This script is designed to run on a batch HTML export from Confluence to output a folder full of Markdown files.
- Ruby 2.6+
- Pandoc installed in $PATH (see Installation)
- Nokogiri gem installed in current Ruby
For easy installation of Ruby and Pandoc on macOS, check out
Homebrew. With Homebrew installation is
as easy as brew install ruby
and brew install pandoc
Run in a folder full of HTML files, or pass a single HTML file as argument. If passing a single HTML file, optionally specify an output file as second argument.
Run confluence_to_md.rb -h
to see available options.
Usage: confluence_to_md.rb [OPTIONS] [FILE [OUTPUT_FILE]]
-c, --clean Clear output directories before converting
-e, --[no-]strip-emoji Strip emoji (default true)
-f, --[no-]fix-headers Bump all headers except first h1 (default true)
-o, --[no-]fix-hierarchy Fix header nesting order (default true)
-s, --strip-meta Strip Confluence metadata (default false)
-t, --[no-]convert-tables Convert tables to Markdown (default false)
--clean-tables Format converted tables, only valid with --convert-tables
--max-table-width WIDTH If using --clean-tables, define a maximum table width
--max-cell-width WIDTH If using --clean-tables, define a maximum cell width. Overriden by --max_table_width
--[no-]flatten-images Flatten attachments folder and update links (default true)
--[no-]rename Rename output files based on page title (default true)
--[no-]source Include an HTML comment with name of original HTML file (default false)
--stdout When operating on single file, output to STDOUT instead of filename
--[no-]update-links Update links to local files (default true)
--color WHEN Colorize terminal output, "always, never, auto?"
--[no-]colorize Colorize command line messages with ANSI escape codes
-d, --debug Display debugging info
-h, --help Display help
-v, --version Display version number
To install Nokogiri in the current gem, use:
gem install --user-install nokogiri
If you're using a ruby version manager (asdf, rvm, rbenv,
etc.) you probably have access to install gems without
and can just use gem install nokogiri
If these commands cause an error or the script generates an
error regarding nokogiri not being found, you may have to
install using sudo
. This isn't recommended but will
probably solve the issue, especially if you're not running a
Ruby version manager.
sudo gem install nokogiri
Your system password will be required.