensions (jpg & tif)". Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking "Really? Really this was added as a preference? This is what time was spent on?" Well some of you are very, very vocal about this. And for years I've tried to appease you by pointing out that this is what MacOS does by default, but still… you were never happy. But now, well I hope this preference will make your day a little better and you can focus your energies on sending me emails about other things you wish were different in Acorn. I wonder what those will be?
# Good Things Got Better
- Double clicking on a bitmap layer with the move tool will begin a scale and rotate transform for the layer. This also works with selections! If you have a selection on a bitmap layer you can switch to the move tool (or hold down the command key with a selection tool active) and double click within the selection to begin transforming it. You can press the esc key to exit the transform and undo any changes, or press the enter key to commit it.
- You can now set a background fill color when resizing your canvas. If you have more than one layer, then Acorn will use the bottom bitmap layer in your image. If there is a layer on the bottom that is not a bitmap layer, then the fill options will not be enabled.
- The brush palette now has the option to set spacing for brushes. Previously you could only do this in the Brush Designer window.
- If you use the contextual on a text box while its shape layer is active, you'll get a new menu item to begin editing that text. (This also works for Circle and Path text as well).
- Flipping layers horizontal or vertical is more consistent between shape and bitmap layers.
- Web Export now has an option to include your image's DPI.
- When saving a TIFF file, Acorn will now use the original compression settings for that file, instead of defaulting to LZW.
- When saving as a TIFF file, Acorn now gives you options for the compression: LZW, None, and Packbits.
- New preference for whether or not to change the canvas background color during full screen.
- New Rotate filter, which works on your image and generated filters. It's non-destructive, so you can always go back and change the angle later on.
# Shape Layer Stuff
- New: Text boxes can now have a background color and stroke. The text inspector now has dedicated swatches and toggles for text stroke and fill.
- You can option-click the p icon in the layer list to disable shape processors. And when this happens, you can interact with shapes on the layer as well (where you previously couldn't when you have shape processors going). Disabling all the shape processors will also do this, but it can be a bit more tedious going this route.
- You can extend an open bezier path by holding down the shift key with the bezier tool selected, and clicking on the end of a bezier path.
- Text boxes in shape layers got a bit of an interaction makeover. Editing and selecting text boxes should feel more natural and easy now.
- More obvious selection bounds when trying to choose a shape to select.
- Added a little extended handle on selected shapes to rotate them directly from the canvas. Previously, this was done by some invisible handles near the corners (which are still there in case you loved those!).
- The "Arrange Shapes in a Circle" and "Rotate" processors now let you assign fractional values for the angle and spacing attributes.
- Tweaks to the Shape Creator Processor, which now allows you to create circle shapes with a radius of .5. This is awesome if you're looking to make a star field of some sort. This processor will also automatically turn on fill for shapes, if the shape palette has both fill and stroke turned off.
# Other Notable Quality of Life Improvements and Miscellaneous Things
- Acorn plays nice with the System Preferences General settings for opening windows in tabs and such.
- New Fussy Pref: Copying selection trims transparent pixels.
- New fussy preference: "Use system color panel", which uses the system color panel. You can also hold down the command key when clicking a color well to temporarily use the opposite of whatever this preference is set to.
- Double clicking on the canvas zoom scale slider will zoom the canvas to 100%.
- You can now change the color of the canvas background via the canvas's contextual menu (or the command bar).
- Pressing the '`' (back-tick) key when using a brush or pencil tool will turn it into a temporary eraser. Previously you would hold down both the command and option keys together to get this behavior, but another big image editing app uses '`' so I figure Acorn should too.
- If you have a color on the clipboard, pasting it into a bitmap layer will now fill it with the color. If you paste this color into a shape layer with selected graphics, it will set the fill color for those graphics. (Did you know: you can use the color picker loupe to put a color on the clipboard by pressing the 'c' key).
- The layers list was completely rewritten to use modern APIs. Let us know if you notice any chance behavior!
- The Hard Mix blend mode has been changed to more match the industry standard for this compositing operation.
- Quartz Composer filters are no longer supported.
- Using Edit ▸ Copy when multiple layers are selected will now place a composite of the selected layers onto the clipboard, as well as respecting the current canvas selection.
- Auto-select layer tweaks: If you have the preference "Auto-select layers" under the Advanced tab turned on, Acorn will automatically select a layer for you when you use the move tool to click down on the canvas. If you hold down the command key, then this setting is ignored. Conversely, if you have it turned off and you hold down the command key Acorn will auto-select a layer for you.
- Smart layer export settings will now reposition themselves when a layer or image is cropped or resized or canvas flipped.
- Fixed some instances where you could modify a locked layer.
- You can no longer rotate the canvas if there are locked layers.
- The ruler now shows a accent color when you're moving selected shapes around, representing the selected shape bounds.
- Acorn will no longer highlight shapes when you're hovering over a guide.
- You can now drag and drop an app onto Acorn to open up an image with the app's icon.
- Acorn will now show the startup window on reopen events if no windows are open and if the preference "Show startup window on launch" enabled.
- Copying a selection on a bitmap layer now applies the mask before the image is written to the clipboard.
- Holding down the option key when selecting a color profile from the Preference's default Color Profile for New Images popup will show the full path for the profile names. This is handy if you have multiple copies of sRGB installed, or any other profiles, and you'd really like to make sure you know which one you're using. This also works for the Image ▸ Color Profile… sheet, as well as the RAW Image import window.
- Improved pasting of multiple objects from one shape layer to another shape layer in another document.
- Acorn will no longer highlight shapes when you're hovering over a guide.
- Removed the pref for the "old brush engine". You can use the default 'defaults write com.flyingmeat.Acorn7 useBrushEngine5 1' to bring it back if you really really want it.
- New Fussy Pref: "Zooming a window fits to current canvas".
- The exposure filter now uses percentages.
- Acorn will now keep you from dragging layers out of locked groups.
- Fixed a problem where various tile filters weren't updating the whole layer when you drew on them
- Made the filter sheet picker a bit taller
- You can now make the grid spacing up to 10,000 pixels wide for the canvas. The spacing slider also uses an exponential transformer now, so you can get way larger values now.
- The canvas scale slider now uses a bit of mathematical magic to make it easier to zoom waaaay in and out.
- Holding down the control key while dragging a canvas guide around will temporarily turn off snapping (and this trick works with most objects on the canvas too).
- Take layered screenshots is now on by default when using Acorn's screenshot hotkey.
- If a brush cursor is less than 5px wide on a retina display, or less than 3px on an @1x display, Acorn will now show a little crosshair because those brushes are otherwise too small to see.
- You can no longer mess with layer filter settings if a layer is locked.
- The export window will now auto-select the original color profile for an image, even if it was converted from a gray to an RGB color space. This is awesome if you open up a gray profile image (which Acorn doesn't support for editing normally) and you want to save it back out as the original.
- Changed the screenshot shortcut key to Command-Shift-7, so it no longer interferes with the system one for taking screenshots of the Touch Bar.
- Changed the default radius of the color loupe to 200pts (down from 400). If you would like the larger size back, you can paste the following into and hit return:
defaults write com.flyingmeat.Acorn7 colorLoupeRadius 200
- Acorn no longer supports plugins written in Python.
# Scripting
- The JavaScript interface has changed quite a bit. The CocoaScript / JSTalk preprocessor has been deprecated and the [] syntax is no longer encouraged. In fact, your script will fail using this syntax unless it ends with .jstalk or .coscript. JavaScript files that end with .js will no longer be preprocessed. (Though there is a hidden preference to always enable it: defaults write com.flyingmeat.Acorn7 preprocessJS 1
- The Cocoa Script / JSTalk bridge has been replaced with FMJS. If you have complicated JavaScript files, you might need to rework them a little bit.
Acorn 6.6.5
May 1st, 2021.
- Add a temporary and partial workaround when using MacOS 10.15.7 after applying the "Security Update 2021-002 Catalina" patch from Apple which broke Acorn 6 in a number of ways. This update fixes many problems but the Flood Fill, Instant Alpha, and Magic Wand tools will not work until Apple releases an update to resolve the issue.
You can find out more about the problem from our website.
Our latest version, Acorn 7, is not impacted by this Apple Security Update.
Acorn 6.6.4
March 17, 2021.
- Fixed a compatibility problem with Acorn's PSD export.
- Fixed a crasher which would occur after deleting a path anchor, and then noodling around with _just the right_ anchor after that.
- Fixed a problem where zooming by selecting an area with the zoom tool on non-retina displays gave bad results.
- Fixed a problem where the Fantastical sharing extension could get in the way of editing text.
- Fixed a problem where the Automator action "Close Image" might sometimes fail.
- Fixed a layout issue when the color profile options in the Web Export window.
- Now accepting Acorn 7 registration numbers.
Acorn 6.6.3
November 12th, 2020.
- Compatibility fixes with MacOS 11 Big Sur.
- This is kind of a fix? The pencil tool wasn't erasing when you hold down the command and option keys and begin drawing (like the brush tool does. Did you know you could do this?). At any rate, it does now!
- Fixed UI issues when swapping between dark and light aqua in the add filter sheet.
- Fixed a problem that cropped up sometimes when loading PDF files.
- Fixed a problem where an invalid custom stroke dash setting could cause the stroke to not be drawn at all.
Acorn 6.6.2
September 25th, 2020.
- Compatibility fixes with MacOS 11 Big Sur.
- Fixed a rare crasher when editing text with the Typography palette open and replacing selected text where the font had alternate glyphs available (but unused!) in the "Glyph Variant" section of the Typography palette. This may come as a surprise, but it took a long time to figure out what exactly was causing this crash.
- Fixed an issue where rotating the canvas could cause certainly sized bitmap layers to move off canvas.
- Fixed an issue where the canvas rulers might show the wrong units scale or draw mirrored when you changed the origin (via the General Preferences).
- Fixed an issue where dragging an image from Preview's sidebar would sometimes report it coming in as a TIFF file, when it was actually a PDF file. Thanks for that fun debugging session, Preview. It was a hoot.
- Fixed an issue where drawing with the pixel tool might not draw on new areas of the canvas after resizing it to make it bigger.
Acorn 6.6.1
June 17th, 2020.
- Pressing the 'c' key while the canvas color loupe is up will copy the current color as a HTML hex color to the clipboard. To bring up the loupe, press Control-C, or hold down the option key while using a brushing tool.
- Cleaned up a problem where the wrong move cursor was showing up on the canvas.
Acorn 6.6
May 27th, 2020.
New Shape Processor Filters
- Hue Shift. Shift the hue of your shapes by a configurable amount. (Available for MacOS 10.13 or later).
- Flip. You can flip your shapes vertical or horizontal, using the flip axis of either the canvas, processed shapes, or the shape itself.
- Fill, which lets you change the color a shape fills with (and if it fills at all).
- Stroke, which lets you change if a shape draws a stroke, how wide it is, and the color.
- Blend Mode, which will change the blend / compositing mode for all processed shapes.
- And finally, if you double click on the canvas when Shape Processors are active, it will now bring up the Shape Processor palette.
Other New Things
- The Mask to Alpha filter has a new invert invert colors option. Normally mask to alpha will convert the black areas of your image to transparent, and the white to opaque (with gray somewhere in-between). With the new Invert Colors option, Mask to Alpha will now convert the white areas of your image to transparent, and keep the black opaque. This is great if you are scanning line line drawings from your own artwork, and want to make the backgrounds transparent.
Minor Stuff
- Acorn does a bit of database cleanup now by default when saving in the Acorn image format, which will result in smaller files in some cases.
- Color profiles are now included with PSD exports (thanks to the folks at The Iconfactory for the patch!)
- When resizing your image to something rather larger than normal, Acorn will ask to make sure that's what you wanted to do. (Acorn already did this for new documents, but it's super handy when resizing or changing your canvas size as well).
- Improvements to PSD export.
- Pasting an image into the New Image window will create a new image with the contents of the paste. This has always been the case. The new thing is that any open New Image windows will now close.
- The Save Panel brought some old tricks back! If you Save a new image, or Save As… an existing image and enter the file name and type out a changed extension, Acorn will notice and auto-select the right file type from the format popup. This had been broken on 10.15 and sandboxed versions of Acorn previously. But no more! (Hat tip to Rich Siegel for the workaround).
- The Edit ▸ Fill… command now picks the right fill color to use (instead of possibly the stroke) from the tool palette color well. (Also- in case you didn't already know, pressing Option-Delete will automatically fill a bitmap layer with the current fill color. It's a nice shortcut to have around).
- Minor and mysterious QOL fixes involving fonts, color profile sheets, pixel tool drawing, and redrawing on 10.15.
- Bezier shapes now draw their outlines and handles when manipulating anchor points and their associated handles.
- Removed the 'Mix' filter.
- Fixed a problem where the File ▸ Revert command might not set the canvas dimensions to the correct dimensions.
- Fixed a problem where the text selection drawing would be pretty wonky if you had changed the line height of a text box.
- Fixed a crasher where the OS would tell about non-existent color profiles, and then Acorn tried to use these ghost profiles.
- Fixed some issues where applying a font to text where there are no valid glyphs would leave the font popup button in an interesting state.
- Fixed a problem where the eraser tool might not restrict itself to selections.
- Fixed a couple of little brushing issues with the tablet and blend modes.
- Fixed a bunch of issues where SVG parsing would fail with complex paths. Also added support for the line-cap attribute when importing SVG files.
- Fixed a problem when exporting all layers as SVG.
- Fixed a problem where dragging SVG files onto the canvas wouldn't import the images correctly.
- Fixed an issue with web export windows not displaying correctly for 16bpc images on 10.15.
- Fixed an issue with the color picker not syncing up correctly on secondary displays.
- Acorn now clamps the edges of a selection when a feather is being applied. This helps for when you take a selection with a feather and invert it, causing the edges to be feathered when that wasn't exactly expected.
Acorn 6.5.3
November 20th, 2019.
- Fixed a problem where "Edit in Acorn" from Photos on 10.15 might not work.
- Other minor 10.15 cleanups and fixes.
- Fixed an issue when printing or exporting as PDF when some layers had non-normal blend modes.
- Acorn is a little less aggressive about writing out extended attributes to remember things like the zoom scale between file opens.
- Fixed a possible crasher in the brushing engine when using the smudge tool.
- New hidden pref to take layered screenshots without window shadows:
defaults write com.flyingmeat.Acorn6 layeredScreenshotIgnoreShadow 1
Acorn 6.5.2
October 17th, 2019.
- Fixed an issue where the tool inspector would sometimes draw multiple inspectors at the same time.
- Deep color compatibility fixes for MacOS 10.15 Catalina.
- Fixed an issue where palettes wouldn't show up correctly on MacOS 10.15 Catalina if you had multiple displays connected.
Acorn 6.5.1
October 7th, 2019.
- Compatibility fixes for MacOS 10.15 Catalina.
- Fixed a problem where transparent gradients on shape layer shapes weren't exporting as PDF correctly.
- Fixed a crasher that could occur when trying to create an image from the FaceTime camera.
- Fixed a problem where certain brushes weren't drawing in a straight line when you press the shift key while drawing.
- Minor crop + bounds snapping fixes.
- Fixed a problem where Acorn wasn't letting you enter math for the image resize fields.
- Fixed a problem where Acorn wasn't loading unsigned plugins.
Acorn 6.5
July 11th, 2019.
- The Clone tool now has an opacity option.
- Crop improvements: You can now set the DPI of an image while cropping, and alignment guides now appear when rotating your image in a crop.
- The Perspective Transform command has a new option in the palette to show / hide the grid. It also gets a new palette that shows up when invoked.
- Feathering selections: The Select ▸ Feather… menu item has been removed and you can now control the feather on a selection right in the selection palette.
- End caps for bezier paths: You can now change between round, square, and butt end cap styles for bezier paths. These new options are right under the join style in the path options section of the shape palette. Also, it's now easier to see the selected state of the line join and cap styles.
- You can now use the anchor select tool to drag and select multiple anchors.
- New Image Panel improvements: We've increased the accuracy when changing from one unit to another (ie- inches to centimeters) as well as added an option to view the resolution field as pixels per inch or pixels per centimeter.
- The PDF import window now shows the pixel dimensions of what your new image will be (and updates accordingly when you change the DPI)
- We've added a new advanced preference which tells Acorn to load 3rd party Image Units.
- New Polish Localization courtesy of Leszek Klich.
- Better support for editing images from Bear.
- Tightened up the pixel edges a shape will snap to on creation (specifically bezier path or rect shapes).
- Adjust a text box to have a non-zero line height will no longer clip the top of the first line (for new text boxes only; existing text boxes will keep the old behavior).
- The blinking insertion point for text boxes and paths is a little bit thicker now.
- Kerning is now on by default for new text boxes (previously it was disabled). You can turn kerning off by editing and selecting the text, then using the Edit ▸ Font ▸ Kern ▸ Use None menu item. Additionally, the Command-Option-[ and Command-Option-] shortcuts can be used to tighten and loosen the kerning on selected text (while editing it).
- Improvements to how the aspect ratio is kept when placing a crop preset on the canvas and then swapping the orientation with the 'x' key.
- No longer showing a modal dialog box when a trying to change a locked layer. An in-canvas notification is now shown instead.
- Web Export now lets you explicitly set the quality of your image when exporting, in addition to the already existing slider. The quality setting lets Acorn know how much compression to use when exporting your image.
- The DPI for certain presets have been increased from 72 to 300 dpi.
- Text padding changes. Prior to Acorn 6.5, text boxes had a 5 pixel inset which would make glyphs show up 5 pixels to the right of where the logical location of the text box was. This meant that when you left aligned a text box below a filled box, the starting glyph wasn't exactly where you'd expect it to be. In Acorn 6.5, new text boxes are created with a padding of 0 pixels so alignment will always happen as you'd expect. Existing text boxes keep the 5 pixel inset for compatibility's sake.
- The default new document size has been changed to be whatever half the size of your display's pixel dimensions are.
- Acorn has a new hidden pref for auto-saving of all file types, not just Acorn:
defaults write com.flyingmeat.Acorn6 autosaveNonNativeImages 1
If you're using this on lossy file types like JPEG, your image will degrade over time because each time you open and save your image, details are lost.
- Fixed a problem where Smart Layer Export wouldn't work when an extension was not given in the file name.
- Clearing the document edited state when using the Revert menu item.
- Fixed a problem where adding a control point to the curves filter wouldn't show up right away.
- Fixed a problem when using the pencil tool on 10.13 and later with the blend mode set to copy.
- Fixed some little issues with Automator actions.
- Fixed an issue where undo wouldn't always work when moving control points for a bezier path.
- Better selections in text boxes when line and paragraph spacing are non-default values.
- Fixed an issue where empty windows would sometimes come up when you launched Acorn.
- Fixed a problem where setting the paragraph spacing to 0 while editing a text box would sometimes fail.
- The File ▸ New from Selection command now copies over the correct DPI from the copied image.
- Fixed an issue where the DPI of your image could change when using the Image ▸ Resize Image… menu item, and you didn't really want it to.
- Fixed a problem where the Reselect command wouldn't work.
- Fixed some issues when setting specific kerning on characters.
- Fixed a problem when exporting an image as PDF when a shape layer had a layer filter turned on.
- Fixed a possible memory leak when exporting via Web Export.
- Fixed a minor bug where the cursor wouldn't update when you cleared a selection by pressing the ESC key.
Acorn 6.3.3
April 16, 2019.
- Fixed a problem where selections might show up when exporting as a rasterized PDF.
- Fixed a problem where Acorn could (seemingly) randomly crash when moving selections.
- Fixed a problem where Acorn could write a bad compressed PSD in certain cases.
Acorn 6.3.2
March 6th, 2019.
- Fixed a problem where instant alpha wasn't working on deep color images.
- Fixed a problem where starting a new oval selection with the shift key down wouldn't make a circle selection right away.
Hey did you know holding down the shift key when a selection is present will add to the current selection? And holding down the option key will remove from the selection. And holding both option and the shift key will perform a union to an existing selection.
- Fixed a problem with the brush palette where you the softness slider was enabled for brushes which don't have a softness setting.
- Fixed some problems making deep color images when running on 10.11.
Acorn 6.3.1
January 14, 2019.
- Fixed a bug when printing and a layer would come out smaller than expected.
- Fixed PDF export bugs.
- Improved color accuracy when using the Curves filter, and improvements when using it with 64 and 128 bit images.
Acorn 6.3
January 4th, 2019.
New Masking Things
- Portrait Mask support! If you have an iPhone running iOS 12 which takes Portrait photos with the camera, Acorn will now detect and open up the Portrait Matte as a mask for the image! You can then enable this mask to block out the background and add fancy backgrounds or custom blurs for your image.
- New menu item to move a layer mask to a regular layer. Select the layer with the mask, hold down the Shift and Option keys, and choose the Layer ▸ Eject Layer Mask menu item. This menu is also available under the action menu of the main palette window, and in the canvas contextual menu.
- Drag and drop out layer masks! If you have a layer mask selected, you can now drag it out of the layers list into its own layer or even move it to another layer mask. Hold down the Shift key to move it to a layer that doesn't already have a layer mask. Hold down the option key to make a copy of it.
- Hold down the shift key when clicking on a mask to toggle it on or off.
- Did you know? You can hold down the option key when clicking on a mask to toggle direct visibility of it. A normal click on the layer mask again (or any other layer) will turn it off.
- You can drag and drop a mask onto the trash icon to delete it.
- You can drag and drop a mask onto the + icon to copy it.
- When a mask is selected, pressing Command Delete will remove it.
- Exporting layers will now export the mask as well (via the File ▸ Export ▸ Export All Layers… menu item). And you now have the option to apply the mask on export.
New Brushing Things
- Acorn has a brand new brushing engine with much improved performance when running on MacOS 10.13 or 10.14 Mojave.
- A whole new category of "Basic Round" brushes ranging from 1px in size up to 5000px.
- Four new hand crafted bristle brushes.
- Saved brushes now have an opacity setting that can go along with it.
- The brush palette now has options for setting flow, softness, and the blending of the currently selected brush.
Indexed PNG Images in Web Export
- Reduce the number of images used for PNG export, and save in file size! When exporting as a PNG you now have the option to "Index PNG Colors" which will reduce the bit depth of your image while also reducing the file size. Make an image that's 90% smaller than the original.
Improved PDF Export
- Instead of rasterizing everything to a single bitmap layer which is then turned into a vector-less PDF, Acorn will now mix vector layers with bitmap layers. What this means is that you can have a fancy background imported from somewhere, and have text on a path (or circle) and other shapes that aren't turned into bitmaps which can look bad at lower resolutions. What you get now is a PDF that can be zoomed in and scaled, and all your shape layers will retain their sharp edges. This does mean that shape layers don't get to have filters on them though. Which is a bummer, but we think it's worth the tradeoff. Some blend modes are also not supported. But, we've got this instance covered with the next bullet point. Which is the next line below. Please read on.
- New "PDF (Rasterized)" option when exporting, enabled by holding down the option key when clicking on the options popup. This is the old behavior, where a bitmap image is created from your canvas and then stuffed into a PDF.
New Things
- Improved speed with 64 bit images on MacOS 10.14 Mojave!
- Now using visual effect views in the palettes, which lets the background color bleed in. However, if you have "Reduct transparency" turned on in the Accessibility System Prefs, then we'll skip the whole background bleeding in thing.
More Stuff
- Improved accuracy with the Curves filter.
- More precision when picking out colors on Retina displays with the canvas color loupe.
- Various MacOS Mojave UI fixes.
- Fixed a problem where web export of images with a layer which has a blend mode of Soft Light gives a preview that doesn't match the canvas.
- Fixed a problem where Acorn could quit unexpectedly when cropping an image.
- Fixed a problem where you couldn't control-click on a ruler to bring up the units contextual menu.
- Fixed a problem when using the Share menu in other applications to send very large images to Acorn.
Acorn 6.2.3
November 9, 2018.
- Just a super small update to fix some registration things.
Acorn 6.2.2
October 6th, 2018.
- Various MacOS Mojave 10.14 compatibility fixes.
- Fixed a selection problem for OS X El Capitan 10.11.
- Fixed various palette drawing issues.
- Fixed a problem where some images would become corrupt when rotating them.
- Command-clicking a layer mask's thumbnail now makes a correct selection out of the mask (previously it was inverted).
Acorn 6.2.1
September 27th, 2018.
- Various MacOS Mojave 10.14 compatibility fixes.
- Fixed a problem where the brush designer couldn't open on 10.11.
- Fixed an issue where the star and rect toolbar icons were swapped on 1x displays.
Acorn 6.2
September 24th, 2018.
The One About Dark Mode and MacOS Mojave
Acorn is embracing the dark side. At least if you want it to- otherwise Acorn will totally pretend that Dark Mode doesn't exist and we're all good.
A new appearance requires new icons as well. We've refreshed all the icons in the welcome window as well as in the tools palette. And everyone gets those, not just folks running Mojave.
Little New Things
- New Appearance preference when running on Mojave: Pick either Dark Aqua, Aqua, or System to follow the system setting.
- The Rotate shape processor now has a cumulative option.
- The text palette now has a fill option right above the stroke field. Hurray- no more moving to the shape palette to turn strokes on and off!
- Improvements to zooming your image in and out with the ⌘-1 through 5 shortcut keys.
- Better integration when editing from and auto-save.
- If no documents are open, and you drag and drop a file into the layers palette, Acorn will now open up that image.
- Turned off the behavior where the selected tool is saved as part of the image, rather than global for the app. This means switching between open images will always keep the currently selected tool.
- Additional preset scale levels have been added to the Command+ and Command- shortcuts, which helps out on the lower end.
- The scale buttons (next to the canvas scale slider) will now stop at a point where the image is zoomed to fit.
- Acorn will now show a little warning on the canvas when you copy 100% transparent pixels to the clipboard.
- Canvas notifications are now shown at the top of the canvas instead of smack dab in the middle.
- Web Export uses fancier scaling, so the edges of circles that butt up against the last column of the image don't get blown out when the image is scaled down.
- When auto-save is turned on, non-native images (JPEG, PNG, TIFF, basically everything other than .acorn files) will open up as unsaved new images. This is to keep from re-encoding lossy image formats, and automatically losing data in general. If you enjoyed the previous option, you can turn off auto-save in the General tab of Acorn's preferences window.
- The subpixel anti-aliasing option for text boxes has been removed when Acorn is running on MacOS Mojave 10.14 (Apple has removed subpixel anti-aliasing from the system and made it impossible for Acorn to support).
- When using Smart Export on single layer via the Export… button, the option to always smart export when saving is now available via the export sheet.
- Super minor: The web export window will now default to save your image in the same folder the original image was opened from.
- Various MacOS Mojave 10.14 fixes.
- Fixed a relatively small drawing problem with ovals.
- Fixed a problem where you could make an empty selection on layer masks.
- Fixed a problem where the color loupe would sometimes show up when you press the option key over a palette.
- Now supporting the new drag and drop stuff from Photos on MacOS 10.14, so we can all enjoy full res images.
- Fixed a problem where the Close All menu item was unlocalized.
- Zoom to fit refinements for folks who have their scrollbars set to always show.
- Fixed a problem where web export wouldn't remember the "Remove metadata" settings between uses.
- Fixed a problem when opening certain PDFs and creating an image out of the first page.
- Fixed some rounding errors when drawing selections.
- Fixed flickering when selecting text.
- Fixed a problem where View ▸ Draw Shape Vectors wasn't working correctly with Metal.
- Fixed a bug where clicking the mouse with the control key down wouldn't bring up the contextual menu on the canvas.
- Fixed a problem where the pencil cursor would go away when drawing.
- Fixed a scaling issue with text boxes.
