Toolbox Pro, Logger for Shortcuts, and Nautomate
We’re truly honoured to be able to announce that we have taken over development of Toolbox Pro, Logger for Shortcuts, and Nautomate.
All three apps were originally developed by indie developer Alex Hay before he tragically passed away back in March after a battle with cancer.
Alex was a well loved member of the indie development community, featuring on numerous podcasts and articles. He was always known as being a kind and generous man, being willing to share his time and knowledge with anyone who asked.
While Alex was an incredible talented developer, producing a series of much loved Apps, his day-job was as an editor and filmmaker where he worked for a variety of TV channels, including programmes such as “My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding” (Channel 4), “Ambulance” (BBC One), as well as cutting content for various Formula 1 brands.
Alex was in the process of producing a major update to Toolbox Pro, which we plan on finishing, while continuing to add further Shortcut Actions to this well loved App.
We are still in the process of gaining access to all of Alex’s accounts, as well as still familiarising ourselves with the code base, so we appreciate your time and patience as we start getting updates released.
Please contact us with any questions you may have and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We consider ourselves truly honoured to be able to continue Alex’s legacy and to have been entrusted as custodians of his work.