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Marked 2 - Integrate Obsidian with Marked

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Open or the current note or monitor current vault in Marked 2.

How to use

Use the commands via the Command Palette (type cmd+p, then search for "Marked"). Or, assign hotkeys to those commands in Obsidian's hotkey preferences.

How it works

The plugin uses Marked 2's URL handler to open the current note in Marked. Changes will show up with ~2s delay.

If you use the command "Open Vault in Marked," the Marked preview will show the most recently-modified file in your vault, which will be the current note. In order to switch to a new note in the preview, you need to make an edit, but hitting Space anywhere in the note will update the Marked preview to the new note.

Installing the plugin

Search Obsidian's Community Plugins gallery for "marked" and select "Install."

Manually installing the plugin

  • Copy over main.js and manifest.json from the latest release to your vault folder in the directory VaultFolder/.obsidian/plugins/Marked-obsidian/.