Acorn 6.1.3
June 21st, 2018 (happy summer solstice!).
- Added the placeholder "$layername$" to the smart layer export settings field (which works just like "$filename$" does). Read up on Smart Layer Export for more info.
- Fixed a problem when making a very slow crop, and then you hit the shift key to constrain it to a square, and then out of the blue the crop decides to flip itself. You did nothing wrong, it just happened. And you knew not why. But no longer, for it works as you'd like now.
- Fixed a problem when using a crop preset with keeping the aspect ratio would break when you got to the edge of the canvas.
- Fixed a problem when copying a selection from images where certain image properties were present.
- Fixed a problem where flattening layer filters wouldn't sometimes work when had a selection that was previously moved.
- Fixed a problem where there would be some visual tearing when using the crop tool.
- Fixed a problem where using the named color "windowBackgroundColor" for brushing would fail.
- Fixed a problem where Copy Merged would sometimes fail.
- Fixed an issue where using the gradient tool on a layer mask wouldn't show up right away.
- Fixed an issue where the Metadata window could show the wrong image capture date.
- Fixed an issue where Acorn's QuickLook plugin could crash with files from Acorn 1.0.
Acorn 6.1.2
March 13, 2018.
- Fixed blurry icons on 1x displays.
- Fixed some drawing issues when moving selections at ~87% zoom.
- Fixed cases where Acorn could crash on 10.11.
- Fixed a bug where editing text with the Typography palette out could cause a crash.
- Fixed a problem with the Scale and Rotate command which could clip selections on the right edge by a couple of pixels under certain circumstances.
- Reduced the amount of canvas flickering when using the Crop tool.
Acorn 6.1.1
February 14, 2018.
- Fixed a crasher which could occur on macOS 10.12 when using undo after drawing with the paint brush.
- Fixed a problem where bringing up the feedback window on 10.13 didn't always allow you to start typing right away.
Acorn 6.1
February 8th, 2018.
Metal 2 support on macOS High Sierra 10.13 and later
So what does this get you? Faster panning, brushing, fills, and just a general speed improvement overall. Acorn should feel more fluid, and we've even seen frame rates over 160 FPS when brushing on a 2015 iMac 5k.
We've also added some new preferences to choose where the rendering happens, located under the Fussy Stuff tab. You can choose Metal, OpenGL, or Software. You can also choose if the data for your image is stored on the GPU or on the CPU (we realize this is a little ridiculous, and we'll remove these options in a future release, but they are great for playing around with right now).
If you find that things aren't faster for you- let us know (by emailing We're super responsive and would love to hear about any problems, or even if things are awesome++ for you.
Other New things
- By very popular demand, color icons are back! They are turned on by default, but if you liked the way things looked previously you can turn off the "Color Interface" option in the General preferences tab.
- HEIC/HEIF encoding support for folks running 10.13.4 or later (Save As…, Export…, and Web Export).
- Support for opening EPS files.
- When taking screenshots the Touch Bar is now included if you're lucky (or unlucky?) enough to have a MacBook Pro.
- Support for 30 bit image display for the new iMac Pro.
- The Replace Color filter has a new option to ignore alpha when comparing colors.
- Transforms are a bit faster now by drawing a low-quality transform when moving, and then a high quality one when Acorn has more time to do the rendering.
- Added a new pref to turn on or off checking for important news.
- Squircles.
- Removed some old text styles that no longer made sense, and added some new ones (this is under the Edit ▸ Text Style ▸ sub menu. Did you know you can make your own to save in Acorn's App Support folder?).
- The App Store version of Acorn no longer has an option to purchase a 14 day free trial for $0. Various Apple App Store bugs, incomplete APIs, and a general bad experience all around caused us to think hard about removing it and we think it's best to do so for now. A 14 day free trial is still available via our website, where you can download Acorn and try it out right away.
- Various little Quality of Life fixes.
- Various undo notifications are now 94% more accurate.
- Removed some filters which showed up in 10.13 that didn't make sense for Acorn (Hello CILabDeltaE, I'm looking specifically at you).
- Fixed an issue where indexed PNGs were opening up empty.
Acorn 6.0.4
December 5th, 2017.
New things
- Oh hey did you notice that Acorn can now open up HEIF images taken by your fancy new iPhones when run on 10.13? Even Acorn 5 can do that, but who cares about that because you're running the obviously superior Acorn 6.
- Print changes: Acorn will now automatically scale down your image for printing if it doesn't automatically fit on a single page.
- Fixed performance problems with the brush tool on 10.13 and large images.
- Fixed a MacOS 10.13 problem when exporting Very Large Images which have a curves layer filter attached to it.
Acorn 6.0.3
September 16, 2017.
- Fixed a crasher when dragging and dropping group layers from the layers list, when they contained shape layers.
- Fixed a problem when using the exclude path function.
- Fixed a problem where the Bias fields in the RAW image import window didn't allow you to enter a wide enough range of values.
Acorn 6.0.2
August 22nd, 2017.
- Acorn has a brand new German localization.
- Fixed a crasher when merging layers.
- Fixed some cases where the dither filter wasn't drawing in the right spot.
- Fixed a case where flipping a selection on a bitmap layer wouldn't also flip the actual selection, which was annoying when you had irregular selections.
- Fixed some unnecessary console logging.
Acorn 6.0.1
July 31st, 2017.
- Fixed a problem where filling a selection with AppleScript was using the wrong color.
- Fixed a crasher having to do with the Curves filter.
- Better notifications when you're starting the App Store free trial.
- Little SVG import fixes.
- Fixed an issue where initially opening multiple documents with the same dimensions and the system prefs to always show tabs was incorrectly sizing the window.
- Fixed an issue where you might crash when merging a group layer.
- Fixed a potential problem where Acorn could crash when registering.
- Removed some static libraries that weren't being used anymore. The net result is that Acorn is a smaller download now.
Text on a path
Our #1 feature request. It's a big thing, and it's awesome. You can use the Shape ▸ Convert To Path Text menu item when selecting a shape, or you can use the Bezier Text Tool (which is a sub item under the Text Tool button) to click on a path and then start typing.
To go along with this, we've added a new "Graduated Font Scale" shape processor, that increases (or decreases) your fonts on your paths, circles, or even in the old style boxes. Make fancy stuff™.
Clone tool works across layers, images, and more
Our #2 feature request, and another big thing. The clone tool can now work across layers, images, and can even use group or shape layers as a cloning source. If you'd like to reset the origin where the cloning starts, hold down the shift key when clicking. Using this technique, the clone tool can also function as a stamping tool. Keep the shift key held down if you'd like to clone in a straight line.
Use the option click to define a new clone source, or just begin drawing. Shift click to reset the clone tool's origin.
New Web Export Features
You can now zoom and pan and use shortcuts to change the scale of your image. There are new options to convert your image to sRGB if it isn't already, and if you are exporting a wide gamut image (such as DP3), there's a new option to highlight he colors that are out of range of sRGB (available on 10.12+ only)!
Web Export also has the option to keep (or remove) image metadata, such as exif properties.
Smart Layer Export Settings Palette
There's now a configurable palette to setup a layer's Smart Layer Export settings (which were originally introduced way back in Acorn 3.3). You now have a movable frame that represents the export bounds of your image, and you can even give it a real name and everything from there. In addition, you can choose to have your layer automatically export as @1x, @2x, @3x, etc. sizes.
New Bezier tools, stroke alignment, and boolean operations
You can now set the stroke alignment on shapes to be inner, outer, or center (which has always been the default you're probably used to).
Shapes now have a new boolean operation: Divide, which works on two selected overlapping shapes. In addition to this, when you hold down the option key when using the boolean shape operations, Acorn will keep the original shapes you selected in your layer. ALSO another thing- if you hold down the shift key when using the subtract boolean operation, it'll reverse the order of the shapes, so if you accidentally subtracted things in the wrong order, you can quickly undo and then try again with the shift key.
There are now Shape ▸ Bezier Stuff ▸ Simplify Path and Smooth Path menu items, which do exactly what they say.
There's a new option under the Shape ▸ Bezier Stuff menu item: "Reverse Path". If you drew a path from the right end of your canvas, to the left, and then added text to it, you text will go right to left, and upside down. This might not be what you're after. This new menu item will instead reverse your path, so that it goes the opposite direction. Tada!
When converting text to a bezier shape (via Shape ▸ Bezier Stuff), each glyph in the text box turns into its own path instead of the whole text block being a single path.
One last new thing- when using the pen tool + the shift key to add an anchor to a bezier shape, Acorn will now highlight where the new anchor location will show up.
Load and save color profiles, view wide gamut differences
Color profiles. Love them or hate them, if you do enough image editing you're going to need to use them at some point. Acorn 6 makes it easier than ever to load and save profiles to your image from the Color Profile sheet. And these days with wide gamut profiles showing up from your iPhone 7, you're going to want to know what pixels are going to change when you convert your painstakingly crafted DP3 image to sRGB for the web. And that's why we've added a new previewing option in Web Export that will show up when you're saving out a wide gamut image.
Make Shape from Selection
This new menu item, located under the Select menu, will be activated when you've placed selections on the canvas using the various vector options (rect, oval, freehand, etc). It'll also do the correct boolean options if you subtract or add to the selection. This is awesome if you want to add a stroke to your canvas selection.
Good things got better
- Previously modal operations (like Crop, Scale and Rotate, Wrap) are now no longer modal. You can now switch between images without having to finish a crop in your current image.
- The Scale and Rotate palette now show the x / y / width / height values of the transforming selection.
- New shortcut to crop a single bitmap layer: Command-Shift-Option-K (or you can hold down the Shift key when using the Image ▸ Crop menu item). This works when a crop is on the canvas, or with a selection. If it's a selection, the command is basically a shortcut for invert selection, and then delete.
- Instant Alpha gets two new options: the ability to turn on and off the smoothing of the edges, and a contiguous / non contiguous mode.
Other new things
- File ▸ Export ▸ Export All Layers menu, which lets you pick a folder to export all your layers to.
- Crop pixel lock & resizing. The crop palette now has an option to lock dimensions. Which you click this, it'll "lock" your crop and the final size of your image will be whatever the pixel dimensions you have set are. For instance, let's say you add a 100x100 size crop on your image, and then press the lock. Then you resize the crop on the canvas to be something larger. When you hit crop, your image will crop to what you've got, and then resize your image down to 100x100. So you can essentially set your image size at the same time you're making a crop.
- New "Reflection" filter, which reflects your image as if it was on a shiny table.
- New "Linear Gradient Blur" filter, which works just like the radial gradient blur… only without the radial. It's linear (see- it's right in the name that's how you know it's linear).
- Softness sliders have been added to the brush, clone, dodge, etc., palettes.
- New Automator Action- "Call Filter Preset", which adds a filter preset to images via Automator.
- The Filter menu now has a "Presets" sub menu.
- New button in the palette to delete layers. You can also drag and drop a layer from the layers list into it for deletion
- The shortcut Command-5 will zoom to 50%. And if you're already at 50%, Command-5 will then zoom to 25%. Command-4 will zoom to 800%, and then to 3500% if you're already at 800%. However, the menu items never updated their respective titles to indicate this. In Acorn 6, now they do.
- There's now an option in the text palette to invert circle text.
- After transforming a selection, Acorn will keep the selection on the canvas (previous versions of Acorn would clear it).
- There's a new option in the Crop preset popup "Last Crop". This will place on your canvas the last crop you performed.
- Text boxes now have an option for sub-pixel antialiasing in the Quick Config popover. (18294)
- The web export window now has a proxy icon for your export data. So instead of saving your image, you can use the proxy icon to drag and drop your image anywhere that can accept the image.
- You can now export CMYK TIFF images with depths of 32, 64, and 128 bits per pixel.
- The Grayscale filter has a new "Black and white only" option, which works just like the 1bit filter does, but without any extra steps. This also works like a Threshold filter.
- You can now use the $filename$ placeholder for the layer in in Smart Layer Export, which will replace it with the name of your document.
- The info palette will now show the total pixel count, along with the amount of (uncompressed) memory your image takes up. Double clicking on the move tool (or pressing 'v' twice) will bring it up.
- Double clicking or pressing enter on a bezier shape will switch to the the anchor selection tool.
- New Superellipse option for boxes when they have a corner radius turned on.
- When transforming a shape or selection, there are new options in the palette (and context menu) to flip your image horizontal or vertical.
- Filled out the Edit ▸ Tools menu with all the available tools.
- In most cases when you try an operation on a locked layer, Acorn would say 'Hey- it's locked. Do you want to unlock?' and if you choose yes it'll unlock and you can try again. In Acorn 6, if you say 'unlock' to that question, Acorn will continue with the previous operation so you won't have to try and do it again.
- The meta-data window now shows the pixel dimensions, as well as saved file size of your image.
- When cropping, you can hold down the option key + return to crop only the current layer (bitmap layers only).
- Added a Boolean Divide option to the Touch Bar for selected shapes.
- Added a Contiguous toggle button to the flood fill palette.
- If you hold down the option key when selecting a color profile, it'll show you where it was loaded from on disk if available.
- If you have a shape layer with processors in it and try and add a new shape, Acorn will no longer warn you that it can't do that. Instead, it'll just add a new shape layer and start adding your new shapes to that.
Notable changes
- Text boxes now clip all text to the box they are set in. This means if your first line of text has a line height that pushes it outside the box it's in, then the text will now be clipped. And if you have a baseline that sends it below the box, then it'll also be clipped. Acorn did text a little sloppy in the past, and drew text outside those boxes- but it caused all kinds of little problems and artifacts to show up. Adding the clip cleans all those cases up. (And what's more- previous versions of Acorn would clip your text in _some_ cases, but not all. Now it's 100% consistent.
- When moving a gradient stop, a tooltip is now show with the location of the stop in the gradient.
- The shape boolean operations are now powered by Paper.js
- The various Export options have been moved under a new File ▸ Export submenu.
- When using the Randomize Anchor Location processor on star shapes, the star no longer has a non-closed shape.
- The "Change Angle" Shape Processor has been renamed to "Rotate".
- The layers list in the canvas contextual menu is now visually listed in the same order as what shows up in the layers palette list.
- When moving or resizing a crop, the current x/y/width/height values are shown above the cursor.
- When switching to the Crop tool and there is a selection, Acorn automatically uses the selection bounds to place a crop on the canvas.
- The Image ▸ Trim to Edges command will now crop out any layers who's dimensions fall outside the canvas bounds (even if there aren't any transparent pixels inside the canvas to trim up). (24197)
- The Web Export window now tries to be the smallest it can be on Retina displays. (24115)
- More accurate CMYK layer export, having to do with alpha blending.
- The mirror filter no longer clamps its edges.
Acorn 5.6.6 August 23, 2017.
- Fixed a cursor flickering problem when run on MacOS 10.13.
- Fixed a crasher that could occur with the curves filter.
- Acorn 5 will now accept Acorn 6 registrations.
- Fixed the help links, some of which were going to Acorn 6 documentation instead of Acorn 5.
- Fixed an issue with the hex color picker.
Acorn 5.6.4 March 14 (π), 2017.
Another little release where we clean up things that macOS 10.12 gifted us.
- Fixed a(nother) problem where areas of the image would go black when running on macOS 10.12 Sierra.
- Fixed a problem where nudging a single selected pixel could fail on 10.12.
- Fixed a problem where deleting a magic wand selection would sometimes fail on 10.12.
- Fixed a problem where certain NEF files might cause Acorn's RAW importer window to misbehave on 10.12.
- A little fix for Python plugins, for the handful of you still using those.
Acorn 5.6.3 Feb 10, 2017.
- Fixed a problem where areas of the image would go black when running on MacOS 10.12 Sierra.
- Fixed an issue where the gradient blend mode button would become inactive.
Acorn 5.6.2 Jan 24, 2017.
New Stuff
- Fixed a problem where Acorn's Photos Extension wasn't showing up for some folks.
- Fixed a bug where Acorn would sometimes bring Photos to the front when closing a new unsaved image.
Acorn 5.6.1 Jan 17, 2017.
- Fixed a bug where the brush "Painting 9" wasn't working correctly.
- Fixed an annoying bug where sometimes you'd try and click on a shape that's on another layer but instead you'd end up selecting a shape on your current layer which was technically under the one you were trying to click so that kind of makes sense, but it's not what you were trying to do. We fixed that.
- Fixed a bug where the Clear Recent menu item wouldn't clear the Touch Bar of recent images.
Acorn 5.6 Dec 14, 2016.
New MacBook Pro Touch Bar Things
- Brush tools on bitmap layers: Change the size, opacity, and softness of your brushes.
- When no images are open, Acorn will a New button and show a list of recently opened images in Touch Bar, which you can tap to open.
- General canvas: Fill & stroke color widgets, share widgets, canvas rotate / flip.
- Crop: Rotate left & right, Crop button.
- Scale and Transform: Rotate left & right, Apply button.
- Free Transform: Flip your layer vertically or horizontally.
- Shape Layers: If you have two or more shapes selected, you'll get a boolean operation popover, which lets you then use the union/difference/exclude/intersect operations.
- Shape Layers: If you have two or more shapes selected, you'll also get alignment options for those shapes.
- Shape Layers: Turn fill and stroke on and off for selected shapes.
- Shape Layer Stars: You can adjust the number of points selected stars have using Touch Bar.
Edit in Acorn from Photos
- We've added a new Photos extension, which will let you edit your photo in Acorn (available for macOS 10.11 and 10.12+).
- Acorn supports tabs if you are on 10.12 or later. Drag and drop between the layers list and other tabs, it's pretty awesome.
- Fixed a problem where histograms were calculating incorrect data for transparent areas.
- Fixed a bug where the Text Splitter Processor wasn't working correctly for Circle Text.
- Fixed a bug where trying to copy when no layer was currently selected would lead to an error.
- Fixed a bug where Acorn couldn't open up some older files where text boxes were set with interesting colors.
- Fixed a bug where Acorn could become unstable when bringing up the canvas contextual menu item from a SVG file.
- Fixed a problem where opening up iPhone 7 RAW images on macOS Sierra wouldn't show a correct preview in the RAW Import window.
- Added a check for the 3rd party filter "SobelEdgeDetectorUnit.plugin", which was crashing Acorn in macOS Sierra.
- Fixed a problem where the cursor for the clone tool with the tool tip enabled would draw in the wrong location on retina displays.
- Acorn no longer requires the discrete graphics card to be in use for MacBook Pros.
- The text palette now has an added level of precision for the baseline, kerning, line height, and paragraph spacing fields.
- New hidden pref to turn on auto-scrolling for various canvas operations: defaults write com.flyingmeat.Acorn5 autoAutoScroll 1
Acorn 5.5.2 Sept 16th, 2016.
- Fixed a problem where instant alpha sometimes didn't work on layers with lots of transparency.
- Fixed a random crasher on 10.12 when using undo/redo on bitmap layers.
- Using the flood fill tool on an empty bitmap layer is now super fast.
- The new Dither filter was accidently showing up in 10.10, when it should have been 10.11 and later.
- Accidentally improved performance when using undo or redo.
Acorn 5.5.1 August 6th, 2016.
- Fixed a problem where you couldn't duplicate a layer with the Spacing option "Arrange Shapes in a Circle" set to it's initial value of 0.
- Fixed a problem where the sRGB profile for PNG images were being removed on web export when you had the "Embed profile" option turned on.
- Improved performance when drawing fast lines in Acorn with a tablet. We did this by turning on coalescing on by default. If for some reason you'd like the previous behavior, you can turn it off by pasting the following in Terminal:
defaults write com.flyingmeat.Acorn5 coalesceBrush 0
Acorn 5.5 August 2nd, 2016.
New Things
- New color picker! Hold down the option key (while in the canvas) when using the brush, pencil, gradient, or fill tools, and you'll get a fancy new loupe to select a color from anywhere on the screen (just click to pick your color). You can also scroll in and out with your scroll wheel (with shift+option down) to change how far in the loupe zooms. And finally if you'd like to get finer control when choosing your color, click and drag the mouse and let up when you've chosen your color. (You can also use the arrow keys to move it by single pixel increments). This is amazing. And if your hands are on the keyboard instead of mouse, you can use the keyboard shortcut Control-C to pick a color out.
- Two new dithering filters under Color Adjustment: "1Bit" which will turn your layer in a (seemingly) one bit, black and white image. As well as "Dither", which is a filter which lets you choose from four different types of dithers: Atkinson (old school Mac OS), Floyd Steinberg, Gaussian Blue, and Ordered Reproducible. (The Dither filter is only available for 10.11 and later)
- Color profile, bit depth, and DPI of an image are now listed in the Metadata window.
- New "Spacing" option in the "Arrange Shapes in a Circle" shape processor. A setting of 0 will mean shapes are auto-spaced around the circle evenly. Any other value between 1-360 is the distance (as an angle) between shapes. This means that shapes can either not make it all the way around the circle, or even go around multiple times. Bonus- combine this with the Translate shape process to make shapes do a loop across your canvas.
- Layer alignment options: Select multiple layers, and use the various options under Layer ▸ Rotate and Transform ▸ Align to have edges line up or center in canvas, or so on. Hold down the option key for more menu items.
- The Layer ▸ Rotate and Transform ▸ Rotate 90° layer menu items now work on a selection.
- Tightened up some colorspace issues when using the system color loupe from the color panel.
- The return of no working pixel processing profile (WPPP for short?) as default. As part of the color profile overhaul, Acorn 5.4 changed the default WPPP to Linear Light and in while this is awesome for doing things with brushes and most other alpha blending scenarios, it probably wasn't the right choice for general webby use and setting colors in general. It also didn't match what most other image editors did as well. So in Acorn 5.5, we're changing it back.
- Rolled back the bits from 5.4 where shape layers would draw in a linear RGB colorspace if your document was set to run pixels through a linear colorspace as well.
- Removed the View ▸ Select Color menu item, in favor of the Edit ▸ Pick Color menu item. Why didn't anyone notice that we had two different menu items for the same thing till now?
- New code for matching your image's color space to the display color space. It's fancy.
- Changed the minimum radius of the "Arrange Shapes in a Circle" processor to 0. You can now use this processor to stack all your shapes into a single pile.
- The "Monitor Resolution" preset now does the right thing for retina displays.
- QOL improvements for the gradient palette: Single click to select and change the color of a color stop. Better drawing and handling of the gradient palette color handles. In addition, if a color handle has the focus of the color palette, it will now draw a little highlight on top of the handle letting you know this.
- It is no longer to move layers into or out of locked group layers via the layers list.
- Pressing the fx button in the tool palette will now toggle showing the filter sheet if there aren't already filters on the current layer.
Bug fixes
- Fixed some snapping issues when moving selected pixels around the canvas.
- Fixed a bug where changing the bounds of a rotated box (or text area) would put it in a funky location.
- Tightened up the trim bounds for shape layers.
- Fixed an issue where filter descriptions weren't showing up in the filter browser.
- Web export will now remember your last "Embed color profile" setting.
- Fixed a problem where swapping the front and back colors with the fill tool selected would cause both color wells to get the same color.
- Fixed a bug where the 'bitmap layers' AppleScript property was returning more than just bitmap layers.
- Fixed a bug where rasterizing a shape layer with selected shapes could cause incorrect drawing.
- Fixed a bug where nearest neighbor scaling would clip off an edge of pixels when they were next to a transparent area.
- Fixed a problem where text would sometimes smear on the canvas when the text box it was in was too small to contain the text.
- Fixed a bug where filters wouldn't be applied to selections if the filter palette wasn't already open.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't use the pencil toll to put a tiny little stamp at 0,0.
Acorn 5.4.1 May 31th, 2016.
The one about bug fixes.
- Fixed a crasher when importing certain Photoshop brushes.
- Fixed an issue where the Triangle Kaleidoscope wasn't working correctly when you scaled your canvas to less than 100%.
- Fixed an issue where a profile was being embedded on web export even when the setting was flipped off.
- Various little improvements to edge snapping logic.
- The little graphic for the shape palette frame tab now correctly shows the origin in the top left corner if you have that pref set.
- Fixed some redraw problems for shape layers which had various distortion filters applied to them.
- Fixed a problem where text boxes were getting odd artifacts if it was clipped and the font was sufficiently large.
- Fixed a problem where changing the font size for a text box with multiple font faces would change all the fonts to whatever the first one was.
- Fixed a cropping and fill issues when running on OS X 10.10.
- Fixed a problem where a shadow set on circle text would draw at the wrong time, which gave a funny shadow to the selection box.
Acorn 5.4 May 16th, 2016.
New and Changed Stuff
- New shortcut to open up the Color Profile menu item (Command-Shift-K).
- Color Profile: Complete reworking of how Acorn does color management (+ Linear Light RGB is now the default working color profile).
- Color Profile Improvement: Shape layers will adjust their drawing depending on what your working color profile is set to now.
- Color Profile Improvement: When pasting to an image with a different color space, Acorn will now match (ie, convert) the pixels to the image being pasted into.
- New Clamp filter under the Misc section, which is useful if you don't want transparent pixels coming from outside your layer for certain filters (such as the various blurs).
- The Random Noise filter now has a Seed parameter which changes up how the random pixels are generated. They can either always come about in the same order, or you can change things up if you'd like. And things are now 100% consistent between file opens.
- Tweaked the Gaussian Blur filter so that by default it now clamps to the edge of your image, instead of bringing in transparent pixels from outside.
- Scripting: The Distributed Objects interface to Acorn via JSTalk or CocoaScript is deprecated (Ie- var acorn = JSTalk.application("Acorn");). You can instead use the technique described under "Writing plugins for Acorn in JSTalk" in the Scripting documentation for automating Acorn, or use the "do JavaScript" AppleScript command.
- New scripting API for replacing text in all the text boxes in a document.
tell application "Acorn"
tell document 1
replace text "$foo$" with "This Is The New String"
end tell
end tell
JavaScript & Cocoascript:
doc.replaceOccurrencesOfString_withString("$foo$", "This Is The New String");
Fixed Stuff
- Better text selection for ranges with line height set to something smaller than the font size.
- Fixed a problem where gradients on layer masks with transparency wouldn't blend correctly.
- Fixed a problem where Acorn would become unresponsive when opening up bad SVG files.
- Dragging and dropping colors on the shape palette mini color wells now correctly sets the right colors for the selected shapes.
- Fixed an old old bug with Color Profiles and dealing with various blending issues. If your image has layers with transparency, you might see a slight change in how the blending is performed.
- Fixed a crasher which could occur if you were rapidly changing the width or height of a PNG when using Web Export.
- Fixed a bug where the clone and smudge tools weren't working for folks.
- Fixed a rare and very vexing crasher which would happen sometimes when using a crop preset.
- Fixed a bug where setting the height of a bezier path wouldn't work correctly in the inspector.
- Fixed a bug where outlining a bezier shape wouldn't always render the correct line join style.
- Fixed an issue where your layer could become progressively lighter if the Pixel Processing Profile was set to Generic and your image color profile was set to sRGB.
Acorn 5.3.1 March 7th, 2016.
New and Changed Stuff
- Increased the grid filter distance parameter from 100px to 500px;
Fixed Stuff
- Intel HD Graphics 3000 crashes- we found a workaround for buggy graphic drivers which were introduced in 10.11. Things are a tiny bit slower now, but way less crashy.
- Better job at importing PSD files with unicode layer names.
- Fixed a bug where duplicating a document wouldn't copy over guides.
- Fixed a problem where Acorn would kick you out of editing circle text when you changed the radius.
- Fixed a potential crasher when using the smudge tool on 64 bit images.
- Fixed a bug where the stroke color for text could be lost.
- Fixed a problem where selections weren't showing up correctly in 10.11.4.
Acorn 5.3 Feb 16, 2016.
New and Changed Stuff
- Circle Text Tool. This lets you add text to your layer, arranged in a circle. To switch to it, you click and hold on the text tool icon, and you'll get a sub-menu to select the new tool. If you're unhappy with the spacing between the letters- adjust the kerning in the text palette to make it right!.
- There's a new menu item under the Shape menu for converting between circle and boxed text.
- The minimum and maximum values for the kerning, baseline, paragraph spacing, and line height sliders are now based off the font size of the selected text box. This means you'll get saner values for really small or really big font sizes.
- When editing a text box, pressing the Command-Enter keys will end your editing session.
- You can now adjust the kerning for a selected text box by using the Command-Option-(Left|Right) arrow keys.
- You can now drag and drop images from Photos onto Acorn's canvas to add additional layers to an open image.
- The Layer ▸ Color Controls window is now been moved to the stackable filters. This gets rid of a modal window, allows for changing values later on, and even works on shape and group layers now.
- The Expand Canvas to Fit Layers command now does a better job at figuring out bounds when you have layer filters involved.
- Brush Designer: When changing brush sliders, Acorn will now update the brush preview in realtime (60fps) to let you know what's going on in the background instead of waiting for the drawing to occur and then redrawing everything at once.
- Exposure, Color Controls, and Remove Color Cast filters now have their values move in sane increments when using the up/down arrow keys in their respective text fields.
- Shapes which have a radius setting (such as the star shape and circle text) can now have that value changed in the Shape Palette inspector while it's selected. You can also change the x and y coordinates of its center from that palette as well.
Fixed Stuff
- Fixed an issue where cropping an image with layer filters would move them incorrectly.
- Moving a bitmap selection will now snap to guides and such.
- Fixed a rare crasher when updating brush settings in the brush designer and then drawing on the canvas again right away.
- Fixed an issue where shape layers wouldn't update right away when resizing the canvas.
- Fixed an issue where creating a 16bpc image from a RAW file wasn't working correctly on 10.10
- Fixed an issue where the Apply Layer Mask command wouldn't work if you had the layer mask active (via the layers list).
- Fixed an issue with Smart Layer Export where some images would get banding on the right side of the image on 10.11.
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't change the kerning for selected text sometimes.
- Fixed an issue where the polygon selection tool would sometimes leave artifacts on the canvas.
- Fixed a couple of cases where you could end up with empty selections.
- Various other minor fixes.
Acorn 5.2.1 December 16, 2015.
- Fixed a bug where deleting text while editing it would sometimes hang Acorn. It was a dumb bug, sorry.
Acorn 5.2 December 8, 2015.
New Stuff
- Deep color image support. Do you have a 5k iMac or recent Mac Pro with a 30 bit display? Then you get to enjoy a new level of color accuracy using Acorn 5.2. Make a 16bpc image, and you'll no longer have crazy gradient banding! Deeper colors, and a wider gamut. What's not to like about that?!
- New color well in the tools palette. It's a bit more clear which color is for stroke and which one is for fill when dealing with shapes.
- Acorn can now open up basic SVG files. The File ▸ New Document from Clipboard menu item will now also with with SVG data on the clipboard.
- If you have multiple fonts selected for a text box, a little note will show up next to the font family popup letting know this.
- You can now paste your selection when in quickmask mode.
- Changed the default colors from a white fill and black stroke, to a white stroke and black fill. This makes adding text for the first time much more sane.
- The previously blank palette (when you click on the move tool) is now populated with various statistics about the open document.
- If you're on 10.11 or later, Acorn can now export your image as TGA.
Fixed Stuff
- Fixed a bug where the Crop Automator Action wouldn't work correctly when used as a Finder service.
- Fixed a bug where Acorn would show hidden layers on SVG export.
- Fixed a bug where Google's Raleway font couldn't be selected.
- Fixed a bug where pressing the bold button in the text palette wouldn't always unbold bolded text.
- Acorn does a better job at remembering the extension you were using for your file when doing a Save As (think jpeg vs. jpg).
- Fixed a problem where the colorspace for images made from the clipboard was lost when you copied from Sketch.
- Fixed a problem where you couldn't import Photoshop brushes if you didn't already have Photoshop installed.
- Fixed a bug where you would sometimes start rotating a shape when you meant to resize it.
- Fixed some redraw problems with selections when you were zoomed in.
- It's a bit easier to select text boxes when you're on a shape layer (ie- click throughs don't happen when you click between letters).
- Various other bug fixes we're too lazy or embarrassed to talk about.
Acorn 5.1.1 October 14, 2015.
New Stuff
- New Automator Actions: Scale and Export to Folder. This makes it super easy to batch process a ton of images, and have them exported to your favorite format.
Fixed Stuff
- Fixed a bug where changing the color of a selected range of text would sometimes reset it to whatever the color of the first character of the text box was.
- Scale and Rotate: Fixed a bug where entering a value such as .85 into the rotation field would round it up to 1.
- Fixed a bug where typing values into the Levels fields wouldn't properly update the filter settings.
- Fixed a problem when pasting bitmaps into an image would sometimes make an empty layer.
- Fixed a bug where the canvas wouldn't scroll when you were zommed in and making a selection.
- Workarounds for various OS X 10.11 El Capitan RAW import bugs (other bugs are fixed in the next OS update from Apple).
- Fixed a regression where the "Add a Crop" button in the Crop palette wasn't adding a crop. You'd think it would know what to do, right? It had just one job. But no. No crops for you. Till now of course.
- Fixed a regression where Acorn wouldn't open up some Adobe Illustrator files.
- Fixed a couple of problems where the attributes such as blend mode or opacity for a layer wasn't displayed properly when undoing a layer merge.
- App Store versions of Acorn should have an easier time when using the "Open Images" Automator action.
Acorn 5.1 September 29, 2015.
New Stuff
- Basic SVG support! You can now export documents and shape layers as simple SVG files. SGA: If there are no shape layers in your image, then the SVG export option will be grayed out. Additionally, this is a pure vector export- any bitmap operations like layer filters or masks are ignored for SVG export.
- Taptic feedback for snapping guides (requires OS X 10.11 El Capitan or later).
- New preference to have a little tick when snapping guides. For those of you without a fancy taptic trackpad, this one is for you. Turn it on under the Guides preferences- "Audible snaps".
- If you've got an Illustrator file that has PDF compatibility turned on for it- Acorn will now open it up like it would a PDF file, allowing you to pick what resolution you'd like to open it as.
- New option added to the Shape Generator Processor: Random Bézier.
- The translate shape processor now has a cumulative option. We love seeing what you've done with the shape processors. Keep it up!
- Brand new "New Image / Layer from Camera" code, which brings it back to the App Store version of Acorn (hat tip to Mr. Guy English for this).
- If you have a https: URL to an image on the clipboard, the File ▸ New from Clipboard menu item will download and open it.
Scripting Stuff
- If you launch Acorn via the terminal with a -coscript argument + the path to a file, Acorn will run the Cocoa Script contained in the file. For example, let's say Acorn is located in your Applications folder. You could open it like this:
/Applications/ -coscript /path/to/cocoascript.coscript
It might also be convenient to set an alias to Acorn like so (in bash):
alias acorn=/Applications/
Then you could get really silly and do things like this:
acorn -coscript "doc ='/Library/Desktop Pictures/Elephant.jpg');\
var image = doc.currentLayer().CIImage();\
var filter = CIFilter.filterWithName('CIGaussianBlur');\
filter.setValue_forKey(image, 'inputImage');
filter.setValue_forKey(20, 'inputRadius');
And finally, if you end your arguments with -cosquit, Acorn will quit after running the commands.
P.S. - Cocoa Script is JSTalk rebranded.
P.P.S. - Make sure to check out the "do JavaScript" AppleScript command as well, which will also take a path as an argument.
Fixed Stuff
- When opening up a .acorn image without any layer data in it, Acorn will attempt to fallback to the composite attribute of the image to make a single layer from.
- Now with 100% more https.
- Various selection fixes.
- Compatibilty fixes with Mac OS 10.11 El Capitan.
- Fixed a bug where PDF import wouldn't always set the DPI correctly.
- Fixed a bug where the Snap to Selection pref wasn't carried over to new documents.
Acorn 5.0.1 September 2nd, 2015.
Fixed Stuff
- Fixed a bug where you could delete on a locked layer.
- Fixed a bug where drawing straight lines on the QuickMask wouldn't always update correctly.
- Fixed a bug where Acorn would fall into a non-responsive state when sometimes trying to move a text layer while it was editing.
- Fixed a bug where the shape layer commands "Make Same Width / Height" wasn't working correctly.
- Tweaked how auto levels is calculated, and fixed some annoying bugs with it.
- Fixed some bad links to our documentation.
- Fixed a couple of bugs with the image metadata editor.
- Fixed a bug were pressing the [ or ] keys when using the pencil tool wouldn't update the cursor to reflect the size change.
- Fixed a thing where Acorn's share menu wouldn't work with some apps.
- Fixed a bug where the line tool didn't snap when creating its start point.
- Fixed a selection problem with text boxes and overlapping shapes.
- Various UI tweaks.
Acorn 5 August 20th, 2015.
The Big New Things in Acorn 5:
The Shape Processor.
Acorn has a really great new feature called "Shape Processing". Have you ever wanted to generate a bunch of new shapes, and then arrange them all in a circle and adjust that radius right on the canvas? What about taking all your shapes and re-ordering them from smallest to largest? What if you wanted to take all your shapes and randomly assign each one a new color, and then scatter them around the canvas in a billion different locations? What about pushing all the shapes on your layer out of the way of a giant circle?
Well, now you can.
Shape Processors are filters for shape layers, which will move and tweak and generate and adjust shapes for you. And best of all, they are non-destructive and stackable (just like Acorn's filters). So you can add a bunch, tweak, save, close, and come back later if you change your mind.
Things that go snap.
This is a lot more snapping going on now. Snap to Grid, guides, shapes in layers, other layers, selections, canvas bounds, etc. It was a complete rewrite, there are now global preferences available for fine tuning how you'd like it to work, and we even made those changeable per document.
Completely rewritten bitmap selection stuff.
It's super accurate and works wonders with retina displays.
Non destructive Levels and Curves.
Levels and Curves joins all the other non destructive filters- this is pretty awesome. You can use Levels and Curves on shape layers, even combine in the same filters list, tweaking both at the same time, and add a Curves filter multiple times to the same image. I have no idea why you'd do this, but it sounds fun.
PDF Import.
When you open up a PDF, you can now choose the resolution, page, and background color of the PDF you are opening.
Crop tool improvements.
Pressing 'x' will now swap the aspect ratio of the current crop frame (if you have one that is, otherwise it'll swap the current back and foreground colors).
Pressing 'h' will toggle hiding the areas outside of your crop frame.
You can now rotate your image while making a crop.
Hundreds of minor bug fixes.
Yes, we are really going to list this in the "big new things" section.
We fixed hundreds of minor bugs. Bugs that built up over the years that very few people ever encountered, like "the shortcut key for zooming in doesn't work when the keyboard layout is set to Dvorak - Qwerty ⌘". So we fixed pretty much all of those. It took months and months of work, it was super boring and mind numbing and it was really hard to justify, and it made Acorn 5 super late. But we did it anyway, because something in us felt that software quality has been going downhill in general, and we sure as heck weren't going to let that happen to Acorn. So we took a long break from adding features and just fixed stuff.
And if you reported one of these bugs that was fixed in Acorn 5 and we haven't already sent you a license- let us know and we'll make you one. (See, another good reason to report any bugs you find- free stuff!).
More shape layer and bezier stuff.
New menu items - "Shape ▸ Bezier Stuff ▸ Align Anchors to Pixels" and "Align Anchors to Half Pixels" (the latter command shows up when you hold down the option key). This will align all the anchor points in your shape to the pixel grid (or half of it). This helps with making crisp lines for you bezier nuts out there.
You can now change the inner radius of star shapes. THIS IS AWESOME. It's actually quite flexible, and you can make some really neat star shapes (and did you know- you can change the number of points on your star using the View ▸ Quick Config popover?).
New option to reset bezier control points under the Shape ▸ Bezier Stuff menu
If you double click on an open bezier shape, it will signal to the shape that you would like to continue extending it. There's also the option to do this under the Shape ▸ Bezier Stuff menu item.
You can temporarily toggle the "snap to pixels" setting when moving a bezier anchor by holding down the control key while moving it with the mouse.
You can now invert the selection on shape layers.
The Shape Quick Config popover will now work when you don't have any shapes selected (and the settings you change will reflect on the next shape you make).
The contextual menu for the layers list has a new "Rasterize Shape Layer" menu for use on shape layers.
You can now close a path when creating it by pressing the enter or return keys. Pressing the escape key will finish editing it as well, but keep it open.
You can now move multiple selected anchors in a bezier path with the arrow keys or mouse.
If you have the option "auto select layers" turned off, a single click and drag in a shape layer will now move all the graphics without them needing to be selected first.
If you have a single text box selected and you press the enter key, Acorn will start editing it.
Holding the command key over a control point for resizing shapes will allow you to rotate it instead. I'm thinking of killing off the secret rotate handles outside shapes as well. Does anyone care?
Added Control-C as a way to select a color. This is awesome if you want to pick up on another color, but you're currently editing text and the 'i' key doesn't cut it.
Changed the modifier to move selected shapes by a half pixel to shift-option (from command-option).
New shortcuts to toggle the fill / stroke on selected shapes. Shift-F for fill, Shift-B for stroke.
New blend modes.
Acorn now has a "Pin Light" blend mode, as well as a "Mask" blend mode. The Mask one is pretty awesome- it works just like a layer mask, white lets pixels through, black erases.
Support for Photoshop brushes!
There's approximately 10 billion PS brushes available for download on the internet, and you can drag and drop one onto Acorn to import and make new brushes.
Speaking of brushes…
The Brush tool has now been renamed to the Paint tool. Because a bunch of other tools now use brushes, and it hopefully reduces confusion.
About those other changes I just mentioned. The clone, paint, smudge, dodge, burn, and other tools that had crappy brushes now each have their own unique brush that you can configure via the brush designer. So now you can have scatter for the clone tool. Or adjust flow and softness for the burn tool. Or turn pressure sensitivity on and off for the eraser. Etc.
Image metadata editing (aka, EXIF and IPTC, sitting in a tree).
Image metadata is now viewable and editable. Use the File ▸ File Info… menu item to bring up the editor. While not everything is editable, lots of good things are. And this is new- so if there's something you'd like to see here, let us know!
New options in the Filter Palette having to do with selections:.
"Blend with canvas selection", which is the old standard behavior when applying filters to the selection. Acorn will apply your filter(s) to the currently selected area in your bitmap, and then draw the results of that filter over your layer.
"Copy over canvas selection". This option will apply your filters to the current selection, and then replace the pixels in your selected area with the results of the filter. So in this case, if the filter returns transparent pixels, your layer will become transparent in those areas.
"Ignore canvas selection". This option will ignore the canvas selection, and work copy the result on top of your whole layer.
Miscellaneous new stuff.
- When using Web Export, there's a new option to save your image with or without a color profile. It defaults to yes.
- Pressing 'b' while in crop mode will toggle the "Keep crop bounds inside canvas" option.
- When using the search field in the filter browser, searches will also look in the description for the filter as well as the name. This way searching for "saturation" will return Color Controls and Vibrance, where before it would return nothing.
- New filter! "Redraw Layer". Here's how it works- add a blur filter, then add a monotone filter, then add the redraw layer. INSTANT DROP SHADOW THING. It's great if you want to apply some filters and then have your original image draw on top of everything.
- ANOTHER NEW FILTER! "Offset". This will … offset your image. COMBINE THIS WITH REDRAW LAYER. Add a monotone, add an offset, add the redraw, and tada- you've got instant solid color copy of your image, but in the background. Great for doing simple emboss operations.
- WHAT'S THIS? YET ANOTHER NEW FILTER?!?! Yes, it's true. There's now "Remove Color Cast" under the Color Adjustments, which will help you remove things like the pesky yellow tint that you'll get from lightbulbs when shooting photos indoors.
- Holding down the option in the stroke / fill / etc text fields when using the up and down arrows will change the value by .1. (Holding shift will change the value by 10 btw).
- You can now click the zoom scale field in the bottom window, and change the canvas zoom by typing in a new value. Holding down the command key while clicking it will scale the canvas to 100%
- Pressing shift-x will swap which color well has the focus for receiving color changes (and did you know pressing x will swap the fill and stroke colors?).
- If you have one or more anchors selected in a bezier path, the Shape ▸ Bezier Stuff ▸ Align Selected Anchors to Pixel menu item will appear. Hold down option to align to half pixel. This menu item is "Align all Anchors to (Half) Pixels" normally.
- All of Acorn's documentation and tutorials are now indexed for searching via the Help menu. Try it out, it's pretty awesome.
- New undo / redo notifications in the canvas. You can turn this on and off in the preferences.
- 128 Bits Per Component support. Super deep images. Because why not?
- If you add a single image via the File ▸ Add Images… menu item, and it doesn't fit on the canvas, Acorn will begin a scale and rotate transform for you, with the image automatically scaled to fit into the canvas. If you want to pop out of the scale, pressing the ESC key will end it.
- Guides will now scale with image when resizing.
- The Selection palette will now show the x,y coordinates of the current selection now. It'll also hide the labels and such when there is no selection.
- You can now delete a brush by selecting it from the brush palette list, and holding down the option key.
- You can now command click on a layer mask's thumbnail to make a selection out of that mask.
- When opening multipage tiff files, Acorn will now expand the canvas size to the largest page in the tiff file.
- New filter "Alpha Multiply", which will multiple the alpha values of your pixels by a certain amount, which can be awesome when you want to sharpen up anti-aliased edges of circles and other shapes.
- You can now commit a bitmap layer mask by holding down the option key and choosing the Layer ▸ Apply Layer Mask menu item.
- The Clone, Smudge, Dodge, and Burn tools all have opacity options now.
- If you hold down the shift key when creating a new guide from the ruler, Acorn will now create a vertical ruler where it would have previously created a horizontal ruler (and vice versa).
- You can now drag and drop gradients from the gradient preview onto a shape or bitmap layer to apply it.
- Hidden feature: Pressing 'x' when the gradient tool is active will flip the gradient colors.
- There's a new option in the Canvas Size sheet which allows you to move the canvas guides (or not) when resizing.
- The Bevel filter now has a Scale option, which can add a bit of finesse to your bevel.
Changed Stuff
- We killed the little swap width and height widget in the new document window. Instead, you can use the keyboard shortcut cmd-] or cmd-[ to have them swap (and the menu items Image ▸ Rotate Canvas ▸ 90° Clockwise / Counter-Clockwise also does the same thing).
- Zooming with a trackpad is a bit more consistent.
- Removed the quickmask and fullscreen buttons from the tools palette. The full screen became silly on 10.9 w/ every window getting that button too, and the quick mask seems out of place by itself there.
- Hiding the cursor when you do a two finger scroll. There's a system bug (feature?) where the cursor will constantly flicker otherwise. It's annoying, so we'll be hiding the cursor till a real fix comes from Apple or I find a better workaround.
- Got rid of the brushes in the Erase category of brushes, since the eraser tool now uses the same system and it was kind of pointless. ALSO- did you know you can convert a brush to an eraser at just by holding down the command and option keys and then drawing with it?
- When using the system eyedropper to pick up a color on the canvas, it now takes the composite of the layers, instead of the first color on the top layer. If you want to pick up on a specific color (including alpha) from a single layer, use a drawing tool such as the paint tool, and hold down the option key to pick up the color.
- If you press a keyboard shortcut while editing a field that takes a numerical value (for instance, the brush size field), Acorn will ignore the letter you typed, and instead choose the tool. Is this annoying? Is this odd? I don't know yet, but I'm going to try it for a bit.
- When switching to the crop tool with the 'c' key, Acorn will no longer automatically put a crop on the canvas for you. However, if you liked the old behavior, you can press the 'c' key twice in less than half a second, and you'll get an auto-crop on the canvas.
- New fussy pref to change the opacity of the crop tool mask when making a crop.
- The way brushing works has been rewritten considerably. Colors are much more accurate now.
- Generate Shapes has been moved to the Shape ▸ Process menu.
- Very very very slight (super tiny) change to the way star shapes are drawn. It's a bit more accurate now, because Gus learnt a thing or two about maths.
- The Line tool (shortcut key ';') is now a specialized bezier path. We're thinking of removing it actually…
- If you have the preference to listen for trackpad rotation gestures turned on, it takes a little bit more effort to pop into rotating your canvas (which is a good thing).
- The gather palettes command does a much better job at resizing the windows when the display resolution changes to something smaller (or you move your palettes to a shorter window).
- The gradient swatches now do a better job drawing when you've got the system scrollbar pref set to always show the scroller.
- Layer styles now respect the canvas origin preferences.
- Acorn will no longer ask to move itself to the Applications folder if there's a newer version already there.
- Double clicking a thumbnail in the layers list palette will make a selection out of that layer.
- The target click area for the fx widget in the layers list is now from top to bottom of the cell, instead of the little 'fx' bit. Sloppy pointer skills rejoice.
- The Edit ▸ Fill… command is a bit more precise when it comes to opacity percentages.
- If there's a network error when trying to use the feedback window, Acorn will offer to send the report via your email client.
- You can no longer insert new layers into locked groups.
- You can no longer draw or alter a layer that's inside a locked group.
- When taking a screenshot, each display now gets it own document.
- The feedback window will now save its contents when you quit, and restore everything when you next launch.
- When opening up ICNS and WebP images, Acorn will now place them into a new untitled document, instead of referencing the original file. Acorn doesn't save these file types natively, so referencing the original image causes confusion with various parts of Acorn.
- No longer loading Python plugins. If you really miss them, and would like to bring them back while you transition away from them, paste the following line in
defaults write com.flyingmeat.Acorn5 loadPythonPlugins 1
- No longer loading Quartz Composition filters. If you really miss them, and would like to bring them back while you transition away from them, paste the following line in
defaults write com.flyingmeat.Acorn5 loadQCCompositions 1
- Now showing a warning when you try and scale up an image to a very large size in Web Export.
- Acorn does a better job at generating previews for filters which take textures (like Glass Distortion)
- Copying a layer to the clipboard will now set the correct opacity if you have the layer's opacity set to something less than 100%.
- Acorn does a better job at figuring out the bounds of your image when trimming.
- The kerning slider now goes from -500 to +500.
- Web Export now remembers the matte color option between uses.
- Acorn does a better job of matching up the brush cursor size with the canvas when you have the cursor size embiggened in the Accessibility System Preferences.
- When exporting an image, Acorn no longer warns you if your image is being saved without layers. It's an export, yea- your original file is fine.
- The tool palettes hide automatically when opening up a RAW image, since they pretty much only get in the way.
- Pressing 'm' will no longer cycle through the selection tools, and will now only select the rectangle selection tool. However, shift-m will cycle through the selection tools as in previous versions of Acorn.
- When applying gradients to selected shapes, Acorn will now hide the selection bounds. This is handy because it helps you see exactly what you're going to get.
- Updated some of the built in brushes, and removed old crusty ones.
- When drawing on a mask, Acorn now converts the current color to a shade between black and white (otherwise the mask would get splotches of color on it, which doesn't make too much sense for a mask).
- Guides are now 2 pixels wide, because this makes more sense when you want a shape to line up with it on its center, not its edge (which will change depending on which direction you are aligning something from).
- Smaller PNG files on web export if there's no alpha channel needed.
- Acorn does a better job with selection edges and the free transform tool.
- Changed up the wording for the pixel processing options. None, Generic, and Linear Light are the new options. Killed document. That's fine, nobody but Gus and the Core Image team actually understands what this is.
Other Stuff
- New Scripting interface for bitmap layers:
var layer = [[[doc baseGroup] layers] objectAtIndex:0];
layer.drawWithHandler(function() {
var path = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithOvalInRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 100, 100)];
[[NSColor blackColor] set];
[path fill];
// return the area to commit for undo operations
return NSMakeRect(0, 0, 100, 100);
Acorn 4.5.8 November 21, 2016.
Fixed Stuff
- Fixed a problem where undo would sometimes cause Acorn to crash on macOS 10.12 Sierra.
Acorn 4.5.7 January, 2016.
Fixed Stuff
- Fixed a problem when pasting bitmaps into an image would sometimes make an empty layer.
- Fixed some Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan RAW import bugs.
- Fixed a crasher with the Curves tool when running on Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan.
Acorn 4.5.6 September 29, 2015.
Fixed Stuff
- Fixed a bug where Acorn would fall into a non-responsive state when sometimes trying to move a text layer while it was editing.
- Made some tweaks to how auto levels are figured out, and as a bonus it no longer crashes on 10.11 El Cap.
- Fixed a bug where Acorn's share menu wouldn't work with some apps.
- Fixed a problem where the Help menu items were pointing to Acorn 5 documentation instead of Acorn 4.
- Compatibility fixes with Mac OS 10.11 El Cap.
- Fixed a problem where sometimes resetting the colors with the tool palette wouldn't work right with text.
- When using the search field in the filter browser, searches will also look in the description for the filter as well as the name. This way searching for "saturation" will return Color Controls and Vibrance, where before it would return nothing.
- Bug fixes when creating with the Bezier tool.
Acorn 4.5.5 June 15, 2015.
New Stuff
- Acorn now comes with a share extension for 10.10 Yosemite, so you can copy images from Photos to Acorn.
Fixed Stuff
- Fixed a bug where drawing with opacity with the brush tool after clearing a canvas selection wouldn't work properly.
- Fixed a bug where the opacity slider would sometimes be disabled when you turned off visibility for the non active layer.
- Fixed a preview issue with the CIVignette filter.
- Fixed a preview issue with the BC Vignette filter from the BC Image Units package.
- Fixed a redraw issue with the burn tool.
- Fixed a bug where moving to a shape layer's mask would clear the current bitmap selection.
- Fixed a bug where control clicking on a guide didn't always add "Delete Guide" to the contextual menu item (you had to be _right_ on the sucker).
- Fixed a bug where creating a bezier path with mitered joins wouldn't always draw correctly with extreme join angles.
- Fixed a bug where using the boolean operations from the quick config popover wouldn't disable after use (since you would only have a single shape selected at this point, and they wouldn't work).
- Fixed a problem where the ruler wasn't showing the correct origin in the y axis on retina displays.
- If you're running 10.10.3 or later, you'll get to use the very latest non-buggy version of the RAW importer (version 6) if available for your RAW images.
Acorn 4.5.4 January 30th, 2015.
Fixed Stuff
- Fixed a crasher that would sometimes occur when using the eye dropper tool w/ the option key down on a bitmap layer.
- Fixed a problem where some types of RAW images were showing up black in 10.10.
- Fixed a problem where Acorn thumbnails weren't showing up in Finder list views.
- Fixed a crasher when using the instant alpha tool.
Acorn 4.5.3 January 7th, 2015.
Changed Stuff
- Acorn does a better job of managing its memory in the background when batch processing with Automator.
- More visible selection marque when for retina displays.
Fixed Stuff
- Fixed a bug where the selection bounds were not updated when inverting the selection, or extending the selection.
- Fixed a crasher when using the text stroke slider on every other fifth Thursday in even numbered months.
Acorn 4.5.2 November 18, 2014.
New Stuff
- Acorn will now remove the alpha channel from PNG files if it detects there is no transparency in your image.
- Smart Layer Export now has support for @3x images.
Fixed Stuff
- The pencil tool is a bit more accurate.
- Fixed a bug where merging two layers where the top one had a blend mode of destination out would cause weird clipping.
- Minor speed fix when editing in full screen on 10.10.
- Other minor Yosemite fixes.
- Fixed a bug where the New View window wouldn't update correctly when moving shapes on a canvas with the arrow key.
Acorn 4.5.1 September 3rd, 2014.
Minor New Stuff
- Command-J will now duplicate the current layer, even if there's no selection (previously this would only work if there was a selection).
- Improvements to text editing in the Do JavaScript Automator action.
- The Merge Visible to New Layer command now works if you only have a single layer.
Fixed Stuff
- Fixed a bug where you could set the blending mode of a layer mask, which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
- Fixed a bug where exported PSD files sometimes got the wrong aspect ratio for bitmap layers.
- Fixed a bug where merging multiple shape layers would create a single bitmap layer, instead of the obvious result, which would be a single shape layer.
- Fixed a bug where adding JPEG images to an open image would not open it up in the correct orientation.
- Fixed a crasher when transforming a selection to something very very small. Smaller than the smallest tiny thing you can think of.
- Retina fixes.
- Fixed a bug where duplicating a document would cause weird errors down the road when trying to make new layers.
- Fixed a bug where the New View window would fail to come up if you had certain layer filters applied to your image.
- Fixed a bug where entering .999 into the Levels window wouldn't work correctly.
- Worked around an OS bug where Acorn files of a very large dimension would not save correctly because of corrupt TIFF files being created when LZW compression is involved :| .
- Fixed a bug where the stroke for a new shape would sometimes be reset to 0 when it should have been some other number.
- Fixed a bug where the Rasterize Shape Layers command would only work on the first shape layer you had selected.
- Fixed a bug where inverting a selection would cause boolean selection operations later on to fail.
- Fixed a redraw problem for layers which were pasted in from Keynote.
Experimental Stuff
- New Scripting interface for bitmap layers, which will most likely change in a future major version (hopefully based on feedback):
var layer = [[[doc baseGroup] layers] objectAtIndex:0];
layer.drawWithHandler(function() {
var path = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithOvalInRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 100, 100)];
[[NSColor blackColor] set];
[path fill];
// return the area to commit for undo operations
return NSMakeRect(0, 0, 100, 100);
Acorn 4.5 July 28th, 2014.
New Stuff
- New international presets when creating a new image - A3, A4, A5, and A6.
- New Command: Layer ▸ Merge Visible to New Layer (shortcut Command-Option-Shift-E). This will add a new layer, which is a composite of all the visible layers. The menu item for Merge Visible will switch to Merge Visible to New Layer when the Option key is pressed.
- You can now paste an image into the brush designer's canvas, which will then take that image and turn it into a brush.
- New Crop preset: "Document". It adds a crop to the canvas at 90% of the canvas size, and will keep its aspect ratio when resizing.
- New AppleScript command: "add layer mask". Works on either the document or layer object, and if there's a selection on the canvas, that will be used as the mask (otherwise the command will add an empty layer mask). There is also a new Cocoa Script interface to it for the layer object- addMask:.
- When browsing for a new filter in the filters list, changing the front and back colors in the tool palette will now update the colors in the current preview filter.
- The Raw Image Import window now supports full screen editing.
- The gradient tool now has an optional blend mode when used on bitmap layers.
- Acorn will automatically hide palettes when Web Export is used.
- If you paste in dimensions such as "1256x408" into the width field of the new image window, Acorn will recognize that you probably want an image with a height of 408, and will automatically set that value for you.
- The eraser tool now has a precision mode option just like the brush tools do (this will slow down your strokes by 3x, making it easier to add small brush strokes).
- You can now click and drag with the flood fill tool to increase its base tolerance setting, just like with the magic wand and instant alpha tools.
- The tolerance setting for the magic wand will live update when you click and drag on the canvas - which will increase it by the base amount you have set.
- You can now reset individual values in a layer filter by double clicking on its label.
- New shortcut (command-option-shift-n) to create a shape layer.
- Spotlight indexing now includes the fonts in the image as well as the pixel count.
- Pressing the + in the Inspector Palette with the Option and Command keys down will add a new Shape layer (and holding down just the Command key will create a new Group layer, and holding down the option key will duplicate the current layer).
- You can now lock / unlock layers with the command-option-l shortcut.
- Acorn can now open up .pict files. Yes, really. Hello, 1984 called and wants its file format back.
Changed Stuff
- If you have a bitmap layer which is completely transparent, the various transform tools will now let you know that they have no job to do. And if that empty layer has layer filters which generate pixels (such as Render Clouds), Acorn will ask if you want to flatten the filters before continuing.
- The Shape Generator sheet (under Shape ▸ Generate Shapes) will now remember previous settings.
- Acorn no longer lets you set the paragraph spacing of text objects to a negative value. This sometimes worked, even though Acorn was using APIs incorrectly to make it happen- you would get unpredictable results depending on the selected font, and the values were sometimes reset when you reopened a file.
- If the currently selected layer is invisible, the blend mode, opacity slider, and any layer filters it has will now be disabled in the filter palette until the layer is made visible again.
- When using Crop presets that are too big for the canvas, Acorn will now do a better job of scaling things down for you.
- When adding a layer filter preset, Acorn will no longer replace any existing layer filters and instead append to the filters that are already present. If you like the previous behavior, you can hold down the shift key while choosing the preset to replace the current filter(s).
- Web Export: If you have the matte option enabled and are exporting as PNG, Acorn will no longer add a (useless) alpha channel to the image, which will make the file size a bit smaller.
- Deleting the contents of a bitmap layer is way faster now if you've got a huge canvas and just a teeny tiny bit of visible pixels on the layer. Yes, we try and rub the speed on everywhere possible.
- When manipulating star shapes, it will always grow / shrink on either size instead of just one.
- Acorn is taking advantage of more caches to speed up compositing, which helps enormously with layer styles.
- Brought the way background shape layers are selected to be more inline with what happens when selecting bitmap layers. Acorn no longer gives precedence to the currently selected shape layer when clicking on shapes which might be overlapped by other shape layers. If you were enamored with the previous behavior, you can bring it back with this hidden pref: defaults write com.flyingmeat.Acorn4 checkSelectedShapeLayerFirst 1
- Smoother selection animations, as well as rotating colors for the selection (does it stand out more on retina displays now?)
- Less beeping.
- When you have multiple groups selected in the layers list, Acorn will now stuff them into a single group when the New Group command is used. This now matches the same behavior when multiple non-group layers are selected. Previously Acorn would add a new group layer to the selected group (and Acorn will still do this if there is a single group selected).
- Acorn now remembers which color well was selected when you quit and restart.
- New hidden pref for automatically adding a white background when opening a PDF: defaults write com.flyingmeat.Acorn4 whitePDFBackground 1
Fixed Stuff
- Fixed a bug where removing an anchor in the Curves window wouldn't update the preview.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't properly use the Outline Path command on Line shapes.
- Fixed a crasher when deleting every selected segment of a bezier path.
- Fixed a bug where Web Export wasn't working when in trial mode.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes dragging and dropping an image from the Canvas into the Brush Designer image well (to make a brush shape from the image) wouldn't always work.
- Making selections with the free and polygon selection tools is a bit more natural feeling when zoomed way in.
- Making single pixel selections with the rectangle selection tool is a lot easier to do when zoomed way in (you don't have to drag your cursor around as much).
- Fixed a bug where precision mode with the brush and eraser didn't work great when you were zoomed in our out a bunch.
- The Magic Wand cursor was missing + and - symbols when you held down the shift and option keys to add or subtract to a selection. This has been corrected.
- Fixed a bug where masks in PSD files wouldn't open up correctly with certain images.
- When in Quickmask mode, adding layer filters to the selection works better now.
- The reset button in the filters palette now matches what you get when you add the filter to your layer.
- The tab key now works correctly to move between fields in the Levels window.
- The text insertion point no longer gets layer effects applied to it when you are editing text.
- New document from clipboard now works better when you've got a bunch of shapes copied from a shape layer.
- Fixed a bug where the ungroup layers command wouldn't work correctly for selections of multiple layers.
- When creating shapes, they now snap to rulers and document bounds.
- Fixed a problem where the clone tool didn't give the greatest results when cloning from transparent areas in a layer.
- The File ▸ Add Images… sheet no longer allows you to select images Acorn can't open (such as EPS files).
- Better drawing of text bounds when you're zoomed in and modifying stuff.
Acorn 4.4 May 26th, 2014.
New Stuff
- Live font updates to text boxes as you move look through the font list in the text palette.
- Acorn will now give live updates to the blending mode for layers when using the arrow keys on the Blending popup button.
- New preference for a "Super Scrollable Canvas", which basically means you can scroll your canvas around beyond the bounds of your image. This is awesome if you do lots of work with a stylus.
- When making or moving guides, they will now snap to document bounds (if you have the snap options turned on. And did you know you can temporarily disable snapping by holding down the control key? Well, now you do).
- When dropping into Quickmask mode, Acorn will set the front color to white and the back color to black, making it easier to draw in or erase your selection. When you drop out of Quickmask mode, your previous colors are restored.
- If you have multiple layers selected and want to put them in a group, command-g is your friend. And if you have a group layer selected and would like to ungroup it - command-shift-g is also your friend.
- New Clear Selection and Inverse Selection menu items added to the canvas contextual menu when you have a selection.
- If you double click on the Text Palette's baseline, kerning, line height, or paragraph spacing labels, Acorn will reset the value of that slider. If you hold down the command key while double clicking on any of those, Acorn will reset all the text spacing values.
- You can now select non-contiguous layers in the layers list, and merge them into a single layer using the Layer ▸ Merge Layers menu item.
- The contextual menu in the layers list now allows you to merge a clicked layer down.
- Pressing cmd-1 would always scale your canvas to 100%. But new in 4.4: if your canvas is already at 100% and you press cmd-1, the canvas will center itself.
- You can now export an image as a TIFF with CMKY.
- When you change values in the brush designer, updates to your brush strokes are done in the background. This is awesome because it means Acorn stays super responsive when you're making little changes.
- AppleScript stuff:
tell application "Acorn"
tell document 1
set current layer to layer 2
end tell
end tell
tell application "Acorn"
tell document 1
tell layer 1
load filter preset name "Checkered Brush"
end tell
# or on the document, which grabs the current layer:
# load filter preset name "Checkered Brush"
end tell
end tell
Changed Stuff
- You can now have a negative baseline for text shapes.
- Acorn now defaults to keeping objects selected after creating them (though you can change this in the prefs if you liked the old behavior).
- First, some background: Selections are undable. Shape layers can have selections of their own. Shape layer selections are removed when you switch to another layer. If you are on a shape layer with a selection and move to another layer, your selection would be removed and if you hit undo your selection would come back. However, the active layer was still the one you moved to. So now in version 4.4, if you undo a selection on a shape layer and it's not the active layer, Acorn will now make it active. So an undo (or redo) action could potentionally change the active layer. I hope that made sense.
- There was a menu shortcut conflict introducted at some point, where Hide Selection and Hide Layer were both given control-command-h. The shortcut for Hide Layer has been remapped to shift-control-command-h to resolve this.
- If you delete a layer, and then undo it- Acorn will now remember to reselect it if the layer was selected before deletion.
- You can now delete a layer while transforming it, without an alert coming up.
- Crop preset improvements: If you have the option "Keep aspect ratio" enabled when saving a crop preset, and the size of that preset is smaller than the canvas you are using it against, Acorn will scale up the preset to the size of the canvas while preserving the aspect ratio.
- The Automator actions got a little love - please let us know ASAP if something stoped working for you.
- QuickLook previews of Acorn images should be loading faster now. In addition, Acorn now saves thumbnails for native Acorn images, so QuickLook thumbnails now show up super fast for really big images.
- When copying to the clipboard, Acorn will now make sure the dpi for your image tags along as well.
- If a shape layer has a linked mask, and you are moving every shape on the layer, then the mask will move as well. If you don't have all the shapes selected, the layer mask will not move.
Fixed Stuff
- Fixed a bug where Acorn wouldn't open rotated + flipped (as set in the exif orientation information) images correctly.
- Fixed a bug where web export would show text selection if you had… text selected in your canvas.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't delete a layer with command-delete if it wasn't visible.
- Fixed a bug where option-dragging bitmap layers on the canvas to duplicate them would make them show up in strange places sometimes.
- Fixed a bug where PSD files weren't exported correctly for small layers.
- Fixed a bug where setting the opacity for a layer would sometimes fail if you had just deleted a layer's mask.
- Fixed a bug where switching to a layer mask from a shape layer woulnd't clear the layer selection.
- Fixed a bug where the [ and ] keys wouldn't change the pencil tool brush size.
- Better stylus (Wacom and friends) handling when brushing.
- Fixed a bug with the brush tool where sometimes the first dab with a tablet would show up 100% opaque when it wasn't supposed to.
- Fixed some visual glitches with the Magic Wand HUD.
- Fixed a bug where the ruler bounds markers when moving around a vector shape were drawing in the wrong location on retina displays.
- Fixed a problem where moving your layer around while in Free Rotate would cause it to move at half the speed it should on retina displays.
- Fixed a bug where rotated + squished brushes would sometimes clip when drawing.
- Various canvas free rotate bug fixes.
- Fixed a crasher when using Convert to Bezier shape with rectangles of a certain size (or lack of one actually).
- Fixed a crasher when closing an image when in the middle of a canvas free rotate.
- Fixed a bug where Acorn wouldn't respect the system preferences for max documents to be remembered.
- Fixed a problem where moving selected pixels in a layer mask would cause incorrect drawing.
- The image browser now opens up a bunch more RAW file types.
- Fixed a bug where moving a group layer with snap to document edges turned on would cause real ultimate wrongness.
- Fixed a problem when using the Tilt Shift filter when you were zoomed in.
- Fixed a bug where the name of the layer in the layers list palette would sometimes overlap with the fx button when editing.
Other Stuff
- When entering the versions browser (when Autosave and Versions is turned on in the prefs), Acorn will now hide its tools and inspector palettes.
- defaults write com.flyingmeat.Acorn4 trimToOpaquePixelsOnCopy 1
Acorn 4.3.1 February 24th, 2014.
New Stuff
- New menu item in the View ▸ Guides menu to turn on and off snapping to guides.
- If you have a selection, the frame of the selection will now show up in the status bar of your image's window. This is awesome because sometimes it's hard to know if you have a 1x1 pixel selection or not.
- New option to set the image depth when making a new image.
- The Curves window now has a preview toggle button.
- Crop Presets: There is a new option to resize your image to the original crop dimensions when saving a crop preset.
- Raw Import: The raw import window now includes a histogram for your viewing pleasure.
- Raw Import: You can now choose the color profile you want your image to end up in.
- Raw Import: You can now choose the image depth you want your image to end up in.
- Raw Import: You can now more accurately change the width and height of the image that is being opened.
- Raw Import: New option to adjust noise reduction.
- Raw Import: It's faster!
Changed Stuff
- Web Export more aggressively tries to get your PNGs smaller if your colorspace is sRGB (Acorn will strip out the color profile data in that case).
- BMP files without an embedded colorspace would previously open up in Adobe RGB 1998. In Acorn 4.3, they will now open in whatever your default colorspace is set to (which is sRGB by default). This also matches system behavior.
- Text boxes will now draw an outline when you are rotating or moving them around. This is awesome because it makes it way easier to align stuff up.
- Little pencil and brush improvements with single clicks.
- If it takes more than .2 seconds to render your brush stroke in the Brush Designer, Acorn will cancel the realtime updates for it and wait till you've finished moving your slider around to re-render your stroke with the updated settings.
- When uploading an image to Facebook / Flickr / Wherevr, Acorn will now make sure the exif info for the image tags along.
- Undo should be faster now for Very Large Images.
- If you drag the top colorwell (stroke color) onto a shape, it will now turn on the shape's stroke if it isn't already, and set the stroke color. Likewise, the lower colorwell (fill) will turn on the fill for a shape as well as set it's color.
- The title of the crop preset pulldown will change to the title of the of a selected preset when used.
- The layers list thumbnail drawing has been sped up by a factor of a billion and four.
- The max grid spacing has been bumped up to 500px.
Fixed Stuff
- Fixed a bug where single clicking outside a selection with the selection tool wouldn't clear the selection.
- Fixed a problem where you'd sometimes get transparent edges by using the nearest neighbor scaling option when resizing an image.
- Better handling of mouse position when using the brush tool's precision mode on secondary displays or retina screens.
- Fixed a bug where Flood Fill wasn't working correctly in quick mask mode.
- Fixed some selection redraw problems when your canvas was scaled up to oddball percentages.
- Shadows on shapes now scale correctly when scaling down a bezier shape.
- The gradient palette preview now updates when you undo a gradient change on a selected shape, instead of retaining the previous gradient.
- Fixed a bug where the title of New View windows weren't updated when you saved a document with a new name.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't use the arrow keys when using the perspective transform to move your image.
- Fixed a redraw problem with the rulers when panning with a trackpad in full screen mode.
- Fixed some cases where you could alter shapes on a locked layer.
- Fixed a pixel grid redraw problem when resizing the canvas.
- Creating a new rect or oval with the option key down will now make it grow in size from the center of the shape (previously you had to press the option key before clicking).
- Fixed an issue where switching from the poly selection tool (without closing a selection you've started) to another tool would cause ferrets to drop from the ceiling.
- Fixed a crasher when using Select All with the crop tool when there was a selection on the canvas already.
- Better shape selection behavior when you've got one of the shape tools selected and you hold down the command key when clicking on a shape to extend your selection.
- Fixed a bug where Acorn would sometimes lose the currently selected layer when re-ordering layers in the layers list..
- Fixed a bug where dragging and dropping a monochrome image from Safari onto Acorn's icon in the Dock would cause the world to implode.
- Fixed a bug where double clicking on the bezier tool in the tools palette to show it's tool menu, and then quickly double clicking on another tool would cause the bezier tool menu to show up again.
- Fixed a bug where text boxes would look funny when editing them and resizing your image at the same time with the option-command window resize widget trick.
- Fixed a bug with PSD export.
- Fixed a bug where next text boxes wouldn't respect certain text palette settings.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't convert the first anchor point in a bezier path if it wasn't already a curve.
- Fixed a bug when drawing gradients in the quick mask.
- Various little Tilt Shift filter fixes.
- Acorn does a better job of remembering the layers you had selected when you have multiple images open and frequently switch between them.
- The order in which multiple images are dragged from the Finder into the canvas or layers list is now the same (it was backwards in the layers list).
- Fixed a bug where swapping colors in the palette when you had a range of text selected (in a text box) wouldn't change only the selected text.
- Various little fixes with Quartz Composer plugins.
- Fixed a bug where moving selected shapes with the keyboard wouldn't update its position in the inspector palette.
- Fixed a bug where dragging an image from the Finder would sometimes cause it to show up in the wrong location.
- Fixed a bug where resizing the canvas in centimeters didn't work correctly.
- Fixed a bug where pressing the escape key when making a selection with the polygon select tool wouldn't clear out the canvas.
- Fixed a problem when writing out PSD files with interesting layer names.
- Fixed some problems when drawing bezier paths.
- Fixed a bug where CMKY JPEG broke on 10.9.1
- Fixed a bug where Acorn wouldn't ask if you wanted to finish your rotate or transform if you saved your document while in the thick of it.
- Fixed a bug where merging layer groups would sometimes fail to happen with specific layer filters enabled.
- Fixed a bug where swapping the fill and stroke colors on a text box would cause it's text to become selected.
- Other misc. minor fixes.
Other Stuff
- A new hidden pref to enable (or disable) brute force compressing when using PNGs in Web Export. Enabling this will take longer for Acorn to produce your file, but the size might well be smaller.
- A new hidden pref to enable (or disable) preliminary LIFT image support (use File ▸ Export to save your image as a LIFT image).
Acorn 4.2.3 January 4th, 2014.
Changed Stuff
- The magic wand is a bit smarter about selecting transparent pixels.
- If an image has no detectiable color profile embeded in it, Acorn will now default to whatever you have set in your preferences for a default color space (by default it's sRGB). Previously it would use the display colorspace on 10.8, and sRGB on 10.9.
- The raw import window now remembers its size between uses.
- Added some better defaults for the tilt shift filter.
- When making a new image from the clipboard, Acorn will now set the DPI based on what's on the clipboard says. For instance, screenshots taken on a retina display and copied to the clipboard will open up with a DPI of 144.
- If you have an image on the clipboard, you can now use the Edit ▸ Paste menu item from the start window to make a new image.
- New option when creating a crop preset to remember the location of the saved crop, or otherwise have it centered in the canvas.
Fixed Stuff
- Fixed a bug that kept you from cropping two documents at once.
- Fixed a bug where resizing the window with the option and command keys down (which will scale your image) wasn't showing the correct preview.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes you couldn't add filters to a newly created layer mask.
- Fixed a problem where you'd sometimes get transparent edges on images when importing a raw image that was scaled down.
- Fixed a bug where bezier lines with no height or width were causing Acorn headaches.
- Fixed a bug where the stepper brush size control in the smudge palette wasn't working.
- Fixed a crash when trying to print an image which has a Japanese file name.
- Fixed a crasher where trying to craftily nest groups inside of themselves would cause Acorn to spin into infinity.
- The grid no longer disappears when you perform a free rotate on the canvas.
- Fixed a redraw problem when moving bitmap layers when zoomed at 75%
- Fixed a bug where some filters on shape layers wouldn't merge down correctly.
- Fixed a scaling bug where pixels near edges would sometimes get stretched out.
- Fixed a bug where an image and window that was greater than 2048 pixels would cause garbage to show up on the canvas (if you had a NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 GPU).
- Fixed a crasher when dragging a specific type of image from Safari onto Acorn's dock icon.
Acorn 4.2.2 Dec 10, 2013.
- Fixed a problem where PDF files were not opening correctly.
- Fixed a problem where the New View windows where showing the image in the wrong colorspace.
- Fixed a problem where the New View windows where not properly updating sometimes when moving a bitmap layer.
Acorn 4.2.1 Dec 8, 2013.
- Fixed a problem where some images were showing up washed out.
- Fixed a crasher when using the Levels window on certain grayscale images.
- Fixed a crasher when using the Free Rotate command and pressing the "apply" button to commit it from the toll palette.
Acorn 4.2 Dec 6, 2013.
New Stuff:
- A New "Radial Gradient Blur", which is sort of a like a vignette, but with a blur. It's awesome, try it out.
- You can now change change the depth of an image to 16 bits per component with the Image ▸ Image Depth menu item. Hello deep images!
- RAW files are now opened as 16 bit per component / 64 bit pixel images.
- The default color profile has now been changed to sRGB. (You can also change the default profile in Advanced prefs).
- All drawing is now going directly through OpenGL, which makes things quite a bit faster.
- You can now cycle through a layer's blend modes with Option Shift + or Option Shift - keyboard shortcuts.
- You can now share images with Flickr, Twitter, Facebook, iPhoto, Aperture, and other services using the File ▸ Share menu item.
- The Gaussian Blur filter now has a popup menu item to choose between clamping, blending, or doing nothing when blurring your image.
- The smudge and clone tools no longer share brush sizes with the burn and dodge tools.
- The pencil tool has been revamped with pixel editing in mind, making perfect squares to help you make perfect pixel art.
- You can now set the blend mode for the pencil tool, and in addition to this there's a new "Copy" blend mode for the pencil tool which will replace the brushed pixels with the selected color exactly, instead of blending (which is awesome if you're using a color with alpha in it).
- The eraser tool now has a softness option, which replaces the antialias checkbox.
- The brush slider now grows and shrinks in size at a manageable yet very nice speed when you scrub back and forth.
- The crop palette now has an option to keep the aspect ratio of your crop bounds when saving a new preset.
- Added a new menu item to flatten all layer styles/filters in a document. Open up the Layers menu, hold down the option key, and the "Flatten Layer Filters" menu item changes to "Flatten All Layer Filters".
- The color picker will now pick up alpha correctly if used over an Acorn canvas. The colorspace for the picked color is now calculated correctly as well.
- If you use the arrow keys with a selection (and a selection tool is active) and hold down the option key, Acorn will copy the selection in the direction you press with the keys, thus extending the selection by a pixel (or 10 if you hold down the shift key).
- Minor New Thing: The Levels and Curves now remember their window placement between uses.
- Holding down the option key with a bitmap drawing tool while on a shape layer will now pickup a color from the shape layer.
- The Levels filter got some tweaks.
- Bumped up the max font size from 1000 pt to 9999 pt.
- No longer snapping to the guides if they aren't visible.
- Removed the blend mode option for the grid since it slowed things down too much.
- Using the View ▸ Zoom To ▸ Fit in Window menu item while in full screen will now re-center your canvas.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where non-contiguous wand selections wouldn't work right if the target color had transparency in it.
- Fix: When resizing the crop bounds by an edge with the shift key down, it'll now keep it's aspect ration (previously this only worked if you used a corner to resize).
- Fixed a bug where changing the default color profile for new images wouldn't take effect until you restarted Acorn.
- Fixed a bug where the Tilt Shift filter wouldn't draw right when you were making a selection.
- Fixed a bug where using the auto levels button in the Levels window would sometimes cause portions of your image to go black for the preview.
- Fixed a bug where the rect selection would clip sometimes if you were zoomed way out on an image.
- Fixed a bug where using the subtract selection mode would not clear the selection if you subtracted the whole selection.
- Fixed a bug where group layer thumbnail previews weren't drawn tall enough in the layers list when you added a mask.
- Fixed a bug where the canvas wouldn't update correctly when moving 1px high shapes with the arrow keys.
- Fixed a bug where a shape stroke could only be set by pressing the enter key in the shape palette.
- Fix: You can now set the opacity of layer masks.
- Fixed a bug with selecting vertical bezier paths with only two anchors.
Acorn 4.1.1 September 18th, 2013.
- You can now drag multiple images from the Finder into the canvas or layers list and they will all be added as new layers.
- Change: No longer drawing handles when creating or modifying shape layer graphics.
- Better command-click selection behavior with overlapping shapes on shape layers.
- Added an alert when trying to delete from a bitmap layer when you have a layer filter enabled which is not set to preserver transparency (such as the Render Clouds filter). Otherwise you'd hit delete and nothing would seem to happen.
- Added warnings when trying to use the draw / erase / brush / instant alpha tools on multiple layers at once.
- Tiny speed improvements with Flood Fill (Mr. Paint Bucket), Instant Alpha, and the Magic Wand.
- Better rounding in the window status bar for canvas sizes displaying in centimeters and inches.
- Acorn is a little smarter about sizing the Layer Filters palette when the Window ▸ Gather Palettes menu item is used.
- Fixed a bug with the destination in layer blend mode.
- Filter fixes for Mavericks.
- Fix: Fixed a bug where the corner radius of a shape would get reset.
- Fix: The Quick Config popover wasn't showing up if your cursor wasn't in the canvas. Now it does.
- Fix: The cursor location in the canvas wasn't being updated when making gradients or drawing out shapes. This bug has now been squashed.'
- Fix: When scaling an image with shapes that had gradients on them, the gradients weren't being scaled along. This is now fixed.
- Fix: The freehand selection tool no longer shows a dashed line when making selections on shape layers.
- Fixed a bug where the marching ants selection marker guy wouldn't draw correctly at oddball zoom levels like 57%.
- Fixed a bug where duplicating a layer by dropping it on the + button in the palette wouldn't select it right away. BTW_ you can duplicate a layer by dragging it from the layers list onto the + button in the palette if you dind't know that already.
- Fixed a bug where drawing with the pencil tool and then holding the shift key to draw a straight line from the last point wouldn't work.
- Fixed a bug where using the Bump Distortion Linear filter would cause redraw problems.
- Fixed a the shading of the 1024px version of the Acorn icon.
- Fixed a bug where the shape height field was not updating correctly on Mavericks.
- Fixed a bug where making multiple images in a row would cause the dimensions of the new image window to increase each time if you had the units set to centimeters.
- Fixed a bug where deleting the very first element in a bezier path would sometimes also delete the last one.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes the Web Export preview window wouldn't center images.
- Fixed a bug where the selection bounds in the palette wouldn't update correctly when switching open images.
- Fixed a bug where the background blur filter didn't look correct at zoom levels less than 100%
Acorn 4.1 August 12th, 2013.
- New: When exporting an image as JPEG, you can now choose an option to save it as a CMYK image.
- New: You can now flip the canvas vertical or horizontal via the Image ▸ Flip Canvas Horizontal / Vertical menu items.
- New Background Blur filter which will blur the background images behind the current layer, and then mask that blur based on the contents of the current layer. Pro Tip: use white text or boxes to show the blur.
- New: New Mirror filter which will reflect your image in the x and y directions.
- New: Acorn now has a spotlight importer so you can search for acorn images by layer name, text layer contents, width, and height.
- New: When editing a layer name, hitting the tab button will now select the next layer for editing. To end editing, press enter.
- New: You can now change the location and dimensions of a crop with the keyboard. Use the arrow keys to move it around, hold down the option key to change the crop size with the canvas, and hold down the shift key to move or resize in 10 point increments.
- New: Support for multipage TIFF files. If you've got access to a fancy scanner that will place multiple images in a TIFF file, Acorn will now open up each of those pages as a new layer.
- New: If you have multiple layers selected, holding down the command key and clicking on a layer in the canvas will now select the first layer under the mouse click.
- New: If you are viewing your image in shape vector or shape outline only mode, you'll now get a little bit of status text at the bottom of the window letting you know this.
- New: The number of decimal places for the fields in the levels window has been increased for finer control over your adjustments. Plus, it's a forward looking change- we're not always going to be working on only 32 bit images!
- New: When you export an image, Acorn will remember what file type you used last time you exported.
- New: The Shape Quick Config (View ▸ Quick Config Popover) now has alignment options for the selected shapes.
- New: The the Shape Quick Config popover looks a lot better these days.
- New: If you copy a layer's filters to the clipboard and then select multiple layers, you can now paste the copied filters into all the selected layers instead of just the first one.
- New: You can now set the red, blue, or green biases when using the Grayscale filter.
- New: Shape layers now respond to the Layer ▸ Rotate and Transform ▸ Flip Layer Horizontal / Vertical menu items.
- Newish: Exporting as a PDF will try and make a 100% vector PDF if there are no bitmap elements or strange blend modes to get in the way.
- Change: When editing a filter field value, you can now press enter to apply the value. Previously pressing enter would flatten the filter (and now command-enter will flatten the filter).
- Change: After editing a layer name, the canvas now becomes the main window, so cmd-a to select everything (and other shortcuts) will operate on the canvas and not the layers list.
- Change: When you've got one or more layer filters on a bitmap or group layer and you being moving the layer image, any filters with center parameters will be moved along with the layer, keeping the location of the filter in sync with where you originally put it.
- Change: The brush designer is better about interpreting values you put in the various number fields.
- Change: Removed the Image ▸ Invert menu item since it duplicated the Filter ▸ Color Effect ▸ Color Invert filter.
- Change: If you have the move tool active and then select a shape, the palette for that shape will then become active.
- Change: If you have a shape tool selected holding down command and shift at the same time will allow you to select multiple shapes (previously it would only allow a single shape to be selected this way).
- Change: When using the difference boolean operation on selected shapes, contiguous paths will now be broken up into their own independent shapes.
- Change: Previously single clicking with a shape tool on the canvas would cause a shape with some default values to appear. In Acorn 4.1 you now need a double click to do this - single clicking will no longer create a new shape by itself.
- Change: No longer using JavaScript to parse the quick math you can use in pixel text fields, and using NSExpression instead, which is kinda neat.
- Change: Updated to the SQLite 3.7.17, and Acorn now uses memory mapped undo databases (so undo writes are much faster now).
- Change: When pasting shapes from a shape layer that were previously located in an area outside the current canvas, Acorn will now center them in the new canvas.
- Change: Now showing a warning when trying to export a file in the Acorn file format without the .acorn extension.
- Fix: Shape layers now have better hit detection for rotated rects.
- Fixed a bug where nearest neighbor scaling wasn't correctly moving the origin for bitmap layers.
- Fixed a bug where the fuzz stroke filter didn't look correct when viewing your image at less than 100% magnification.
- Fixed a bug where option-dragging a bitmap layer in the canvas would show the wrong size for the preview on retina displays.
- Fixed a bug where shapes would highlight like you could select them if you had multiple layers selected (you couldn't select a shape if you had multiple shapes selected though). However- you can now hold down the command key to select a single layer.
- Fixed a problem where the background of a text box would sometimes flicker in and out when you were editing it.
- Fixed a bug where you could move a locked layer if it was part of a multi-layer selection.
- Fixed a little but where switching to another tool while a crop was in progress (and canceling the crop) would cause the tool not to be selected.
- Fixed a bug where trying to move a layer in the layers list while you were scaling + rotating the layer would cause the operation to fail.
- Fixed a bug where flipping rotated ovals vertically wouldn't work correctly.
- Fixed a bug where double-clicking on the layer filter widget in the layers list causes the layer name to become editable.
- Fixed a bug where using the Add Border to Layer filter wouldn't work correctly if your bitmap layer had a negative origin.
- Fixed a regression where the Edit ▸ Fill window wouldn't work correctly when you had a selection.
- Fixed a bug where Acorn would not complain that you were trying to crop a locked image when you had autosave and versions turned on.
- Fixed a little lag that sometimes occurred when using the brush tool.
- Fixed some redraw issues when moving a control point on a bezier curve.
- Fixed a bug in the web export window where a chevron wasn't showing up on the image format table.
- Fixed a bug where the clone tool wasn't updating the canvas correctly when you were cloning with a selection. Also managed to speed up the clone tool a bit.
- Fix: There was a bug when resizing certain square images in web export would case the aspect ratio to be incorrectly applied.
- Fix: You can now use the undo/redo keyboard shortcuts from the shape quick config popover.
- Fix: The Opacity filter slider now shows as a percentage again, along with the opacity sliders for the Shadow and Inner Shadow filters.
- Fixed a bug where text would sometimes temporarily disappear when cropping.
- Fixed a bug where copying and pasting a bitmap layer with a non-zero frame origin would set reset its origin to zero.
- Completely removed the Acorn 3 filter interface (which was only available thorough a secret keyboard shortcut).
Acorn 4.0.5 June 20th, 2013.
- Fixed a bug where the Save panel would sometimes show a checkbox in the middle of the file listing when you had versions turned on.
- Fixed a bug where the tools palette color well wouldn't update its color if you changed the color of a text box via the font palette.
- Change: When calling a filter via the Filter menu, it is now immediately used for the "Last Filter" menu item instead of waiting for a layer to flatten its filters.
- Fixed a bug where the Grid filter wasn't drawing correctly with some oddball settings.
- Fixed a bug when opening files via JavaScript.
- Fixed some various color mismatch problems with the brush and Edit ▸ Fill command.
- Fixed a problem where the flood fill tool was using a bad color with images which had their colorspace set to device RGB.
- Fixed a problem where temporary undo files weren't being cleaned up.
- Performance improvements when drawing on a retina display, as well as color space fixes on a retina display.
- Making a magic wand selection is a little bit faster now.
- Fixed some memory leaks when using instant alpha or the magic wand tool.
- Fixed an issue where using the Edit ▸ Font ▸ Bigger / Smaller menu item would cause ranges of bold text in a text area to be lost.
- Fixed an issue where free transform would stop keeping the aspect ratio when resizing with the shift key down.
- Fixed a bug where two point bezier shapes would sometimes loose their stroke width when the image was resized.
- Fixed a bug where the selection cursor was showing a little blurry on retina displays.
- Fixed a color space problem when applying Quartz Composer filters to layers.
- Fixed a bug with the JS scripting environment, where calling array.length() wouldn't work correctly.
- Fixed a bug with auto-levels sometimes moving a layer around a bit.
- Fixed a couple of memory leaks.
- Fixed a problem where the fill window wouldn't always do the right thing when filling a layer with the clipboard contents.
- Fixed a problem where changing the matte color in web export would also change the color of any currently selected text boxes.
- Fixed a problem where duplicating a bitmap layer on a RMBP display would sometimes assign the wrong colorspace to the new layer.
- Fixed a slowdown with the brush tool when drawing in a selection.
- Fixed a bug where dragging an image from Safari to Acorn's doc where the img had an href tag to / would cause Acorn to try and find every single image on your computer and stick it in the Image Browser. Which would take a very, very long time.
- Change: Now putting PNG data on the clipboard when using the Copy Merged command, to help out with other apps that don't bother reading the TIFF data.
- Fix: The zoom cursor will now update correctly when trying to zoom to an area, but you toggle the behavior with the option key (to zoom out vs. zoom in).
- Fixed a bug where changing the opacity or blend mode when multiple layers was selected would only work on a single layer.
- Change: PDF files are now opened up as Untitled documents since Acorn won't ever save them in place (export only). This also fixes a bug where Acorn would save over a PDF file on quit.
- Fixed a bug where the shape corner radius would silently reset to 10 when you flipped the corner radius off and back on again without any shapes selected.
- When adding a new shape layer when a group layer is selected, Acorn will now insert that shape layer into the group (which currently happens with bitmap and group layers).
- Fixed a couple of bugs where the ruler wasn't updating correctly when dragging or creating new shapes.
- Fixed a bug where scaling down text would sometimes clip it.
- Single clicking inside of a selection will now remove it (previously this only happened when clicking outside of a selection).
- Fixed an issue where Acorn would remove any extended attributes when saving a file.
Acorn 4.0.4 May 21, 2013.
- Fixed a bug where applying a filter to a selection wouldn't work when using the menu item and the layer filters window wasn't already up.
- Fixed a bug where the layer thumbnail wasn't showing a moved selection in bitmap layers.
- Layers with the random noise filter added to it now look better when zoomed out.
- Fixed a bug where checking / unchecking the "preserve transparency" option in the random noise filter wouldn't always update the whole canvas.
- Fixed a bug where merging layers while doing a layer transform would cause your transform to be lost, instead of asking if you wanted to apply or commit it.
- The "New Layer from Selection" command will apply layer filters first for the new layer.
- Fixed a problem where you wouldn't get the right cursor while transforming a bitmap layer after rotating a little bit.
- Fixed some bugs with the Brush Designer where you couldn't enter zero for certain brush settings.
- You can now export brushes from the Brush Designer using the File ▸ Export… menu item.
- Fixed a bug where clearing a selection on a bitmap layer when it wasn't the active layer would sometimes cause cut out and moved bits to not be composited to the layer and - well, it's complicated. And now it's fixed.
- Fixed a crasher caused by closing the shape popover window by pressing the escape key and closing the main window later on.
- Certain selection commands will no longer throw up a sheet when working on locked files.
- Fixed a bug when resetting the Grid, Checkerboard, and Pixellate filters would cause the center point to show up in the wrong spot.
- Change: The Pixellate filter no longer clamps the input image to it's edges. The reason Acorn used to do this to stop the natural transparent edges from appearing. The reason why it was taken out was because it created all kinds of funky side effects with the non-destructive nature of the filters. If you're getting transparent edges, change the input center of the filter to a different value, or adjust the scale of the filter to be a whole multiple of the image size.
- Fixed a problem where the sheet was opening too high when saving a preset for the crop tool.
- Fixed some bugs relating to drag + drop from the layers list into the canvas, and option + drag (to make a copy of the current bitmap layer) directly in the canvas.
- Changed the new document tab order so that moving from the width field goes directly to the hight field, and then the unit popup after that.
- Fixed a glitch where moving the canvas from a retina to non retina display would cause the checkerboard background to move a little.
- Fixed a bug where the New View window was scaling incorrect when moving from a regular display to a retina display.
- Change: Window ▸ New View windows are now offset by 20pt from the original image instead of matching the frame exactly.
- Fixed a bug where the checkered background for the Window ▸ New View window wasn't drawing correctly on retina displays.
- Fixed a bug where the About box and Feedback window were stuck behind Acorn's welcome window.
- Fixed a bug where bezier shapes were drawing the wrong bounding boxes.
- Fixed a regression where filters weren't working on layer masks.
- Change: PSD files are now opened up as Untitled documents since Acorn won't ever save them in place (export only) and it also works better with autosave and versions support now.
- Fixed some problems when trying to use selection tools on layer masks that belonged to group and shape layers.
- Fixed a bug where the cursor wouldn't always update correctly when moving in and out of a selection.
- Fixed a bug where the option to turn of antialiasing for shapes wasn't working with the text tool.
- Fixed a bug where Acorn would sometimes restore an empty selection when opening a .acorn file.
- Fixed a bug where making a selection from a layer wouldn't update the selection size in the selection palette.
- Fixed a problem where the layers list would not scroll to the selected layer when you selected a new layer in the canvas.
- Better defaults for shape settings when you launch Acorn for the first time.
- Fixed a crasher that would sporadically happen when you register Acorn.
Acorn 4.0.3 May 7, 2013.
- Fixed a bug where App Store versions of Acorn wouldn't aways correctly save a .acorn file.
- Updated to the latest Vector Boolean sources which fixes some bugs when unioning shapes (Thanks Andy!).
- Fixed a bug where dragging multiple selected layers from the layers list into another canvas wouldn't copy all the layers.
- Change: When selecting a filter preset, you can now hold down the shift key to have it add to any existing filters on the layer.
- Fixed a bug where choosing a filter preset wouldn't update the display when you had a previous filter selected.
- Change: Acorn will no longer throw up a dialog box when using AppleScript to trim and there's no transparent pixels to trim to.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't set the color for a selected range in a text box.
- Fixed a bug where the Levels tool wouldn't work correctly with non-rectangular selections.
- Fixed a bug where the Exclude Paths command didn't always work with overlapping shapes.
- Fixed a bug where the levels histogram wasn't showing up correctly on MacBook Airs.
- Fixed a bug where the color and text palettes would incorrectly appear sometimes when pressign the tab key to unhide all the palettes (direct only).
Acorn 4.0.2 May 2nd, 2013.
- Fixed a bug where Merlin (the filter HUD) wouldn't always work correctly on first click on the canvas after adding a new filter.
- Fixed a bug where double clicking a text box when you had another shape selected at the same time would cause color changes on all the selected shapes.
- Fixed a bug where RAW import window wouldn't update the image when you typed in values for some of the input fields.
Acorn 4 May 2nd, 2013.
Tools get their own palette now.
It was getting cramped in there, so we broke out the tool icons into their own palette. In addition we updated a bunch of icons and made everything look better in general.
Layer styles and Filters sitting in a tree…
We rolled the layer styles and filters interface into a single non-modal window. This also means that filters are non destructive! You can still chain together filters like before, but now you can undo and redo your adjustments and even save them as part of your Acorn file. In addition to the filter settings being in a non modal window- you can now directly modify filter parameters right on the layer by dragging any little circles that show up when the filter window is present! (And if you'd like the previous filter window back for some reason- we're keeping it around for a little while- just hold down the option and command keys when choosing your filter from the Filters menu.)
The one exception where the filters window isn't modal (and is destructive) is when you are using a filter on a selection.
Curves Adjustments (finally!)
Acorn now has a Curves Adjustment tool, which you can get to from the Image ▸ Curves… menu. To add a new point on a curve, click on the curve and start dragging. To remove a point on a curve, drag it either left or right until it's past the location of the next point on the curve.
Vector tool improvements.
- We went a little crazy and the vector tools have been pretty much re-written. They work faster, there's a new direct anchor selection tool for bezier paths, and more.
- Boolean operations on shapes! Use union, subtract, intersect on selected shapes in a shape layer.
- You can now set the line join style of vector shapes to either, mitered, round, or beveled (using the View ▸ Quick Config Popover on selected shapes).
- You can now turn anti-aliasing on and off for shapes in the Quick Config Popover.
- You can now delete selected segments in a bezier shape by holding down the option key when pressing the delete key.
- Holding down the shift key when changing the control point for a bezier path element will now snap it to 45 degree increments from its home element.
- New Shape ▸ Outline Path menu item, that'll take the stroke of a shape and turn it into a bezier path.
- New Shape ▸ Add Points menu item that you can use on Bezier shapes to add more control points.
- If you have multiple shapes selected and choose Flip Horizontal or Vertical, the flip point will be the center of the all the selected graphics, and not the individual graphics.
- You can now select multiple shapes and rotate them all at once. Hold down the shift key to constrain the rotation to 45° increments.
- You can now select multiple shapes and resize them all at once! Hold down the shift key to keep the aspect ratio.
- New Shape menu to hold all the awesome new shape stuff.
- To select the next point in a bezier shape, press the > key. < will select the previous point. Holding down the shift key will keep the current selected points, and add the next one to the selection.
- New "Draw Shape Pixels/Outlines/Vectors" menu item under the View menu. Instead of stroking and filling all the shapes in the current shape layer, it'll draw the outline only (in outline mode), or scaled vectors (in vector mode), or pixels (which is the normal way tot do things). This can be super useful if you have lots of shapes you're trying to manage and manipulate when zoomed in.
- You can now undo and redo adding segments to a bezier shape. You can also reposition previous anchors while creating it as well.
- When making a new bezier path, you can now hold down the shift key to snap the next line segment to the closest 45° angle.
- The checkbox to turn a shape's stroke on or off has returned from a brief hiatus in Acorn 3.
- You can now use the arrow keys to move selected points in a bezier shape.
- If you're on a shape layer, you can hold down the option + command keys at the same time to copy styles from one shape to all the selected shapes.
- When selecting shapes on a shape layer with the move tool by dragging, shapes will draw their selection bounds as they are selected (or deselected).
- The little sheet that would come up when you made a new shape without dragging it out is now gone, and instead Acorn will insert a rect/oval/arrow/whatever of a reasonable size.
- Pressing delete on a shape layer without anything selected will remove all the shapes in the layer (which is similar to what bitmap layers do as well).
- When creating an oval or a rectangle shape, you can now press the spacebar to reposition the origin of the shape (which is similar to what you can do with canvas selections if you didn't already know that)
- If you have a shape layer copied to the clipboard, using the File ▸ New Image from Clipboard menu item will now make an image with a single shape layer (previously it created a bitmap layer).
- You can now set the size/width of bezier shapes using the shape tool palette.
- When duplicating vector shapes, the copy is now inserted right above the original instead at the very top of the shape layer.
- When adding a new point to a bezier shape, it's now selected so that you can move it with the arrow keys if you like.
Levels tool improvements.
The Levels window got a complete rewrite, with a gamma option (to control mid-tones) as well as an option to update the histogram live.
Speed improvements.
Compositing, filter previews, and everything in general is faster. Way faster Flood Fill, Magic Wand, and Instant Alpha tools. The Render Clouds filter got a little speed bump as well.
Multiple layer selection.
The layers list now allows you to select multiple layers. This means you can re-order, delete, move, or lock a bunch of layers at once.
Other great things worth mentioning.
- Acorn will now remember your selection when you save a file. This is awesome if you have a selection with some filters applied to it- and then quit. Then when you re-open the image, your selection is there, and you can still change the values of the filters to tweak it and such.
- You can now view a layer's mask. Just option click on the mask thumbnail in the layers list, and you will be able to view (and edit) it just like you would any other layer. This is super handy for being able to edit the mask directly.
- You can now export a document or single layer to a new .acorn file.
- Faster Acorn file saves by switching to using TIFF images for the composites (it's twice as fast at compressing than PNG, which was previously used).
- You can now drag and drop images from web browsers into Acorn's start window, and it'll open up a new window for you with the dragged image in it.
- You can now search for filters in the filter sheet picker. THIS IS AWESOME.
- If you've got multiple layers selected, using the move tool in the canvas will now move them all for you.
- Took out the pref to "Change palettes when using keyboard shortcuts" because it was dumb. It's always done now.
- Moving a shape layer with lots of graphics in it is now quite a bit faster.
- Change: When using the new document window, Acorn would look at the image on the clipboard and then autofill the dimensions. This is great, except if you modified those values then went to another app and back while it was up- it would autofill back in the dimensions on the clipboard. So it no longer does this. However- if you liked the old behavior, you can just type ⌘N again, and Acorn will autofill back in the values from the clipboard.
- When copying a layer and then pasting into into an open document, Acorn will also copy along the layer filters and layer mask associated with the image.
- You can now export a group layer as a PDF, and if there are only shape layers in there and on layer styles to be applied- it'll be a pure vector PDF.
- The 'b' and 'n' keys no longer toggle between the brush and pencil tools
- Split the combined Brush + Pencil palette up into their own palettes.
- When moving a shape a shape layer with the shift key down, it will no longer defer to snapping to guides since that can be pretty annoying.
- When changing layer filter values on the canvas, it now has the ability to snap to guides and canvas bounds.
- Hover over filter names and attributes for a tooltip that describes what it's all about.
- Removed the Geometry Adjustment filter category, since everything in there is possible using built in tools.
- The file browser window will now give you a warning when you open up a folder and it can't find any images in it.
- When assigning a color profile to your image, you now have an option to change the working color space. This is awesome if you use Acorn for painting! You can set the working color space to "Generic RGB Linear" and the blending of brushes and layers becomes more "painterly" like.
- Faster Acorn file saving by switching to using TIFF images for the composites (TIFF is twice as fast at compressing than PNG, which was previously used).
- New Grid filter which will… add a grid to your canvas. It's handy!
- New Random Noise… filter generator. It's really random.
- You can now drag and drop images from web browsers into Acorn's start window, and it'll open up a new window for you with the dragged image in it.
- Using the selection tools on a shape layer now gets a different look, since it's selecting vectors instead of pixels.
- The Offset and Wrap palette now has some buttons to re-center the image, and also to reset it.
- The Offset filter has been retired in favor of the Layer ▸ Rotate and Transform ▸ Offset and Wrap Layer menu item.
- "Layer Styles" has been renamed to "Layer Filters". Don't let the name change scare you- the new stuff is pretty amazing.
- When moving shapes or layers, you can now hold down the control key to temporarily disable bounds and guide snapping.
- When Acorn is in full screen mode, you can move the canvas anywhere in the screen using the hand tool (quick tip- hold down the space bar and move it around easily). This is handy when you are working on a very large image, and want the lower left corner to be in the middle of your monitor.
- The Edit ▸ Copy Merged menu item now uses the shortcut Control-Command-C (stolen from "Duplicate Shape").
- You'll now get a system notification when a file action script is finished running.
- The image resize sheet now has shortcut keys for selecting the various image resize algorithm (cmd-1, cmd-2, cmd-3)
- The options under the Preset Selections menu now respects the modifier keys when adding to an existing selection (shift=add, option=subtract, shift+option=intersect).
- The file extension is always shown now when exporting an image.
- If you have multiple layers selected and you add a canvas selection, nudging the selection with the move tool will now move that selection across all selected layers.
- New "Open Acorn's App Support Folder" menu item under the Help menu to get to things like custom plugins and saved brushes.
- When resizing your image using the nearest neighbor scaling algorithm, you can now have a width value that's different from a height value.
- Acorn 4 has a new bundle ID! This means that you can keep Acorn 3 around if you'd like, and Acorn 4 won't step on its preferences.
- The Monotone filter does a better job with alpha values now.
- Pressing the ESC key when making a zoom selection will cancel the action.
- Fixed the jaggy zoom box and shape selection box which showed up sometimes when zoomed in.
- You can now change the default grid spacing for a new documents with the following hidden pref:
defaults write com.flyingmeat.Acorn4 defaultGridSpacing 20
- When moving the canvas between a retina display and a non-retina display, Acorn will adjust the zoom level so that the physical dimensions on the screen don't change.
- The fill window will now remember your last selection between uses (i.e., either fill a color or from the clipboard).
- The file browser window will now give you a warning when you open up a folder and it can't find any images in it.
- No longer setting the default working colorspace for images. Don't worry if you have no idea what this means.
- Acorn is now built with Automatic Reference Counting. I realize you don't care and it probably doesn't even matter in the long run because Apple tends to kill off original technology sooner rather than later, but it was a bit of work and I thought it should be mentioned.
- Command-delete will now delete the selected layers (along with command-control--).
Stuff for Scripters:
- JSTalk scripts no longer need to call autorelease on Cocoa objects.
- New plugin API for scripters: - (CIImage*)renderedCIImage, which grabs a CIImage representation of the layer, with opacity, layer styles, mask, and other such things applied to it.
Acorn 3.5.1 January 22, 2013
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where drawing with a selection on transparent pixels would come out incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug where the delete AppleScript command wasn't working.
- Fixed a bug where the rectangle selection cursor was showing up in the wrong location.
- Fixed a bug where writing out a WebP image via AppleScript or JSTalk would always make the background black instead of white.
- Fixed a bug where using the Edit ▸ Fill menu to fill a layer with an image would sometimes not fill the entire image.
- Fixed a bug where taking your hand off the shift key when moving multiple layers inside a group layer would cause some to be moved by 10x (with the shift key down) and others by 1x.
- Fixed a bug where a unique combination of clicking the "trim" option in the web export window while also setting a scale would cause your image to be scaled in an odd manner.
- Fixed a bug where setting the opacity for a group layer would incorrectly apply it to layers below it as well.
- Fixed a bug where the View ▸ Zoom in / out menu items wouldn't work on a new canvas view window.
- Fixed problem where a single click with the selection tools wouldn't clear the current selection.
Acorn 3.5 October 9, 2012
New Stuff:
- The magic wand selection tool now has an option for contiguous or non-contiguous selections. In addition to this, if you use the magic wand tool on a shape layer with the contiguous option turned off, it effectively works as a "select all shapes with this fill color" tool. Which is pretty rad if you have a bunch of shapes that you want to change the colors on.
- New File ▸ Layer Export… menu item, which will export a single layer out of Acorn. In addition to this, if you have a shape layer that you want to export and it doesn't have any layer styles associated with it, a pure vector PDF will be written out.
- The contextual menu now has a copy of the Layer ▸ Shape Align and Size menu for working with selected shapes quickly.
- New layer blend modes: Divide, Lighter Color, Darker Color, Hard Mix, and Subtract.
- New Generator ▸ Sunburst filter, which lets you make some awesome backgrounds.
- Guides are now drawn when you free rotate your canvas.
- In the Image Browser window (which you can open via File ▸ Open Folder… menu item), the little icons on either side of the zoom slider will now increase or decrease the zoom level of the preview images when clicked.
- The "Open Image in Acorn" service will now work with selected files when used from the Finder.
- If you're editing a file with Autosave + Versions turned on, and that file happens to be locked, Acorn will no longer warn you to duplicate it if you're only applying selections (which don't alter the image).
- Holding down the shift key while rotating when using the Layer ▸ Rotate and Transform ▸ Scale and Rotate menu item will snap the rotation to 45° increments.
- Increased the amount you can magnify an image with the zoom slider from 1000% to 2000%, which should help out Retina MBP owners. Pro tip: did you know you can click the little icons on either side of the slider to zoom in or out in a controlled fashion? And the zoom tool (shortcut key 'z') can zoom in even more than the slider!
- Remove FXG as an exportable image format, since Adobe seems to have abandoned it.
- Pressing the return or enter key on a shape layer no longer merges it down. Why did Acorn ever do this? I wish I knew, but it was on purpose.
- Slight change in behavior with Image ▸ Trim to Edges: If a bitmap layer has pixels outside the canvas bounds, they are no longer taken into account when trimming down the size of the image.
- Added a new property for JSTalk/JavaScript filters to show up in the Actions menu: set ACIsAction=true in the header section of your script.
- Updated the JSTalk/JavaScript plugin to work on Group layers.
- The "Plus Lighter" blend mode was renamed to "Linear Dodge", to more closely match other image editors.
- The "Plus Darker" blend mode was renamed to "Linear Burn", to more closely match other image editors.
- The blend modes were reordered to more closely match other image editors.
New Stuff for Scripters:
- Some new plugin APIS:
A new method on CIImage: - (BOOL)writeToURL:(NSURL*)fileURL withUTI:(NSString*)uti
A new method to implement for the ACPlugin protocol- (NSNumber*)validateForLayer:(id<ACLayer>)layer;
A new method for finding the opaque bounds on layers: - (NSRect)opaqueBounds;
- You can also now mess with a layer mask with these new methods on ACLayer:
- (void)setLayerMaskImage:(CIImage*)ciimage;
- (id <ACMaskLayer>)mask;
- (BOOL)maskIsLinked;
- (void)setMaskIsLinked:(BOOL)value;
- The plugin SDK has been moved to GitHub as well:
Lots of Important Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where sometimes the extension for your filename would disappear in the save sheet.
- When using the various transform tools on a bitmap layer, the transform operation will now apply to the layer mask if it is linked.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes text boxes would not get their line heights correctly scaled when resizing an image.
- Fixed the little Purchase menu blip that you'd sometimes seen when starting up even though Acorn was registered already.
- Various fixes with the magic wand tool, including little speed improvements.
- Fixed a bug where you'd get interesting patterns in your selection in some cases with the magic wand tool.
- Fixed a bug where Acorn thought it would sometimes still have a selection when using the magic wand tool + intersection selection mode, where no intersection was produced.
- When exporting as PDF, Acorn will now create a document which respects the current DPI of the image.
- Fixed a bug with the Scale and Rotate transform tool, where you couldn't enter fractional values for the rotation field in the palette.
- Fixed a bug with the Add Border to Layer filter with Retina displays.
- Fixed a bug where zooming with the scroll wheel (hold down the option key for this!) would put the canvas in unexpected locations on retina displays.
- Fixed a bug where using the Scale And Rotate menu item on an even width/height image with a rotation of 180° would offset the image by 1 pixel.
- Fixed a bug where using the Edit ▸ Fill menu item to fill your image with a pattern would blur the pattern image.
- Fixed a bug in Web Export where the Save button wasn't enabled right away if you switched from saving as a PNG to a JPEG while the PNG was still being processed.
- Fixed a bug where the File ▸ Add Images… menu item would let you select a PDF, but wouldn't actually import it as a new layer to the image.
- Using the tab key to change fields in the Acorn Automator Crop Image Action (say it five times fast!) will no take you to the next field.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes flipping a layer vertical or horizontal would trim out some of the pixels.
- Fixed a bug where the trim bounds of a shape layer was sometimes wrong with multiple shapes.
- Various Retina display fixes with layered screenshots and zoom to fit, among other miscellaneous things.
- Fixed a bug where the file extension would not change correctly when changing the filetype in the Export sheet.
- Fixed a bug where Acorn would crash when making a new document if there was bad data on the clipboard.
- When duplicating a document, Acorn will notice if the rulers are showing and turn them on for the duplicated document if needed.
- Fixed a bug where Acorn wasn't auto-registering from MAS versions of Acorn that were sandboxed.
- Fixed a bug with the "New Image with Curved Drop Shadow" plugin on Retina MacBook Pros.
- Fixed a bug with Trim to Edges, where sometimes the canvas would grow if a layer extended outside the bounds of the canvas.
- Fixed a crasher when web exporting a completely transparent image with the trim and matte buttons checked.
Acorn 3.3 July 15, 2012
New Stuff:
- Retina Canvas- Your images look absolutely beautiful on the new Retina MacBook Pros with a a 1 to 1 pixel mapping from the image to the screen. Hello super awesome high resolution!
- Trim out Selection! If you have a fully vertical or horizontal selection, holding down the option key will turn the Image ▸ Trim to Edges menu item into "Trim out Selection" which will slice out the current selection and squish the two endpoints of your image together (bitmap layers only).
- Smart Layer Export! Its like slices, but smarter.
- You can now convert the current selection into a layer mask just by invoking the Layer ▸ Add Layer Mask menu item when your selection is active. Rad.
- Awesome new feature- Reselect! The Select ▸ Reselect menu item will now remember whatever the last selection for your image was. So you can make up some fancy selection, clear it, and then use it again later on.
- New shortcuts for making selections from layers. Holding down the command key while clicking on a layer in the layers list has made a selection based off using the layer image as a mask. Now if you hold command + the shift key, the new mask will be added to an existing selection, command + option will subtract, and command + shift + option will intersect.
- In the resize canvas sheet, you can now use Command 1 through 9 on the number keypad to choose an anchor for the image. Command-1 corresponds to the lower left, Command-9 is the top right, Command-5 is in the middle, etc.
- New iPad presets in the new document window.
- Subtraction and intersection selection modes now works for the magic wand tool.
- The text system got a little makeover so rendering more closely matches what you see when editing a text box.
- You can now close open paths using the Layer ▸ Shape Align and Size ▸ Close Path menu item.
- Command-control-- can now be used as a shortcut to delete the selected layer style in the layer style palette.
- New contextual menu for selected shape layers for Send to Back / Bring to Front.
- The Web Export window now has a scaling option. The AppleScript and JSTalk interfaces have also been updated to take width and height properties.
Notes for the App Store version of Acorn which is now sandboxed:
- The magic Acorn uses to automatically change the file type popup as you type in the Save sheet no longer works, for your security.
- Using JSTalk to open up images that have not been recently opened will fail.
- Fixed a bug where selecting a shape close to a snap point would cause it to move, even if you hadn't moved the mouse after selecting it.
- Fixed a bug in the image resize sheet where certain calculations of the canvas size were off by 1.
- Fixed a bug where the Posterize Quartz Composition wouldn't show a good UI for setting its levels.
- Fixed a bug where the layers list would lose the current selection when using its contextual item to delete a layer which wasn't currently selected
- Fixed a bug where scaling an image with bezier paths wouldn't scale the path's stroke or gradient correctly.
- Fixed a bug where the Hue Adjust layer style would show your saved style in radians instead of degrees.
- Fixed a display issue with the ruler when you had units set to Centimeters.
- Fixed a bug where origins on bitmap layers sometimes reset to zero when changing the color profile of the image.
- If you've go the canvas origin set to the top left, then the canvas grid will correctly now set its origin to this point.
- Once again, if you've go the canvas origin set to the top left then the palette's entry for the bounds of a selected shape are calculated correctly.
- Fixed a bug where a PSD layer limit was incorrectly being applied to 10.6 users (Sorry guys! It was only supposed to hit folks on 10.7.0-10.7.3! If you're running 10.7.4 or later, you're also OK. If not- what are you waiting for?)
- The iPhone Retina preset now has the same aspect ration of the old gen iPhone preset.
- Fixed a bug where resizing an image with the Simple Affine scaling algorithm would sometimes show a transparent edge on the right side of the image.
- Shape selection behavior when zoomed way in is better.
- Fixed a bug where merging of the visible layers would cause the final layer to always be placed at the bottom of the layer stack.
- Fixed a bug where expanding the canvas to fit the layers with a selection would sometimes move the selection to the wrong spot.
- Fixed some problems when you were zoomed way in and moving bezier shapes around + snap to pixels turned on.
- Fixed a regression where switching between two images would cause Acorn to forget which layer was selected.
- The opacity slider for the inner shadow layer style now shows as a percentage instead of a decimal number.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes moving the very first element of a bezier curve would cause your endpoints to go a little nuts.
- Fixed a bug where using the magic wand on a layer with multiple selections and transparent areas would sometimes redraw the transparent areas making it more opaque. Which probably isn't what you wanted.
- Fixed a bug on the OS THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED (10.8) where some JSTalk scripts would not work.
- Fixed a 10.7 bug where saving a document to a file that was already open in another window would cause Acorn to hang.
- Squashed a bug where starting a layered export to PNG and then canceling at just the right time would cause Acorn to beep at you on the next save.
- Fixed a bug where using the magic wand to add to a selection would sometimes shift the selection around.
- Fixed a bug where you could nudge the current crop marks outside the canvas when using the arrow keys (only when the crop was set to stay in the canvas).
- Copying a bitmap layer would sometimes cause changes from the original layer to show up on the copied layer. We have rectified this situation.
- Copy on shape layers no longer adds a border for the PDF representation.
Other interesting tidbits:
- Added a "New Shape Layer" menu item to the action menu of the Palette.
- Changed the "Zoom Tool" menu item to "Zoom" (under the View ▸ Tools menu), and renamed the Window ▸ Zoom menu item to "Zoom Window" (Pages does this as well, to avoid confusion with custom shortcuts).
- When transforming a selection, you can now use the arrow keys to move your selection around. Hold down the shift key to move 10x as fast!
- The trick to resize the brush tool (by holding down the control and option keys, click on the canvas, and moving the mouse back and forth) now works for the smudge, dodge, burn, and clone tools.
- If the brush or pencil tool is selected, pressing the '5' will set the opacity of the tool to 50%, '3' to 30%, and '0' to 100%. Previously this would change the opacity of the layer (which is still true when the move and other tools are selected).
- When trimming an image, the bounds for invisible layers will no longer be taken into account.
- If you start a selection and move the mouse outside the window and stop, Acorn would stop the selection even if you had more room to scroll around in. In 99% of the cases, this isn't what you wanted- so now Acorn will continue scrolling if you stop moving the mouse outside the window.
- Trying something new- previously if you managed to start creating a shape without a fill or stroke, Acorn would turn on the fill. In 3.3 we've changed that to turning on the stroke with a value of 1.
- Undo when moving vector shapes is quite a bit faster.
- Reworked the warning you get when trying to trim an image without any transparent edges. It is now 84% more accurate.
- The tool palette no longer goes transparent in full screen, because this was kind of annoying. You can use the Tab key to quickly toggle the tool palette's visibility.
- The shortcut to show and hide the grid now works when you're rotating the image.
- When merging visible layers, Acorn will combine all the images into a new layer - and now it'll use the name of the selected layer (assuming it's visible) for the new composited image.
- The layer styles fx symbol in the layers list now dims when layer styles are disabled.
- Various little speed improvements when layers styles are enabled.
- You can now remove a gradient stop-point by moving it off the edge of the preview either left or right, in addition to below as it's always been.
- Flipping a layer in place now keeps it within the layer's opaque bounds.
- When you have a group layer selected and you copy + paste to a new image- instead of a composite of all the images the whole group with layers preserved are pasted.
- You can now use the various selection tools on a hidden layer.
- If you have multiple points selected in a bezier path, pressing the delete key now removes all of them instead of the first one Acorn comes across.
- New API for plugin authors- the document class now implements firstLayerWithName:, which will return the first layer it finds with the given name.
- The formatters in the filter panels no longer use commas in the numbers because that got really annoying.
- Now signing with Developer ID, for your security.
Acorn 3.2.2 May 1, 2012
- New: You can now copy a layer style from the layer styles window (by using the action menu in the bottom).
- New: New plugin api to add bezier paths to a shape layer.
- Fix: Fixed a bug where sometimes text would be redrawn too much and showed up darker than it should have.
- Fix: Fixed a problem where using shift+down arrow + having the move tool selected was causing the fill dialog box to pop up.
- Fix: Fixed a crasher when using the eyedropper tool on bitmap layers which are framed in a specific manner.
- Fix: Added WebP as an export format when exporting with AppleScript.
- Fix: EXIF data is now retained when opening a RAW image.
- Fix: Fixed a problem where kerning was sometimes lost when duplicating a text layer.
- Fix: Fixed a rounding error when resizing an image.
- Change: PNGs are now always saved without interlacing.
Acorn 3.2.1 February 16, 2012
- New: New AppleScript property on bitmap layers to get and set the origin.
- New: You can now delete a point on a bezier curve by selecting it and pressing the delete button.
- Change: The menu item for the View ▸ Zoom tool has been renamed from "Zoom" to "Zoom Tool" so it doesn't confuse the system keyboard shortcuts with the menu item "Zoom" under the Window menu.
- Change: Removed the CIColorMatrix from the filters sheet, since it only confused people with its complexity.
- Fix: GIF wasn't an option in the "change file type" Automator action. This has now been corrected.
- Fix: Fixed a bug where Acorn would crash when opening zero length .acorn files.
- Fix: Fixed a bug where sometimes bad PSD files were written out because of empty layers.
- Fix: Fixed a crasher when a malformed PSD was opened.
- Fix: Fixed a crasher with the pencil tool and very very small lines.
- Fix: Fixed a crasher web exporting and trimming a completely transparent image.
- Fix: Fixed a crasher when copying very very thin vector shapes.
Acorn 3.2 December 2, 2011
Acorn 3.1.2 October 11, 2011
- Fixed a possible crasher when using the gradient tool.
- Change: To scale the image while resizing the window, you now have to hold down both the command and option keys (previously it only took the option key). This change was made because on 10.7, holding down the option key when resizing a window from a corner will move all corners at the same time.
- Fix: Acorn would draw slowly when working on a shape layer and you had a New View window open at the same time.
- Fix: An issue where a Acorn would crash when opening up the iPhoto Library has been corrected.
- Fix: An issue where holding down the option key with the brush tool selected would not update the brush preview correctly with a new color.
- Fix: An issue where a bitmap layer could disapear when changing the color profile has been fixed.
- Fixed some memory leaks.
Acorn 3.1.1 September 23, 2011
- Fixed a bug where opening a zero length PDF would crash Acorn.
- Fix: Turned off support for automatic background termination in 10.7.
- Fix: Hiding the palette with the tab key and then trying to use the brush tool where it just was would previously fail. Now it works as expected. Hurray!
- Fixed a bug where using the eyedropper tool to pick up a color wouldn't draw with the right color depending on what the colorspace your image was in.
- Fixed a bug where you would get an error after a warning when canceling a save for an image in a flat format when you had multiple layers.
Acorn 3.1 September 19, 2011
- New: Native 10.7 full screen support.
- New: Acorn now supports 10.7's autosave and versions features (but it's off by default- turn it on in the preferences window).
- New: You can now change the image's color profile with the Image ▸ Assign Color Profile… menu item.
- New: You can now select a default color profile in the advanced prefs.
- New: If you have PDF content on the clipboard and a shape layer is currently selected, Edit ▸ Paste will insert a special PDF/vector shape into the layer which doesn't care what size you scale it to. So if you want to make a complex vector shape in another application that will copy PDF content to the clipboard, you can then keep that shape in a vector format in your Acorn image.
- Change: The default color space is no longer the device color space, and is now "Generic RGB".
- Change: It's now easier to drag and drop folders onto Acorn's icon in the Dock (for opening an image browser).
- Change: Rearranged the preferences window a bit.
- Change: Now using cmd-control-f to enter and exit full screen (the single keystroke 'f' still works as well)
- Change: The opacity layer style now shows it's value as a percentage instead of a decimal number.
- Change: The default location for the Drop Shadow filter and layer style has been moved a bit.
- Fixed a bug where saving as a PNG while you were in a crop would not render all layers to the saved file.
- Fixed a bug where duplicating a layer by option dragging it would sometimes put it in weird locations.
- Fixed a bug where the "Keep aspect ratio" button could be disabled with the Lanczos scaling algorithm selected (which can only scale keeping the aspect ratio).
- Fixed a bug where using the Image ▸ New Image from Layered Screenshot would clip the main window's shadow on 10.7.
- Closing a document while it has a web export window open will now close that web export window.
- Fixed a bug where the Bring Forward command wasn't working correctly for the very first layer.
- Fixed a bug where using levels would sometimes cause your layer to jump.
- Holding down the space key while making an elliptical selection will move the origin of the selection.
- If a crop preset is too big to fit on the current canvas, it is now scaled down to fit.
- Fixed a bug with the Do JavaScript Automator Action, where your changes wouldn't always be saved.
- Fixed some drawing bugs when using the brush or pencil tool with a drawing opacity not set to 100%.
- Fixed a bug where images would be left open after you closed them (only on 10.7).
- Fixed a bug where the effects from layer styles weren't fully updated in realtime when scaling an image.
- Fixed a bug where the font panel wasn't always updating correctly when you selected some text.
- Fixed a bug where inverting a selection would sometimes give weird bounds.
- Fixed a bug where swapping palette colors while editing a text area would cause the swap to not complete.
- Fixed an issue where memory would grow unexpectedly with lots of zooming in and out.
Acorn 3.0.3 July 15, 2011
- Fixed a bug where using the dictionary shortcut key would make Acorn take a screenshot.
- Fixed a bug where there layers list would sometimes disappear.
- Fixed a bug where sub layers of groups were sometimes not indented correctly.
Acorn 3.0.2 May 31, 2011
- Acorn had to change its Automator actions a bit. If you have an existing Automator workflow make sure to open it up and double check that Acorn's workflow items are still there.
- Fixed a hang where scaling down certain text would crash Acorn.
- Fixed a bug where Acorn was not able to draw straight lines with the brush tool when you were using a stylus + shift clicking between points.
- Fixed a bug where making a rectangle selection using two guides would add an extra pixel of width (or height) to the selection.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't start a new selection within another selection when you had the selection mode set to addition (and you weren't holding the shift key down).
- Fixed a bug where the canvas resize sheet was setting the wrong initial values when inches were selected in the unit popup.
- Fixed a problem with certain blend modes and shape layers.
- Fixed a problem where bringing up the resize image sheet while you were croping mode would cause bad things to happen.
- Fixed a bug where painting wouldn't occur after turning on quick mask, drawing, undoing, and turning off the quickmask.
- Fixed a crasher for certain PSD files created from Fireworks CS3.
- Large PSD files will open a bit faster now.
- New button to bring up layer styles in the bottom of the palette.
- Removed the "Make a new layer when drawing shapes" preference because it hasn't worked for two major releases, and nobody noticed till yesterday.
- Fixed a bug where dragging a filter box in the filter panel would sometimes cause a ghost image to show up in the preview window.
- Fixed a bug where the feather selection command wasn't always working correctly.
- Fixed a bug where negative float values in the styles window were being truncated to whole values.
- Fixed a bug where web exported WebP images were coming out with a red tint to them.
- Layer styles are now scaled when you resize your image.
- Added "Add Layer Mask" and "Enable Layer Mask" to the Layers menu item.
- Fixed a bug with the offset filter.
- The when bringing up the canvas resize sheet, the width field now has automatic focus again.
- Fixed a bug where scaling the image would sometimes add a corner radius to rectangles.
- Fixed a bug where some internal plugins weren't loaded on case sensitive file systems.
- Fixed a bug where using a brush with opacity set to less than 100 would sometimes show white blocks in areas where you had previously made a selection.
Acorn 3.0.1 May 5th, 2011
- Fixed a trimming bug.
- Fixed a bug where the colors in the filter panel were different than the colors in the canvas when a preview was shown.
- You can now change the levels in a layer mask.
- If Acorn can't seem to open up a layered PSD, it'll try and open up its composite layer instead.
- Fixed a redraw problem with rotated bezier paths.
- Fixed a bug where you could uncheck the "Keep aspect ratio" option when scaling an image with the Lanczos scaling algorithm.
- Fixed a bug where creating a new graphic on a shape layer with a really big drop shadow layer style would draw incorrectly.
- Generator layer styles (like circles, gradients, checkerboard) now have an overlay option which is enabled by default. We've also removed the source atop blend mode, since this did the exact same thing as the overlay button does now.
- Fixed a bug where the bold button in the font palette wasn't working correctly.
- Fixed a bug with moving a selection on a bitmap where cutting was involved and it's much too involved to actually explain here. But it works as expected now, so that's good.
- Fixed a bug where the registration certificate (non app store versions) would show your old registration number.
- Fixed a bug where the canvas wouldn't show up on new documents for certain document sizes.
- Fixed a PSD import bug where the pass through blend mode for layer groups wasn't showing up correctly.
- Fixed a bug where blend modes were not working correctly all the time for layers in a layer group.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't start a selection outside the canvas with the rect selection tool when corner a radius was set.
- Fixed a bug where drawing with brush opacity in the brush designer wouldn't work.
- New apis for adding shape, group, and bitmap layers. New api for setting the contents of a text area with HTML.
- Fixed a bug where setting the quality parameter was ignored when using webExportWithOptions: in a JSTalk script.
- Fixed a bug where zooming your window while it was in full screen would cause the menu bar to disapear.
- Fixed a crasher when selecting a preset in the layer styles window.
- Fixed a bug where dragging a layer around with a fuzz stroke layer style active would sometimes draw incorrectly.
- If you try and use the gradient tool on a shape that has fill turned off, Acorn will turn it on for you (so the gradient will show up).
- Fixed a regression when Acorn wouldn't remember if you had the fill shape button turned off between launches.
- Fixed a bug where the preview for a layer style wouldn't show up correctly on group layers with masks.
- Fixed a bug where the a mask + layer style on a shape layer was composited in the wrong order.
- Fixed a bug where paste into wasn't working.
- Fixed a bug where minimizing the window would cause graphics to display badly later on.
- Now copying PNG data to the clipboard, making it more compatibly with mail clients.
- If you hold down the option key when opening a PSD, Acorn will now give you the option to open it up with multiple layers, or a single composite layer.
- Two new layer style filters: Monotone and False Color.
- Fixed a bug where trying to change the opacity while you were in a transform operation would cause Acorn to ask you to commit the operation.
- Fixed a bug where layers with an opacity setting would sometimes draw funky pixels at the opaque edges of the image.
Acorn 3.0 April 12th, 2011
- New: Layer styles!
- New: Quick Mask! Press the 'q' key to toggle it.
- New: Instant Alpha! Instant alpha is a new tool that works like a magic eraser. You can select it from the erase palette, or press 'e' to toggle between the eraser and instant alpha.
- New: Live gradients.
- New: Gradients on text and shapes!
- New: Multistop gradients! Drag and drop colors into the gradient preview window to add, double click on a slider to change it's color + opacity. Option-drag to duplicate a color, drag it down to delete.
- New: You can now export a document as a layered PSD or PDF.
- New: You can now rotate shape and text objects.
- New: Acorn now has a new menu item in the Dock when running: "New Image from Clipboard", which will pop open a new image if you have an image on the clipboard.
- New: You can now add and subtract points from a bezier curve.
- New: If you use the canvas contextual menu to add a guide, it'll autofil the location based on where you clicked.
- New: Layer styles now have presets, and you can export and open new ones. Trade with your friends, collect them all!
- New: Nenu item: Layer ▸ Commit Layer Style, which makes a layer style permanent for bitmap layers.
- New: Acorn will now give a little warning when you try and make an image that's over 50 megapixel.
- New: Holding down the option key when clicking on the (fx) icon in the layers list will toggle that layer's layer style visibility.
- New: The drop shadow filter now has an opacity slider.
- New: 5 new fonts- Lobster, Chunk Five, Prociono, OFL Sorts Mill Goudy, and Raleway Thin.
- New: Additional scripting api to insert layers from a path on disk (via jstalk scripting): var newLayer = doc.baseGroup().insertLayerWithImagePath_atIndex("/Volumes/srv/Users/gus/Pictures/AnotherImage.png", 1).
- New: The shape tools now have tooltips above them.
- New: New Filter ▸ Stylize ▸ Inner Shadow filter + layer style.
- New: Crop presets! You can now save (and choose) custom presets for the crop tool.
- New: If a layer mask is selected, and you use the Paste command - the current clipboard will be pasted into the selection mask instead of a new layer being created.
- New: Bevel layer style + filter.
- New: Vertical Distribute Center and Horizontal Distribute Center menu commands under the Layer ▸ Shape Align and Size menus. Select 3 or more shapes to enable these commands.
- New: You can now drag and drop color swatches onto a layer in the canvas to fill that layer with the dropped color.
- New: New Opacity filter which will change the opacity of a given image. This is useful if you have a bunch of filter operations and you'd like to change the opacity of an image in the middle of it.
- New: You can now delete guides by dragging them off the canvas.
- New: The canvas contextual menu now has an item named "Use Image as Desktop Picture", which will set the current canvas to your desktop image.
- New: You can now drag and drop quartz compositions onto Acorn, and it will prompt you to let Acorn auto install the composition to ~/Library/Compositions.
- New: New "Circles" filter under the Generator filters. It adds a bunch of concentric circles in your choice of color.
- New: You now have the option to use inches or centimeters in the rulers or when making new images.
- New: There's a new pref to autoload a palette when using keyboard shortcuts for tools (such as 'b' for brush, or 'v' for the arrow tool). With this option disabled, click on the icon for the corresponding palette to show up in the tools list. This makes it easier to switch back and forth from the shape or text tools to another tool, without losing the palette's focus.
- Change: Batch closing all the windows (closing a window with the option key down) no longer closes the tool palette.
- New: You can now add, delete, and disable layer masks from the canvas contextual menu.
- New: You can now convert text into Bezier shapes.
- New: Full Screen and Quick Mask buttons are now in the palette.
- New: Image ▸ Expand Canvas to fit Layers command, which will resize the canvas so that all the layers will fit on the canvas.
- New: The magic wand will now adjust it's tolerance as you move it out from where you clicked on the canvas.
- New: Vector shapes now have the option to snap to pixel edges when creating or resizing. You can turn this option on and off from under the shapes palette.
- New "Select Next Shape" and "Select Previous Shape" menu items under the Select menu, enabling you to cycle through the shapes in a shape layer.
- New: The selection palette now shows options for applying addition, subtraction, or intersection modes for the selection tools.
- Misc: The Adjust Levels panel is no longer a black HUD style window.
- Change: Using the Image ▸ Rotate Canvas ▸ Clockwise or Counter-Clockwise commands will now move the guides with the canvas.
- Change: The up and down arrow keys now work to change values in the Feather… selection dialog box.
- Change: The auto-select layers option has moved to the move tool palette.
- Change: Line spacing has been renamed to line height. There was a general issue where you could set negative values for line spacing, which worked sometimes- but it wasn't supported by the system text engine, so it didn't work all the time. So I've replaced it with Line Height, which should work out just as well (and which is supported).
- Change: Removed the HDR filters category, since it was just confusing folks.
- Change: The Snap To settings for documents are now application wide. The View ▸ Snap To menu item is gone, and it's been replaces with some settings in the Advanced preferences.
- Change: If the current tool is the crop tool, and you use the Select All command, instead of a new selection being put on the canvas, the crop tool will be invoked with the canvas bounds as its size.
- Change: When duplicating a layer, the newly duplicated layer is now automatically selected.
- Change: In order to move guides now, you have to have the arrow tool selected.
- Change: There's no longer a toggle switch for stroke width. It's either zero (off), or some other value which will draw it.
- Change: The "new image from selection" and "new layer from selection" menu commands are now disabled when you are in quickmask mode.
- Change: The Snap To prefs are now in the move palette.
- Change: Eliptical and Rect selections will now snap to rulers for the start of the selection (previously only for the end of the selection).
Acorn 2.6.5
- Fix: Fixed an issue where it wasn't working correctly on 10.7 Lion seeds.
Acorn 2.6.4 Feb 4, 2011
- Fix: Fixed an issue where sometimes the crop frame would jump around if you changed its values in the crop palette.
- Fix: An issue where quartz composer filters would render incorrectly on some layers.
Acorn 2.6.3 Jan 10, 2011
- Fix: An issue where you couldn't enter a value such as ".5" in the free rotate field has been fixed.
- Fix: Sometimes after rasterizing a text layer, you couldn't always transform it.
- Fix: Acorn would sometimes crash if you added multiple text layers, rasterized them, trimmed the canvas, and then selected everything.
- Fix: Fixed a bug where you would make a intersect selection, and the result of the selection could show up in the wrong spot.
- Fix: The Edit ▸ Fill… menu wasn't working correctly on layer masks.
Acorn 2.6.2 October 29, 2010
- New: Added a new plugin api for plugin authors to start cropping to specific dimensions (beginCroppingWithRect:)
- Fix: When you had the palettes hidden (by pressing the tab key), sometimes the color panel wouldn't come up when you requested it to. Now it does.
- Fix: Saving a file as ICO would fail if your image didn't have a width and height of 16, 32, 48, 128, or 256. Now you'll get a warning if you try and save a file that does not fit in these dimensions.
- Fix: The Web Export window wasn't always matching up the preview / original display with what you had selected in the window.
Acorn 2.6.1 October 25, 2010
- Fix: The Scale and Rotate palette now works a bit better when entering text into the rotation angle field.
- Fix: Fixed an issue where the flood fill tool wouldn't work sometimes right after resizing the canvas.
- Fix: Fixed an issue where WebP images weren't opening up for some folks.
- Fix: The Quartz Composition filters now clip to the current selection.
- New Select ▸ Make Selection from Layer menu, which will take the contents of the current layer and turn it into a selection. Works for group and shape layers as well. You can also command-click on a layer in the layers list to perform the same action.
- The Help menu now has links to the keyboard shortcuts, and tutorials online.
- Fix: Resizing the window with the option key down (which will scale your image) now draws correctly at zoom levels other than 100%
- Fix: If you copy a shape from a large image to a smaller image, it was possible that the shape would be pasted somewhere off canvas. This has been fixed.
Acorn 2.6
October 21, 2010
- New: Acorn can now use Quartz Composer compositions as filters, which adds over 30 great new filters for you to use.
- New: The Edit ▸ Fill… command will now bring up a window allowing you to select a specific color or image from the clipboard, plus opacity and blend mode for a fill. The shortcut Shift-Delete will bring it up as well. Option-Delete will still fill with the current fore color, and Option-Shift-Delete will fill with the current back color.
- New: Acorn can now open WebP images, as well as write them with Web Export.
- New: A new pixel grid which will show up when you're zoomed in at 500% or more. You can turn this on or off under the Advanced preferences.
- New: Tilt-Shift filter under the Filter ▸ Stylize menu.
- Fixed a bug where selections where drawing incorrectly when you had the selection mask set to "Clipped Out".
- Acorn is now a bit nicer to text when scaling down.
- Acorn now provides an option to draw the grid as a series of dots (when normally it's just a line). Turn this on under View ▸ Grid Settings…
- Fixed a bug where holding the shift key between drawing operations wouldn't draw a straight line from the expected points when you had precision mode turned on.
- Fixed some issues where the rect selection tool wouldn't always show the right values when you were making a selection.
- Fixed a case where saving a image size preset in the New Image panel wouldn't always save correctly if you had an image on the clipboard.
- Fixed some drawing issues with the rect and freehand selection tools.
- If you clicked the close button on the tool palette, hitting the tab key (which would normally toggle the tools palette visibility) wouldn't bring it back. It now does.
- Fixed a bug where rasterizing a shape layer would draw the shapes in the wrong z order.
- The transform tools will now snap to guides and document bounds when turned on.
- Previously, pressing the escape key while in full screen mode and using a transform tool would cause you to exit full screen mode. Now it just cancels the transform tool.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes Acorn would delete the wrong layer when you were currently transforming the image.
- The crop palette now respects the preference for having the origin in the top left corner.
- When the tool palette is overlapping the canvas, and a custom cursor is set, the cursor now resets to the standard arrow cursor when over the palette.
- Fixed a bug where the Save menu item was enabled while Acorn was still compressing your image in web export.
- Fixed some drawing glitches where the grid was drawing outside the canvas.
- Acorn no longer tries to open documents at startup, which you've put in the trash but not yet emptied.
- Acorn will now remember if you last used "jpg" or "jpeg" in the save dialog, for JPEG file extensions.
- Shape layers have a new context menu item, which will allow you to see all the shapes in the layer, and select the Chosen One.
- Acorn is quite a bit more accurate about figuring out which point in a bezier curve you'd like to grab when zoomed in at insane levels.
- The canvas guides now draw outside the canvas view again.
Acorn 2.5.1
September 27, 2010
- Fixed a bug where Acorn wouldn't let you resize a free transform when zoomed out to 25%.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't delete the % character from the simple transform palatte.
- When using the rectangle selection, it doesn't snap to the edge of the document, since it turns out that's pretty annoying most of the time.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't use the pan tool when you clicked on top of a vector shape to begin moving the image.
- Renamed the 'Hand' tool to 'Pan' in the View ▸ Tool menu.
- The up and down arrow keys now work in the rotate field of the canvas rotate palette.
- Fixed a bug where your image was interpolated when you were zoomed in and you were rotating the canvas.
- If you've got a selection cut out on a bitmap layer, it now respects the layer mask if you've got one enabled.
- Pressing enter when you've got a selection + cutout on a bitmap layer will down clear the selection and place the bit you've cut out.
- Fixed a bug where dragging + dropping an image into a document to create a new layer- the new layer wouldn't get the document's color space, which would eventually lead to some wonky colors showing up at some point.
- The elliptical and rect selection tools now snap to guides.
- The marching ants for selections are now drawn over any guides that might be showing.
- When option-dragging selected shape layer graphics to copy them- the relative z order of the graphics wasn't always kept the same. This is now fixed.
- Certain slider widgets in the text box wouldn't let you set its value to zero. This has been fixed.
- New Grayscale filter under the Filter ▸ Color Adjustment menus.
- The "New Layer from Selection" menu item is no longer enabled when you don't have a selection.
- Fixed some selection issues when zoomed way in.
- Resizing a vector shape will now snap to guides on the canvas.
- Fixed a bug where using the transform tools on a layer with a layer mask wouldn't update the mask associated with it.
- Acorn's hex color picker no longer defaults to creating calibrated colors.
- Fixed a bug where holding down the shift key when making or modifying a line wouldn't snap it's angle to 45 degrees.
Acorn 2.5
September 16, 2010
- Acorn now supports layer masks! To enable a mask for a layer, click on the cog widget in the layers list window and select "Add Layer Mask", or control-click on a layer in the list and choose "Add Layer Mask".
- New Automator Actions- Layer on Images (think watermarks), Open Images in Acorn, Close Acorn Image, Change Types of Images, Crop Images, Trim Images, and Do JavaScript.
- Web export now has an option to set the matte (background) color for transparent images.
- Fixed a problem where the Clear Selection menu item was always enabled.
- Fixed a bug where flood fill wouldn't work when you made a selection and then used it to cut out an area from a layer, and then tried to use the flood fill without clearing the selection first.
- Fixed a bug where the flood fill tool wouldn't work on layer masks.
- When adding a layer mask, it is now selected by default.
- When duplicating a shape, it'll no longer fall off the canvas if it's near the bottom.
- Fixed a bug where editing bezier paths caused really weird drawing issues.
- Guides stay in the correct relative position now when using the Resize Canvas command.
- Holding down the option key when selecting and moving a guide will duplicate it.
- Fixed a bug where erasing on a layer mask wouldn't work correctly.
- New menu item: Edit ▸ Paste Into, which pastes into a new layer, using the selection as a mask for that new layer.
- New hidden pref: defaults write com.flyingmeat.Acorn useEdgeColorForFullScreen 1
- When rasterizing a shape layer, if your layer name starts with "Shape Layer", Acorn will replace that with "Bitmap Layer".
- If you have a group layer selected, and you use the Edit ▸ Copy menu item, you'll get a composite of just the group layer put on the clipboard.
- Hold down the option key when selecting a crop preset will cause the width and height values to be swapped. So if you wanted a crop of 3x2 instead of 2x3, just hold down the option key when choosing the preset.
- Updated some menu items to conform with the Apple HIG.
- If you're using the arrow tool, and you've got a group layer selected, clicking on a layer within the group will move all layers inside that group (this hasn't changed). However, if you now click a layer that isn't inside the selected group layer, the clicked on layer will then be auto selected and you can begin moving that guy.
- Fixed an undo bug when adding a text box to a layer, where an extra text box would incorrectly be removed.
- Acorn now uses a "near by" algorithm to find which pixel you wanted to start with, instead of flooring points when doing selections and other operations (most visible when you're zoomed in).
- When using the simple transform tool, the scale and angle fields (in the palette) will update the image in realtime without needing to tab out of the field first. You can also use the up and down arrows to change the values.
- Fixed a bug where setting the width or height for a line in the shape frame fields wouldn't work.
- Fixed a text rendering bug, where sometimes text would shift when editing.
- Fixed some text formatting issues in the filter panel when putting in negative values for various parameters.
- Using the up and down arrows in the width / height fields for the new image window, will increase or decrease the size of the image you want to make.
- Fixed a drawing issue when making a rectangular selection.
- When using the brush, holding down the control and option keys, and then moving the mouse either left or right will make your brush smaller or larger.
- The contextual menu for the canvas now has a Layers submenu, with a list of all the layers in the image and which will make the selected layer active when chosen.
- When changing a layer's visibility from invisible to visible, it will make sure all it's parent groups are set to visible as well.
- New menu item to flip selected Bezier shapes vertically or horizontally, under the Layer ▸ Shape Align and Size menu.
- Bug fix: the align left and right edges now works correctly for bezier shapes.
- Changing the file extension in the save sheet will update the file popup menu to reflect what you've typed in (as long as it's a supported file type, such as png, jpeg, etc).
- New AppleScript and JSTalk commands to add oval selections:
-- AppleScript:
tell application "Acorn"
open "MyImage.acorn"
tell document 1
select oval rect {100, 100, 400, 600}
end tell
end tell
// JSTalk:
var acorn = JSTalk.application("Acorn");
var doc ="MyImage.acorn");
doc.selectOval(NSMakeRect(100, 100, 400, 400));
- The Edit ▸ Delete menu item no longer needs the command key.
- The Gaussian Blur filter now has an option to have opaque edges or not (turned on by default).
- The cursor now updates correctly when editing some text and you've got the command key down (it changes to the move tool icon).
- Fixed a bug where the web export window wouldn't come up sometimes.
- Added a new "Add Images…" menu item under the File menu, which will insert images as layers from an open panel into your image.
- Added a warning when trying to open up an image that is in the Trash.
- Fixed a bug when using the perspective transform tool, and the window was the same size as the canvas, and you grabbed a bottom resize widget.
- Fixed a bug where the "New View" window wouldn't update the image when a vector shape was modified.
Acorn 2.3.2
August 2, 2010
- Fixed a problem where the guide bubble wouldn't go away.
- The cursor no longer flickers when moving guides.
- Fixed a bug where bitmap images in FXG 2.0 files wouldn't show up correctly.
- Fixed some edge cases where flood fill wouldn't work correctly.
- Pressing the space bar while cropping will now allow you to pan the image around (assuming scroll bars are present).
- New Filter under Color Adjustment named "Transparentomatic", which will take a color and replace it with empty pixels along with an option to adjust the tolerance for the selected color.
- When cropping an image, guides now keep their relative positions.
- Fixed a bug where the scrollers were showing up at weird times, and causing some clipping of the image.
- Fixed a bug where drawing on a layer that was created via "New Layer via Selection with Cut" would cause the layer to sometimes disappear.
- Fixed a bug where you could move layer groups when it was locked.
- When opening an image which has an orientation flag set, we now rotate the image before presenting it.
- Fixed a bug where adding a horizontal guide wouldn't respect the "origin in top left" preference.
- New "Nearest Neighbor" option for scaling an image.
- No longer animating the selection when a window isn't frontmost, to save CPU (and battery life).
- Fixed a bug where moving a bitmap layer around when a selection was present would cause some bad redrawing.
- Added "New View" under the Window menu, which will give you a new window with the current image in it, which you can then set to different zoom levels for a different perspective from your original image.
- Fixed a bug where snapping to the guides wouldn't always redraw the hit guide correctly.
- Fixed a bug where Acorn images wouldn't always open up correctly from Acorn's file browser.
- Fixes for the flood fill and magic wand tool.
- Fixed a bug which caused blurry outlines on some rectangle shapes.
Acorn 2.3.1
May 17, 2010
- Fixed a bug where setting the DPI of a JPEG image wasn't always saved correctly.
- Fixed a bug where creating a guide with the contextual menu wouldn't always put it in the right location.
- Fixed a bug where some really old Acorn documents didn't import lines correctly.
- Fixed a bug where the layers lock icon was drawing incorrectly.
Acorn 2.3
April 30, 2010
- Guides and snap to document edges for bitmap layers.
- Pref wording change: "Flip pen position along Y axis" is now "Set canvas origin to top left".
- Fixed a drawing issue with the ruler when you were zoomed in and the origin was set to the top left of the window.
- Fixed some drawing issues with the ruler.
- New little ampersand on the type palette, which will bring up the Typography palette.
- Fixed a bug where small caps were not preserved between saves for text boxes.
- Fixed a bug where using the brush with a selection wouldn't work correctly.
- The ruler markers now update in increments of 10 and 5, instead of powers of 2.
- 40 new brushes!
- Fixed misc. AppleScript command.
- New plugin API- NSApplication now has "- (id)currentDocument" which will return the active document, or the document which is currently scripted.
- Renamed "Char Spacing" to "Kerning" in the text tool palette, because... well, that's what it is.
- New option to trim the image in the web export panel.
- Fixed a bug where pull out a selection for a free transform wasn't always working correctly.
- Fixes for rotating the canvas when you had odd images.
- New AppleScript command: rotate canvas angle *angle*. New JSTalk method: rotateCanvas(angle).
- New AppleScript command: auto levels. New JSTalk method: autoLevels().
- Fixed a regression where the brush preview wasn't showing up in the palette.
- Fixed a regression when rotating the canvas.
- Fixed a crasher when opening a certain type of RAW image file.
- A more accurate rendering of the gradient preview.
- Dab Opacity has been renamed to "Flow" for the Brush Designer.
- Updated Brush Designer layout, so all the options are visible at once.
- The way cursors are setup has been reworked a bit. If you run into cursor weirdness- let me know asap!
- If you've got a group layer selected, and the current tool selected is the move tool, clicking in the canvas + dragging will move all the layers in the group. A single click will select the layer under the click.
- Guides now snap to the middle of the image / shape.
- Moving shapes now snaps to the guides.
- New pref to turn on font smoothing (subpixel anti-aliasing for text).
Acorn 2.2.2
- Fix: The auto levels command now constrains to the selection when invoked (and if you have a selection of course).
- Fix: The flood fill / magic wand tool now takes into account differences in alpha when doing a fill or selection.
- Fix: Resizing the canvas window when editing a text area no longer puts the text area in weird locations.
- The file formats in the Save As sheet are now alphabetized.
- Throwing up a warning now when trying to save an ICO file when the width or height are greater than 256 pixels (which is the maximum size for an ICO image file).
- Basic support for reading and writing XFG files (bitmap layer support only).
XFG is a new file format from Adobe, which Photoshop CS4 among other apps can save as. If you've got a PSD file that Acorn can't open, try saving it as XFG from CS4 and opening it in Acorn.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't set the visibility of a layer via AppleScript.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't set the height of a vector shape over 500px in the bounds editor.
- Fixed a bug where duplicating a shape layer would not copy the dash settings for a shape.
- Fixed a bug where trying to move a scale transform selection would sometimes move it into a scale mode.
- Better cursors for the scale transform widgets.
Acorn 2.2.1
- When saving JPEG images with a transparent background, Acorn would automatically put a white background down because JPEG files don't support transparency. Now the blending with the background looks a bit nicer in 2.2.1.
- JPEG images are now composited against a white background for web export (transparent areas will now show up white). This fixes problems with drop shadows being mangled.
- Fixed a crasher with flood fill.
- The registration certificate window is no longer resizable.
Acorn 2.2
- Fixed a couple of crashers when opening a PSD files.
- Fixed bug where you couldn't set the height of an image via AppleScript.
- New pref to ignore trackpad gestures (rotate, swipe to undo, magnify).
- Fixed a crasher when using certain core image filters.
- You can now see the bounds when creating a new shape.
- The layer list contextual menu now has the option to lock the clicked on layer.
- Fixed some drawing issues with the grid when zoomed in.
- Fixed a bug where the flipped cursor coordinates were off by 1pt in the y direction.
- Updated selection cursors.
- Hold down the option key on an anchor point for a bezier curve to reset it. Hold down option when using a control point, to no longer mirror it with the control point opposite it.
- New menu item to take a layered screenshot under the Image menu.
- The combo slider widgets now fit in with the rest of the Acorn UI, and round down it's values when slidering.
- The layer list thumbnail for shape layers draws a bit nicer now.
- Bezier Shapes, in the shape palette (shortcut key 'p'). Not available in Acorn Free.
- Newer, faster, better, stronger flood fill implementation.
- You can now lock layers (currently using the Layer > Lock Layer menu item) A UI is coming eventually for the layers list.
- No longer removing the color profile for PNG web exports.
- The tooltip hint you get when you are inside a selection now hides when you have the shift or option key down, so you can see what you want to select (or deselect) better.
- New advanced prefs pane, with fancy 'advanced' stuff.
- The custom checkboxes now draw a highlight when they have focus.
- You can now tab between the size and opacity fields in the brush palette.
- Updated UI for the canvas free rotate, and you can now use your mouse to rotate the canvas when in this mode.
- Updated UI on the scale transform.
- Fixed a problem where sometimes clicking on a text area would reset it's color to black.
- You can now save and open files as Microsoft Icons (.ico).
- Double clicking on a rectangle will now open up the frame tab in the shape attributes palette.
- Fixed a bug where paragraph styles were not scaled in text boxes along with the rest of the image.
- Fixed a bug where "New Layer With Selection Via Cut" with shape layers didn't work properly.
- An additional Transform operation "Scale Transform" has been added, bringing the total up to 3. They've also been moved under a new Layer ▸ Transform menu, and the Scale Transform now uses the cmd-shift-t shortcut, since this is the most common type of transform that folks are trying to do.
- Select All now works while you are cropping, and sets the crop to the whole canvas.
- A new "precision mode" button for the brush tool, which lets you make your brush strokes in slllllooooooowwwwww mooooooootttttttiiiiiooonnnn.
- Updated to a version of SQLite with better file locking behavior, which means you can now save Acorn documents on AFP volumes.
- Acorn does a better job at keeping the cursor hidden when drawing in slowmo mode.
- Fixed a bug where duplicating a shape layer would forget corner radiuses on rectangle shapes.
- You can now change the bounds of a selected shape from the tools palette.
- Fixed a bug where new image from clipboard would allow you to undo a change that you didn't make.
- The Python runtime is no longer loaded into Acorn if you don't have any plugins installed which can use it. This cuts down on memory that Acorn uses.
- If your bitmap layers have a frame that falls outside the canvas bounds, then you'll see a light gray line representing those bounds as seen in this movie.
- Three finger swipes on your macbook's trackpad now performs an undo for left swipes, redo for right swipes, select next layer for up swipes, and select previous layer for down swipes. (This is only for macbooks which have support for gestures in the trackpad).
- You can now use pinch motions on the trackpad to zoom in and out, or rotate the canvas (for macbooks which have support for it).
- The Canvas Resize command no longer brings up a modal window, and instead puts it's UI in a sheet.
- You are now given an option to resize the canvas or not on rotate, as well as showing a grid.
- You can now use the arrow keys to rotate the canvas, when the Image ▸ Rotate Canvas ▸ Free Rotate command is being used.
- Shape handles are now drawn outside the canvas when the frame of the graphic are outside the canvas bounds.
Acorn 2.1
- AppleScript support, along with improved JSTalk support. Read about it here!
- Acorn now comes with a Hex color picker in the color palette.
- Fixed a bug where Acorn wouldn't hide the palettes with the tab key when the current layer wasn't visible.
- Fixed a bug where pasting text at the end of a text box would cause Acorn to flip out occasionally.
- Reworked the text widgets a bit.
- Fixed a bug where the rect corner radius button in the palette was unchecked after you drew a shape with a corner radius.
- Fixed a drawing bug when you had the opacity of the brush set less than 100%, and the origin of the layer wasn't 0,0.
- Acorn handles icns data a little better for pasting.
- Fixed a bug where selections would get funky when merging text and shape layers on top of other shape layers.
- Added a shortcut to "Make Natural Size", which is pretty handy when working with text boxes.
- No longer making new layers for multiple text boxes. They will instead just stay on the same layer they were created from.
- Acorn gives a message telling you why it can't save when you try and save a file to a location without write permissions.
- Took away the option to automatically download and install updates in the background. This was confusing folks.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't resize a selected range of text.
- When printing, Acorn now scales the image down to fit the page if it doesn't normally.
- When duplicating a layer, Acorn now uses "Copy of X" as the new name, instead of "X (copy)".
- UI fixes in the tool palette.
- Fixed a bug where nested groups were not written out to Acorn files during save as saves.
- If a group layer doesn't know what kind of blend mode it should be, it now defaults to pass through, instead of normal.
- Acorn can now read icns data off the clipboard, when using the "New From Clipboard" menu item.
- Sped up quitting Acorn by a little bit, by doing a little less work.
- Added an option to the CMYK/Grayscale alert window, to not show it again in the future. You'd get this when opening up non-RGB files.
- Fixed a bug where Acorn would sometimes flip out with an assertion error when cropping an image with lots o' layers.
- Fixed a bug where the non-current layer would highlight a shape when you had "auto select layers" turned off in the prefs.
- AppleScript doc updates, and "do JavaScript" now returns a value.
- Fixed a bug where some widgets were not drawing correctly in 64 bit land.
- Filled in some missing tooltips.
- Two changes in the filter panel prefs- Acorn now defaults to turning off the canvas preview, and defaults to "scale to fit" the image in the preview window.
- You can now drag and drop an image from the layers list to the trash can in the Dock to delete it.
- Fixed a bug where resizing the image didn't always redraw the whole canvas if scrollbars appeared.
- PNG images will be run through pngcrush when saved via Web Export.
- Acorn will now ask if you want to move it to the Applications folder if Acorn detects that you are running outside of it.
- Fixed a bug where the Copy Merged wouldn't work correctly if you had a selection.
- Fixed a bug where making rect selections with a corner radius set would antialias the edges when it wasn't supposed to.
Acorn 2.0.3
- Fixed a bug where you could bring up the filter panel twice.
- You can now set a hidden pref in Acorn so that files saved with Acorn will be set to open with Acorn:
defaults write com.flyingmeat.Acorn saveDocumentBinding 1
- Added a workaround for a 10.6 Core Image crasher when using the Constant Color generator.
- You can now drag and drop an image from Safari onto Acorn's icon in the Dock. This is done by adding an Application Service to Acorn for opening images (which you might need to turn on in the Services prefs).
- When changing the font size of a text area with multiple font weights in it, Acorn no longer throws out those weights.
- Cmd-F to redo the last filter now works correctly if you have a selection.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't invert a selection after you had moved it.
- Using the View ▸ Tool ▸ Smudge menu item actually works again.
- You can now delete the very last layer. Acorn will just add a new bitmap layer to make up for the lack of layers.
- When selecting the contextual menu for deleting or duplicating a group layer- Acorn now displays it as 'Delete Group "foo"' instead of just 'Delete Layer "foo"'.
Acorn 2.0.2
- Added access to the compositing (blend) mode for a layer to plugin creators.
- Selecting a group layer and then pressing the arrow keys now nudges all sublayers in the direction your pressed. Hold down the shift key to move it by 10 pixels instead of just 1.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't drag and drop out of the layers list to the Finder.
- If you hold down the spacebar after you start drawing with the brush tool, your brush strokes will move at a 3x slower rate.
- The font menu in the text palette now updates correctly if you activate or deactivate fonts from Font Book.
- Pressing the spacebar when making a crop now moves the crop around instead of growing or shrinking it (this matches behavior with the selection tools).
- Drawing the crop "rule of thirds" lines all the time now when you are modifying / creating a crop selection.
- Fixed a bug where the floating stroke widget in the shape palette wouldn't disappear when you changed palettes.
- Acorn can no longer edit or open .acorn files on webdav, nfs, or smb file shares, since it gives SQLite fits. However, all other file types work.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't drag a layer from the layers list into the canvas, copying it in the process.
- Fixed a problem where transparent edges were sometimes showing up when scaling an image.
- Double clicking on the canvas scale label will now zoom the canvas to 100%.
- Fixed a crasher when closing an image browser window. I think.
- Fixed a crasher when closing a window right after editing some text and the text box still had focus.
- Fixed a case where transparent pixels were showing up on an edge when you did a 90% rotation, and the width of your canvas was an odd number.
- Made an interesting little performance tweak. A positive one. Maybe.
- The start window now goes away when you open up a document.
- The little gear button in the tool palette is no longer enabled when you can't use anything in it.
- Fixed a bug where pressing 'f' to go into full screen mode wouldn't work if you had an invisible layer selected.
- Fixed a bug where acorn would duplicate the layer if you clicked on a canvas with the command + option + control keys down. It shouldn't work with the control key down.
Acorn 2.0.1
- Now showing a message when Acorn can't open up an unsupported RAW file, instead of a blank black canvas.
- "New Image From iSight" now puts a name on the layer created in the new image.
- Option-clicking the visibility button in the layers list, will hide all the layers except the one you clicked on. Option-clicking it again will restore the previous visibility settings.
- No longer collecting crash reports that are older than 2 weeks old.
- Bug fix for images that are sometimes flipping when calling a filter.
- Holding down option and command when using the arrow keys to nudge a selection now commits the selection before moving it. Hold down the shift key to move by 10 px instead of 1.
Acorn 2.0 September 13, 2009.
The Big things:
- New preference to make layered screenshots, with each window as its own layer and grouped by application.
- Rulers for the canvas.
- RAW image import.
- 64 bit support.
- New Dodge, Burn, Clone, and Smudge tools.
- Layer groups, and new layer blend modes.
- Much improved Transform and Crop tools, and a new Perspective Transform tool.
- New "Render Clouds" filter.
- JSTalk Scripting support.
- Performance improvements, and updated UI.
- New, faster file format.
- New programmer APIs to provide custom image import and export.
- Lost of new options in the Text palette.
- Use Acorn for free after the demo period is up. Some advanced features are disabled, but otherwise it's "Acorn Lite".
The WHOLE list, including bug fixes:
- Rulers!
- Raw image import!
- Holding down the spacebar when making a rect or oval selection will move your selection around.
- Holding down the spacebar when making a freehand selection will allow you to draw a straight line between the last point and when you let go of the spacebar.
- The new image window now has common presets, and you can save your own.
- New Dodge, Burn, Clone, and Smudge tools.
- New grid setting to scale the grid when zoomed in or out, as well as setting the blend mode of the grid.
- New pref to make a new layer + layer groups for every app + window when taking screen shots.
- Command clicking on a layer in the layers list will select all of its non-alpha pixels.
- Holding down the shift key when double clicking the zoom button will set the zoom scale of all open documents to 1. Holding down shift+command when double clicking it will make all open documents fit to the window.
- You can now drag and drop multiple files into the layers list to add them to the image (as layers). You can even drag and drop from other apps such as Safari (hint: hold down the command key when doing this, to keep the Safari in the background).
- Layer groups!
- Text boxes are now framed red when the text is clipped.
- Improved Transform tool, which will also rotate your selection! Hurray!
- New Perspective Transform tool.
- New "Render Clouds" filter.
- Cmd-clicking on a shape layer in the layers list now puts on a selection in the shape of the layer, just like for bitmaps. And what the heck, I'll do it for group layers as well.
- Holding down the shift key when using the flood fill tool, will use the back color for the fill instead of the front color.
- Better text selection behavior,when you are clicking on a textbox below the current layer.
- The grid now stays shown when you do a free rotate of the canvas.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't create a new text object with the font Myriad Pro Semibold.
- If a user drags a document to the app icon, Acorn now orders that document in front of any documents that remain open from the previous session.
- The Adjust Color menu item is now under the Layer menu again.
- Holding down the option key when doing a click + drag with the zoom tool will now zoom you out, instead of in.
- Renamed "Zoom" to "Zoom Tool" under the View ▸ Tool menu, to avoid accessibility conflicts with the Zoom menu option under window.
- Improved scaling code so we don't get transparent pixels along the edges when scaling down.
- The "From Clipboard" button in the new document window detects if there's an image on the clipboard in a smarter way now, making it a bit more reliable
- Updated zoom cursors.
- If a saved text style is set to Helvetica 12, it will no longer replace the font for any selected text. This is helpful when you have a shadowed text style, and you only want the shadow attribute to be applied.
- The stroke won't turn on anymore when you change the stroke width.
- Fixed a bug where shape layer lines weren't scaled properly when resizing the image.
- Now looking for crash reports on startup.
- Scrolling with the mouse down works a bit better now when in full screen mode.
- The bottom left pixel is now shown as "0,0" in the palette window now, instead of "1,1", in order to stay in sync with other image editors.
- A darker background for the canvas windows.
- When scaling an image, the corner radius for rectangle graphics are now scaled as well.
- Changed file format, now uses sqlite and png data for bitmap layers. It's also slightly sensible.
- Marching Ants are now the default way to view selections.
- Screenshots are now directly sent to a new document, where you can use the built in crop tools.
- Python plugins are now loaded up in their own background thread, enabling Acorn to launch even faster.
- Acorn now preserves all the meta data in the image (EXIF, IPTC, etc). Is that a new feature? Maybe.
- You now have to click in a selection bound to move the pixels in that selection, when you've got the move tool selected. So now you can move your layer around by clicking outside of it.
- The Help menu points to online documentation now.
- Typing '52' now changes the opacity of the current layer to 52%, instead of to 50%, and then 20%.
- You can now drag and drop layers to the + icon in the tool palette to have it duplicated.
- New pref to show the pen position in the palette flipped along the Y axis.
- Holding down the shift key when making a polygon selection makes draws the next line in 45 degree increments.
- Holding down the option key when making a new rectangle or oval resizes it from the middle.
- Clicking the + button in the palette with the option and command keys down creates a new group layer.
- When scaling your canvas with a selection, the selection now scales along with the layers.
- Resizing the canvas has been split out into the Image ▸ Resize Canvas… menu item.
- You can now drag and drop PDF files from the desktop into the layer list or canvas, and it'll be inserted into the image.
- Half a pixel more accuracy with the brush cursor (woo! omg yes!).
- Holding down the shift key while moving selections or layers with the arrow keys, now moves it by 10px instead of 1px.
- Holding down the option key when opening a PDF will open it at 288 dpi.
- The text tool now vertically centers where you want your text to be, when used with a single click.
- Holding down the option key while using the polygonal selection tool will temporarily allow it to act like the freehand tool.
- Swapping the stroke and fill color for multiple selected shapes now works.
- The stroke color for shapes is now the foreground color well, and the fill color is now the background color well.
- Option clicking the new layer button (+) on the tool palette window, will duplicate the currently selected layer.
- Hold down the command key to keep the raw image adjustment window open when hitting "OK".
- Updated Levels window.
- Added scaleImageToWidth: and scaleImageToHeight: for the plugin API.
- Fixed some selection bounds issues.
- New cursors for the selection tools.
- New filter / plugin "New Image With Curved Drop Shadow" - a JSTalk script that's installed by default.
- New eyedropper cursor icon.
- Fixed a filter preview redraw bug when scaling down an image.
- When toggling in and out of full screen, the window background color is now properly restored to whatever it was before.
- New icons.
- Documents now remember what the last zoom level was when re-opening.
- New "tip of the day" in the welcome window.
- Improved drawing for "Marching Ants".
- Added "Destination In" as a standard blend mode for layer blends. Makes image masking easier.
- New plugin "Add Border to Layer" which adds a single pixel border around the image, using the front color.
- Fixed a bug where the tool window would resize in strange ways if you moved it using a tablet and clicked on the layers label.
- Acorn is now doing a bit more aggressive image caching. This should speed up some operations.
- Fixed a crasher when using a bad file action on an image.
- Using the undo command while in a crop or transform operation now cancels the operation.
- If you add a new layer while a group layer is selected, the new layer will be placed in that group layer.
- You can now do basic math in the palette fields which take numbers.
- Fixed some rounding errors in the image resize sheet when keeping height vs. width in proportion.
- Fixed a crasher / memory leak when registering Acorn after you've closed a window.
- Names in the layers list no longer span multiple lines, causing funky display.
- Pasting a shape no longer cascades it off the canvas.
- Fixed a bug when merging a shape layer to a bitmap layer, and the shape layer had a shape with a pretty big stroke in it- which caused clipping.
- Fixed a problem where the image wasn't properly redrawn when rotating a layer 90 degrees.
- No longer leaving stray lines around when changing the stroke of a graphic from 50pts to 1pt.
- Double clicking one of the color wells in the tool palette no longer closes the color panel. It was pretty confusing.
- Fixed a problem when you deleted the angle in the text field in the rotate canvas sheet.
- Made the text area a little dumber when resizing the box with the shift key down, which fixes some bugs which caused more problems than it was trying to fix.
- Acorn is a bit more accurate in placing a drop from option+drag with the arrow tool to duplicate a bitmap layer.
- The filter panel now picks up on the front/back color when doing filters which take colors. I've always hated that it didn't.
- Option-clicking on the canvas while using the brush tool to pick up the color under the mouse now takes into account the current color space.
- You can now hold down the spacebar to pan when cropping or transformering.
- If you're editing a text area, and then click outside the box, Acorn now ends the editing session instead of creating a new text layer.
- Neat little PS feature- Using the fill tool outside the canvas w/ the shift key down will change the background color outside of the canvas, to whatever the front color happens to be.
- Fixed a selection mess up when using the rect selection tool, along with holding down the space bar to move it, and then moving off canvas.
- Fixed a crasher when closing an image browser window.
- JSTalk support is now included.
- Fixed a bug where text styles would not be applied if you were editing a text area, and had selected text.
- Fixed a bug where inverting a selection would invert the whole layer.
- Dropping the .0 in some locations in the palette, because it's unnecessary (such as the brush size).
- Fixed a bug where clicking the "show canvas preview" switch in the filter panel wouldn't always update the whole image
- Renamed the menu item "Constrain Selection" to "Preset Selection".
- Fixed a bug where marching ants were not showing up along the right edge when viewed at 25% or lower.
- Cmd-5 has always zoomed to 50%, but if you do it twice, it'll zoom to 25%.
- Right clicking on a layer in the layers list, which isn't selected, will allow you to duplicate / delete that layer and it's name now shows up in the menu item.
- Selecting a new tool while using the crop or transform tool now commits the operation.
- You can now double click when doing a transform to commit it. You can also invoke the transform menu command again to commit the operation.
- The menu item and button (in the brush palette) to bring up the brush designer, now toggles it.
- Acorn now goes through a little bit of trouble to not make a new layer with a name that already exists.
- Changed the tooltip for the pan/hand tool from "Hand" to "Pan", which is what it sort of does.
- Fixed a bug in the feedback reporter, for folks with fancy email addresses.
- Fixed a bug where the rect selection bounds weren't cleared when using the selection tool on a shape layer.
- Grid spacing can now go down to 1. It also no longer draws if the spacing between grid lines is going to be less than or equal to one pixel.
- Cmd-4 currently zooms you to 800%. However, if you're already at 800%, and you hit it again, it'll zoom to the max, which is 3500%. Which is kind of nice when making new cursor icons.
- If you hold down the option key while hitting 1-9, and 0 - it works just like setting the opacity of the current layer, EXCEPT- it changes the opacity of the pencil or brush tool.
- Fixed a bug with the Brush Designer, where it would freak out if you had the opacity set to something other than 100% with the brush tool.
- You can do math and stuff in most of the palette fields. The up and down arrows also work to increment/decrement the values. Hold down shift to go 10x faster.
- You can now option-drag (with the move tool) between canvases to duplicate one layer to another document. Works in the same document as well.
- The selected layer is no longer part of the document's database, but is now stored as part of it's extended attributes, so you don't need to save the document to remember the selected layer.
- Layer groups now have a default compositing mode of "pass through", just like PS. They also composite locally if it's not pass through.
- When rotating an image, the layers are twisted around the center of the canvas, and not the center of the layer (which can be offset and/or wider than the canvas).
- New opacity setting for erasers. It's not amazing, and it almost works.
- Option-] and Option-[ now cycle through he layers list, instead of Control-[ / ].
- The demo period of Acorn now lasts 14 days, instead of 20 launches.
- New option to have a square eraser.
- Cropity crop crop crop improvements.
- You can now drag and drop layers to the + icon in the tool palette to have it duplicated.
- New pref to show the pen position in the palette flipped along the Y axis.
- Holding down the shift key when making a polygon selection makes draws the next line in 45 degree increments.
- Holding down the option key when making a new rectangle or oval resizes it from the middle.
- Clicking the + button in the palette with the option and command keys down creates a new group layer.
- The rect selection tool's preview is a tiny bit more precise now.
- Fixed a bug where using cmd-f to call the last filter would cause the image to shift a little bit, depending on the extent of the returned image from the filter.
- TIFF images are now saved compressed.
- Resizing the canvas has been split out into the Image ▸ Resize Canvas… menu item.
- Faster undoing by way of coalescing undo db writes.
- The crop tool now more closely matches what PS does.
- Better text selection behavior, when you are clicking on a text box below the current layer.
- The grid now stays shown when you do a free rotate of the canvas.
- Paste improvements.
- A new framework for developers to include in their applications to support Acorn images, as well as "Edit in Acorn" that works work Acorn. Talk to Gus on how to grab it.
- Scrolling with the mouse down works a bit better now when in full screen mode.
- Holding down the option key while using the polygonal selection tool will temporarily allow it to act like the freehand tool.
- If you've opened an image, such as a PNG, and then added a layer, and then do a "save as" - Acorn will now default to setting it's file type as .acorn, since that's the only format which saves layers.
- Functions that look for opaque bounds and such have now been threaded, and are quite a bit faster now.
Acorn 1.5.3 release notes:
- No longer clipping off the corners of custom brush images, when you rotate the brush in the Brush Designer.
- Cleaned up some drawing artifacts when making selections while zoomed in.
- The 60pt Flat Spatter 60 brush now picks up on the current color, instead of being just black.
- Selecting "Crop" from the Image menu now sets to current tool to the crop tool (but only if there's no selection to crop already).
Acorn 1.5.2 release notes:
- Fixed a bug where Acorn would crash on startup, if it couldn't find a good color to generate the brush preview.
- Fixed a bug where rectangle shapes had a corner radius added to them when re-opening a file.
- Removed the shortcut for copy merged since it was the same to toggle the Colors window.
- Fixed a bug in the QuickLook plugin where lines were not drawn correctly.
- Fixed a bug where the resolution wasn't imported correctly from psd files.
- Brush fixes.
- New fancy icon.
Acorn 1.5.1 release notes:
- Fix: Fixed a bug in Acorn's QuickLook plugin.
- Fix: Fixed the "Sreenshot" misspelling the preferences.
- Fix: The missing icon for the move button in the palette has decided to make a reappearance.
- Chg: Added code to detect possible incompatible future versions of Acorn files.
- New: I forgot to mention in the 1.5 release notes that there are new blending modes for 10.5 users for both layers and brushes.
Acorn 1.5 release notes:
New Features:
- New Brush tool.
- New "Brush Designer" that lets you create new brushes and tweak the way it behaves. Live preview of your brush strokes, updated as you modify your brush settings.
- New "New Shape Layer" menu item under the Layer menu.
- New "Copy Merged" command under the Edit menu.
- New command under the window menu: "Gather Palettes" to move the Palette(s) to the top right corner, or to another monitor.
- You can now drag and drop folders from the Finder into a canvas to grab it's icon.
Changes / Additions:
- The file action scripts are now passed the environment variables that Acorn is given on launch.
- If you are in full screen mode (by pressing the 'F' key), pressing the ESC key will now toggle you out of it.
- New brush preview widget in the brush palette.
- The hidden pref to disable compression when saving no longer works.
- Updated updater (Sparkle).
- The image browser now supports previewing of Acorn files (It's about time for that to happen! 10.5+ only).
- New cursors for the rect, oval, and round rect selection tools.
- Pressing the 'b' and 'n' keys now toggle between the brush and pencil tools.
- The shortcut for the traditional draw tool (aka pencil) is now 'n', and the new brush is 'b'.
- Acorn's sample code now comes with AcornImage.framework, a simple framework for displaying Acorn images.
- No longer clearing the selection on a paste.
- Reworked prefs wording.
- New Layer Via Copy now works with nothing selected.
- No longer writing out an icon for files saved on 10.5, instead we'll let QuickLook do the lifting there.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where Acorn could not open JPEGs when it had a color space Quartz didn't like much.
- Fixed a bug where the layers list would not update when choosing an image from the recent items list (until you moved your mouse anyway).
- The current corner radius for shapes is now remembered between launches.
- Tweaked the eyedropper tool to be more accurate when zoomed way in.
- Fixed a bug where saving when you have a selection on a bitmap layer which was nudged with the mouse wouldn't write all the bits properly.
- Cleaned up some blurry handles on shapes.
- Fixed a bug where scaling an image with text would sometimes crash.
- If you've got a vector graphic selected, and it doesn't have a fill, and you used the 'x' key to swap the colors, Acorn no longer gives it a fill.
- Fixed a crasher when doing a select-all with certain big images, and you had marching ants turned on.
- Fixed a flood fill bug with certain big images.
- Fixed a bug where transformed selections on bitmap layers would move to the wrong spot when you applied it.
- Fixed a problem where printing or saving an image while you were editing text, wouldn't always draw the text.
- Fixed a problem where drag and drop would make images blurry if you were zoomed in.
- Fixed a bug when making a rectangle selection, where the width/height display was off by 1 pixel when you selected the whole canvas.
- You can now clear a marquee selection with the esc key when a hidden layer is selected.
- Fixed a redraw bug when rotating the canvas.
Version 1.2.1
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where the brush cursor would sometimes be clipped on the edges.
- [Fix] The filter window no longer jitters the expanded auto-fit preview when shrinking the window.
- [Fix] Improved drawing for shapes.
- [Fix] The "Last Filter" command now asks if you want to rasterize you invoke it on a shape layer.
- [Fix] Clicking on the filter window when the application is in the background now brings up all windows so you can see your filter preview.
- [Fix] The image resize window no longer goes wonky if you use the pixels/percentage popup without actually changing the value.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where the filter preview would jump around if you had a selection in the canvas.
- [Fix] File actions no longer show up in the "Last Filter" menu item.
- [Fix] You can now print unsaved documents.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug in QuickLook where shapes on shape layers were drawn in the wrong order.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug in levels, where the preview would draw offset in certain situations.
- [Fix] Minor bug fixes to Fancy Crop.
- [Fix] Using cmd-option-k to bring up the crop widget when no crop widget is already up, uses the Fancy Crop functionality.
- [Chg] Smoother drawing of images when zoomed out.
- [Fix] The way gradients are applied now match the previews.
- [Fix] Dropping applications on the canvas now pastes the app's icon again.
Version 1.2
- [Chg] Tweaked the way tolerance is computed for the flood fill and magic wand tools.
- [Chg] The tool palette no longer shows a bad cursor x/y location when all documents have been closed, and no longer updates when a mouse is not over a canvas window.
- [New] Shape layers get a lighter border for the thumbnail preview in the layers list, to differentiate it from bitmap layers..
- [New] You can now move shapes when in rect tool mode, by holding down the command key and clicking on a shape to move it.
- [Fix] The grid no longer draws with a shadow when using the gradient tool.
- [Chg] Renamed "Transform Selection" to "Transform", since it didn't actually require a selection.
- [Chg] Moved the Flickr Uploadr menu item to the File/Actions menu, to make Brad Ellis happy.
- [Chg] Updated brush cursor look.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where you were still given cursors to resize with the crop tool, even though it was no longer around.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where transforming a selection on a bitmap layer which wasn't 100% opaque, would cause some funkiness when committed.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where option-clicking on a color (while in brush mode) gave you a color that was slightly off from what was presented.
- [Fix] Documented newDocumentWithImageData: in NSDocumentController for plugin authors.
- [Fix] Fixed a problem where there was ghosting along the edges of a selection, when filling or drawing in the selection with a brush.
- [New] You can now drag and drop acorn documents into a canvas to add layers to the image.
- [Fix] Acorn canvases no longer accept first clicks (for drawing or other actions) when the its is not frontmost.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where images on a shape layer were not being displayed when using QuickLook.
- [New] New "Last Filter" item under the Filter menu.
- [Chg/New] Reworked the context menu, and added "Rasterize Layer" for shape layers.
- [New] New menu items: New Layer With Selection / New Layer With Selection via Cut.
- [New] Holding down the option key when moving a bitmap selection with the move tool now duplicates it.
- [New] Using the arrow keys to move shape layers now works if no objects are selected.
- [Fix] Improvements to drag and drop.
- [Chg] Removed some filters from the Filter menu which didn't really make any sense to be in Acorn. However, all core image filters are still available in the filter panel filter picker sheet.
- [New] No longer displaying the filter panel when a core image filter does not have any options. To force the panel to come up, hold down the option key.
- [New] Holding down the option key when choosing a core image filter from the Filter menu, now applies it right away without bringing up the filter panel.
- [New] Holding down the shift key when pressing 's' now rotates backwards through the selection tools.
- [Fix] Improved placement when pasting bitmap images.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where making tiny screenshots would grab the wrong portion of the screen.
- [Fix] The grid now draws properly when zoomed in or out.
- [Fix] Closing the tool palette no longer causes the current document to throw up a save sheet when it's dirty.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where you could not set the font to be condensed bold.
- [Fix] The startup window no longer floats above everything.
- [Fix] Fixed some memory leaks.
- [New] Acorn can now open and save JPEG 2000 images.
- [Chg] Tweaked shift-selection options to more closely match what people expect from using other applications (And you can now hold down option for center selections).
- [Chg] Improved rectangle selections when zoomed in.
- [New] New Overlay blend mode.
- [New] New "Offset" filter under Filter->Tile Effect.
- [New] Holding down the option key when using Trim to Edges works just like Fancy Crop (tm!) does.
- [New] Fancy Crop (tm). The crop tool now tries to figure out a nice default if you just click on the canvas without dragging.
- [New] Smarter trim command, now crops to the edge color and not just alpha pixels.
- [New] Paste added to the context menu.
Version 1.1.1
- [Fix] You now get the correct layer name when making a new text layer on top of a bitmap layer.
- [Fix] If set to remember the workspace, Acorn now remembers to re-open files that aren't saved on quit.
- [Fix] Duplicating a bitmap layer now carries over the opacity and blending mode from the original layer.
- [New] Pressing the 'L' key now toggles between the lasso and polygonal lasso tools.
- [Fix] Fixed a crasher when using the flood fill tool.
- [Fix] The flood fill tool now works correctly when there is a negative x/y origin on a layer.
- [New] New menu item and keyboard shortcut to toggle viewing the Grid.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where closing the crop window using the window close button would cause the image to close as well.
- [Fix] Fixed a problem where "new from clipboard" would sometimes create an image that was off by a pixel in height.
- [Chg] Moved the stroke color well to the foreground.
Version 1.1
- [Fix] Cleaned up a memory leak.
- [Fix] Renamed "Points" to "Pixels" in the image resize window.
- [New] Added a "Check for Updates..." item under the Acorn menu.
- [Fix] Fixed a pasting bug.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where bring up the crop widget with cmd-option-k didn't fill in the pixel params right away.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where resizing the image was uber slow.
- [New] You can now use the enter key or space bar to confirm a screenshot.
- [Fix] Fixed a drag and drop problem when you were zoomed in.
- [New] New option to show a grid, turn on / off under Image->Grid Settings.
- [Chg] All the core image operations are now done through an RGB color workspace.
- [Fix] Deleting a layer while its name is being edited, no longer assigns the new name to the layer below it.
- [Fix] New documents get a default color space of RGB.
- [Fix] Gradients are a bit smoother.
- [New] Option-drag bitmap layers in the canvas to duplicate them.
- [New] Option-drag layers in the layers list to duplicate them.
- [Fix] The font panel now correctly chooses fonts with the correct weight, such as "Extra Black".
- [New] You can now resize the image as a percentage.
- [Chg] When dragging around a layer in the layers list, you now just get an icon of the image, instead of the whole row.
- [New] You can now drag an image out of the layers list, into another layer or destination as a PNG.
- [Fix] Acorn images without an icon thumbnail now have a generic "Acorn Image" icon.
- [New] Added support for loading plugins out of /Library/Application Support/Acorn/Plug-Ins/.
- [New] Holding down the shift key when resizing a crop selection now keeps its aspect ratio.
- [New] New Levels under Image>Levels...
- [Fix] Uses less memory, now using a database on disk for undo operations.
- [New] New Drop Shadow filter under the Filter->Stylize menu.
- [Fix] Fixed a crasher when opening up Acorn documents with set color spaces.
- [Fix] Fixed a problemo where picking up a color with the option key (when in brush mode) was only picking up a color from the current layer, and not a composite of all the visible layers.
- [Fix] Fixed a problemo where picking up a color with the option key (when in brush mode) was off by a pixel.
- [New] New menu command to move shapes forward and back within their layer. Under Layer->Shape Align and Size.
- [Fix] Single clicking on an image with the move tool no longer makes the document "dirty", allowing a worthless, pointless, empty undo action.
- [Fix] It's now a bit easier to grab handles on shapes when you are zoomed out.
- [Fix] Various little crop improvements.
- [New] New widget for setting and changing the crop bounds.
- [Fix] The input box for the feather selection now updates the slider right away.
- [Fix] Added a workaround for a bug in 10.5, where resizing the image would add "peppers".
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where a magic wand selection would be funky if the layer that was being clicked on was larger than the canvas.
- [New] Holding down the shift key when moving a marque or a selection constrains it to 45 degree increments.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where the contents of a selection would draw in a strange place when you started to move it on a bitmap layer.
- [New] Menu command to hide/show the current layer (cmd-shift-h).
- [Chg] Drawing on a layer when the compositing mode is set to multiply now works correctly.
- [New] New sample plugin- smudge tool.
- [New] Snapping to 45% angles when modifying a line shape now works.
- [Fix] Fixed a problem where editing text would sometimes not wrap to the set bounds.
- [New] Highlighting the current graphic under the mouse in a shape layer.
- [Chg] Fixed some bugs with the line tool. Probably added some new ones.
- [Fix] Screenshots are now faster and support multiple monitors.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug when sliding the screen shot selection to the bottom of the monitor.
- [New] Trim to edges command in Image menu.
- [New] Polygon selection tool.
- [New] Web Export, accessible from the File menu.
Version 1.0.3
- [Fix] Acorn is now a lot better about resizing the crop rectangle when zoomed out.
- [New] You can now drag and drop files on the startup window to open them up.
- [Perf] Scaling down images and various other operations are faster now.
- [New] Cmd-Option-I is now a shortcut to resize the document.
- [Fix] No longer discarding the color profile when saving the document.
- [Chg] Fixed a problem where images returned from a filter with infinite extents were not applied correctly.
- [Chg] Turned off the font preview by default in the font popup list because it was taking too long to load.
- [Chg] The buttons next to the zoom slider now work a little differently; zooming in and out in increments.
- [New] Holding down shift while moving selected shapes or bitmap layers now constrains the direction in goes in.
- [New] Added new plugin apis to crop and resize the image.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug when loading some CI filters.
- [Fix] Handles no longer draw uber big for shapes when zoomed in.
- [Fix] Acorn now comes to the front when you take a screen capture.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where the layers list would scroll left a little bit.
- [Fix] Fixed a problem where the Font panel would get confused.
- [Fix] Shape layer images now respect the current blend mode.
- [Chg] When merging a bitmap layer to a shape layer, now trimming the bitmap layer first.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where rasterizing a shape layer would sometimes move its position.
- [Chg] Minor improvements to scaling the image.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where renaming a layer on 10.5 Leopard didn't always work correctly.
- [Fix] More precise feedback on the size of selections when making them.
- [New] New plugin API to change the front and back colors in the tool palette.
- [New] Pressing the 'd' key now resets the colors.
- [New] Option-delete now works to set the fill color for selected shapes, similar to how option-delete fills with the current color on bitmap layers.
- [Fix] The new document window and welcome window will now float above the palette.
- [Chg] Selecting a shape now loads the shape info in the palette.
- [Chg] Removing the shape layer when deleting a piece of text and it's the only graphic on that layer.
- [New] Added a fallback method to open up PSD files that wouldn't normally open up.
- [Fix] Shape and text layers are no longer rasterized to a bitmap when printing.
- [Fix] Printing now respects the DPI set in the image.
- [Fix] Using a wacom no longer ends editing on text views when you are bringing the stylus in and out of proximity.
- [New] Free rotate in Image->Rotate Canvas->Free Rotate.
- [Fix] Fixed a problem for plugin authors, where the old image wasn't cleared about before applying a new one.
Version 1.0.2
- [Fix] Rasterizing a shape layer now remembers its blend mode and opacity settings.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where strokes were appearing on shapes after a save, when the stroke was turned off.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where undo wasn't working correctly when changing the font of a text area when it wasn't being edited.
- [New] control-] and control-[ to change the current layer.
- [Fix] Fixed a problem with flatten and merge visible layers.
- [Fix] Fixed an undo problem when using the draw tool right after undoing a filter.
- [Chg] Straight shape lines now draw crisper.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where magic wand selection was not happening correctly when you were zoomed out.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where the JPEG quality slider wasn't giving very accurate settings.
- [New] You can now drag and drop .app files in a canvas to get its icon.
Version 1.0.1
- [Fix] Fixed a crasher when opening up certain PSD files.
- [Fix] You no longer get a white outline when applying a gradient or fill to an elliptical or freehand selection.
- [Fix] Various little improvements and fixes to the crop tool.
- [New] The resize image sheet now has an option to change the document dpi.
- [New] Added an option for JPEG quality / compression when choosing it as a file format.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where holding down the option or control key at startup would affect images that were opened up from the saved workspace.
- [New] Added a color picker button next to the color wells.
- [New] Added the "Screen" blend mode to the list of blendmodes for the layers.
- [Fix] "option" is now a valid keyword for a python plugin's ACShortcutMask.
- [Fix] "Select Color" now works in the View menu.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where non-system image units were not being loaded.
- [Fix] Fixed a UI bug where the tools palette list could scroll left, obscuring the names.
- [Fix] Fixed a problem where the image would jump while you were using the Adjust Colors controls.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where you could not turn off setting a corner radius for new rectangle shapes.
- [Chg] Color Controls is no longer missing from the Filter menu.
- [Fix] Fixed a crasher when using the filter panel in combination with a layer being transparent.
- [Chg] Added some debugging code for testers.
- [Fix] Fixed some drawing issues white the crop tool at small sizes.
- [Fix] The Crop menu command now works when the crop tool is being used.
- [Fix] Using the hand tool on a shape layer would create an unwanted bitmap layer.
Acorn 1.0
September 10, 2007.
- Hello World! It is I, ACORN!
- Not to be confused with some sort of community organization group.